Sunday, May 13, 2012

On September 11th, 2001, our nation was attacked by what we believe was Osama Bin Ladin and his alqueida organization. Because of so, the United States declared war on Iraq and Afghanistan and has been enrolled in this war for more than a decade. Today, nearly everyone feels as though we as a nation need to get out of the middle east, including current president Barack Obama. Statistics have shown this to be true as 2 years ago 46 percent wanted to prolong the war, a year ago it was 37 and now its 27 percent. President Barack Obama says however that instead of just getting out of the war immediately, he has a plan to only get out of their in 2014. he says he wants to end the war responsibly and reasonably and no have it end up like the Vietnam war where our nation lost in battle due to poor management of the war by LBJ and President Nixon. Obama said that he "will not keep Americans in harms way a single day longer than is absolutely required" and that "we must finish the job". Because of this issue, his election has also taken a toll on his reelection. People disagree with the fact that he has a plan to only be out of the Middle East by 2014 and this has caused a lot of doubters saying if he is the right president.

Question: Do you think Obama's plan is the right way to go? Why or why not?  


  1. Yes I absolutely agree with Obama's plan. He stated that he will not keep us in Middle East longer than required and I believe he will keep his word. Though the war is almost over, security is still an issue. America is still subject to attacks especially with Iran's speculative nuclear weapons. Obama most likely will not keep the troops longer than they have to but he can't just pull all of them out because it will be endangering to our country. There is still an animosity that exists between the nations and this must be addressed. In this way, I agree with his plan and think it is smart to gradually pull out troops and to leave certain troops in the Middle East until 2014, if not longer.

  2. I think that what he is doing is an appropriate approach. He is using our nations history to prevent a loss that is going to influence the United States in a great way. I think taking the troops out slowly until 2014 is a positive way to do it so they do not all leave at once which could create more problems. I think this decision of his is defiantly either going to get him votes in the 2012 election, or make him lose votes. If people don't agree with this decision it is going to hurt him in the polls.

  3. I agree with Obama's plan for a couple of reasons. If we pull out of this conflict too early then just like he said will have wasted all the lives and time that has been lost. We need to complete the original mission and make sure that America is safe from any foreign threats coming from that area. The main purpose of this is to protect people so we should make sure we do that. We cannot afford to lose again like we did in Vietnam. Taking them out slowly is much better because then it is not such a big change for them.

  4. I think that it is a great approach to end the wars in the middle east. Having the troops completely out by 2014 is a great idea considering the wars are seemingly over. As Kirsten said taking them out slowly is the right approach because you have to be safe. It will help him greatly to get votes in the upcoming election because nobody supports the continuation of the war.

  5. I agree with everybody on here, it's the most cautious and safe way to end the war that has been going on for years. If we leave it now many bad things can happen and our safety is not guaranteed but if we finish out what we have started then we will have the promised safety that we have always wanted for the country. We have come such a long way to not completely finish the job, we wanted to help them and by just leaving on short notice is not the correct way to do things. It also helps for his campaign for the upcoming election. Nobody can refill the plans he has made and HE will need to be the only one who can finish them. He is helping our country a lot by this and it is an advantage for him so people will stay on his side.

  6. Yes, I do agree with President Barack Obama's plan to pull troops out of the war in 2012. I think that it is about time that we end this war and it is a very good idea to pull troops out slowly so we can all adjust to it. If we pulled them out all at once that would most likely create even more problems. By President Obama doing this it could really go either way when it comes to voting at the polls. Some people may agree that we need to take this big step slowly and will vote for his reelection in the fall and others may think differently and say that we need to get them out now and may hurt him in the polls.

  7. President Obama's strategy is good, although the fighting in the Middle East will continue and is, in fact, escalating in some regions like Syria. The Arab Spring has created new conflicts that pit rebels against their governments, and the advantage goes to the often authoritarian governments. In situations like the humanitarian crisis in Syria, the United States should intervene, as should other world powers. In defense of humanity, world powers must prevent the Assad government from decimating its people. Obama should not remove all troops from the area, and should move troops towards Syria to warn President Assad that the United States and its allies will not tolerate crimes against humanity.

  8. i agree with Adam i do believe that we should stop the war in the middle east to try and prevent the war from continuing. I believe that taking the soldiers out slowly is the best i idea do to the fact that