Sunday, May 6, 2012

Topic: War on terror
Title of Article: On surprise Afghanistan visit, Obama says goal of defeating Al Qaeda 'within our reach'
Source: (Fox News)

Nearly a year after Bin Laden's death,  President Obama travelled to Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan to conclude the terrorist war, and to initiate a new partnership settlement with the Afghan government. He took a brief moment to coincide with his troops in order to address that the decade long-war in Afghanistan was finally coming to a halt. Obama promises that a new agreement will be offered to sovereign Afghanistan from American influences, but still offer support in the rebuilding the country. Obama addressed that the new agreement was a “historic moment for our two nations.” Still many fear that his heralding in another Middle Eastern war serves as another political advantage to his next political election.

The term “War on Terror” has been misguidedly used by previous politicians to enforce severe military conduct. After the Beirut barracks bombings of 1983,  the Reagan administration had used the similar term “war on terrorism” to pass new legislations that would marshal military forces against terrorist organizations. The greatest act of terrorism in America occurred in September 11th, 2011 when the terrorist group Al Qaeda launched a massive bombing in the World Trade Centers. After the attack President George W. Bush commenced a new campaign that enforced the strict abolishment of terrorist groups all over the world. Though the campaign was directed toward Al Qaeda, President Bush expanded his opinions to a global fight on terrorism. His new campaign altered our foreign policies to persuade a global fight on terrorism, and enhanced America’s Homeland Security for more strict regulations. The end result was a formulation of a multinational organization called NATO that prominently focused in the destruction of terrorist groups.

The main focus of Obama’s arrival in Afghanistan his to formulate a new partnership agreement to better extend their relationship. He declares that the extensive war in the Middle East will be limited of American influence after 2014. Obama promises that the Afghan forces will be let independent, but with sprouted support from the American military. Obama states toward the reconstruction of Afghanistan that "As you stand up, you will not stand alone." Obama also announced that he has no purpose he administering a military foothold in Afghan soil, but instead wants to continue a presence of military forces in order to counteract any new uprising of Taliban influences. Essentially the agreement covered the security, economics, and governance of Afghanistan after 2014 while trying to construct a new sovereign nation.

Though a great political achievement accomplished by President Obama, many fear that the reason he settled for the agreement is to fund his political campaign in the upcoming election. His resolvement of two major Middle Eastern war brings great political attention to his campaign as well as an advantage over his competitors. Many believe that this was his sole purpose to settling a new international agreement, and that the dilemma in Afghanistan will still continue. In a previous military dispute, President Obama apprises his raid over Bin Laden, and questioned whether his adversary Mitt Romney would complete the same task. The situation is of Afghanistan is still skeptical to a large public, and the controversy continues on whether the government relations of the two nations will be stable.

Probing Questions: Is Obama’s settlement agreement only serve as an advantage for political propaganda to his upcoming campaign? Will the new partnership be stable? What will happen to the rest of the Al Qaeda group?


  1. I think Obama is doing this for campaign purposes but also I think he wants to finish something that he has been working on through out his whole presidency. He seems to be a non-stop hard working guy who does not give up until he has a working answer for everyone. The partnership is a little surprising but it might work out and it might not. If someone does something another does not like then the war could start up all over again. As for Al Qaeda the new Afghanistan sovereignty hopefully will try to put a stop to them or else they will have to fear getting terrorized by that group for working with America because they absolutely hate us. I do not think it will take quickly to shut the group down and I am not even sure that they group will ever be put to a stop.

  2. I believe that Obama's settlement agreement is not only to serve as an advantage for political propaganda in his upcoming campaign. Although it brings great political attention to his campaign as well as an advantage over his competitors, I think that the settlement agreement was based off what he believed was the right thing to do. I do not think that the partnership will be stable, instead I think that the dilemma in Afghanistan will still continue. Although Obama stated that the United States military would give Afghanistan support, I think that another disagreement between the nations could be even more devastating. In addition, I think that the rest of the Al Qaeda group may diminish because Obama states that he wants to continue a presence of military force to counteract any problems or terrorist attacks that may arise.

  3. I think Obama is doing this for campaign purposes because he wants to be re-elected, however I also think he wants to finish what he has already started. I think this agreement will not be the end of everything. In all honesty, I feel as if it could potentinally produce more problems and more disagreements, however, Obama's plan to keep some troops over there will help the disagreements so they don't turn into anything more than they needed to.

  4. I believe Obama's agreement could go in multiple ways. On one hand he could have just made that to be re-elected, but on the other hand he could have made it just because he felt it was necessary. I believe the new partnership will be fine unless anyone interferes with it. The Al-Qaeda group will definitely not be gone.

  5. I agree with everyone else saying that President Obama is not only making this settlement agreement to boost his political propaganda in attempt to be re-elected, but also to bring what has been going on to an end. Although it will bring attention to his campaign I do not believe the agreement will be as successful as he wishes. In my opinion the Al Qaeda group will propose less of a threat but will most certainly not be completely gone. I don't think that the partnership will be stable, and as others said could potentially cause more problems in the long run.

  6. I believe that Obama most likely is not making this settlement about boosting his political campaign. I believe in his original campaign speeches back in 2008 he even wanted to end the war on terrorism and get more soldiers home. This is definetly a positive for his campaign but i don't believe that his acts were selfish in any way and believe he chose to do this now because it was the right time to not because his election was coming up. Furthermore, I am unsure whether or not this partnership will be stable but if it is not, we do have the more powerful military. Furthermore, we can only help them and it is up to the citizens of Afghanistan to take up our help or not. Also, I believe that the rest of the Al Qaeda group will exist but the US military is enough to restrict them from ever being as powerful as they once were.

  7. I’m convinced that Obama is doing this for the purpose of being re-elected, mostly due to the fact that this happened nearly a year ago and now he decides to get involved in officially ending it. To me, this partnership could either be really positive to the United States or take a turn for the worse. Keeping military present in a country for support doesn’t really seem like a wise idea seeing that citizens might revolt against this. However, it could help to prevent Afghanistan from getting out of control again. The partnership could stay stable as long as the United States military doesn’t get involved unless necessary. I agree with Cassandra that the remaining members of the Al Qaeda group may diminish due to presence of military force so it might be better to have the military involved than not.

  8. In my opinion, I see this issue of Osama Bin Ladin as a way for Obama to be re elected. Already knowing the dangerous threat he posses to most Americans, Obama has killed Osama, providing and being now looked at as leader and guy who would get things done for the bettering of the county. Although this is a great issue and overall good for the country now, I believe this will backfire and cause more problems. There was a known threat to Obama earlier this year, suggesting and showing that an outrage of an enemy of the united states can becoming at any moment.

  9. I think that this is something that Obama cared about and felt it was the right thing to do, but I also view it as a way to gain voters and help him get re-elected. I do not think that he only made this international agreement to gain political advertisement, I think that this is too big of a deal to do it for that sole purpose. I am also curious as to Mitt Romney's take on this agreement. I agree with Randa, knowing that we have the stronger military, I think this may or may not be enough to prevent Al Queda from diminishing our power.

  10. I think that Obama is taking a step in making peace with Afganistan. Although it probably will not be successful, he is still attempting to make things right. I think that Obama really cares about this issue and wanted to do something to change it. I think that he defenitely knows that the propaganda will help his election but that are not his main intentions. In response to Kirsten, I am sure that Mitt Romney would come up with some big idea to beat Obama's that will never really work either.

  11. I agree with most of the other students where Obama's motive for settling this dispute is for reelection. Since the war has impacted many Americans in their decision of voting, this settlement agreement is to get those crucial votes. I also agree with Kirsten when she said that she doesn't think the election is the sole purpose for making this agreement. I think the new partnership will be stable as long as Obama or the next president maintains it along with Al Qaeda group. I think again as previously mention since our military is the strongest, it is strong enough to help keep the country safe and the agreement in tacked if any issues arise.

  12. I believe that a huge part of Obama's actions have to do with this upcoming election because a lot of people want the war to officially end. This is a big part, but not the only reason. I believe that he also wants to do this for the country as a whole to help protect us from terrorism. In my personal opinion, i think that the partnership will be maintain, there may be a few bumps along the way but i believe with guidence that the Afghan government will become a frined to the United States

  13. I think that Obama did this for the purpose of being re-elected, but I also think that he does want to finish what he has started. I do not think that this partnership will be stable, but it will just cause more problems for Afghanistan. Although Obama said that the United States military would give Afghanistan support, I think that this will be the cause of another disagreement, but it too can also be good having the U.S. military over there to watch for any other arising problems.

  14. i agree with Melissa with the fact that Obama is only doing this so that he can be re-elected. but with that said i also believe that Obama wants the war to be finish what he has started by leaving some troops still up there. but because they are still up there i hope that it does not cause any more trouble.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I think it is a little of both for Obama. Pulling the troops out of the Afghanistan will better our relations with the country but it is also to serve as a political advantage in the next upcoming election. Obama believe with the death of Osama that the war is nearly over, keeping the troops there would so serve little purpose at this point. Since many families want to see their loved ones return home it will give him an edge in the presidential race as well. He will gain the support of the soldiers families. In the end it benefits him in the long run.

  17. I think that Obama is doing this now to help get re-elected. But i also think he is doing it because he said he would when we elected him to be president. We have to make sure that the war will end right and we will not just leave I think that is why he has kept us in there for so long. He feels that after the death of Osama we are ready to get out. When he really gives the okay to have our tropes come out he may have a lot more votes from the soldiers families because they will be so much more thank full that there loves ones are home.
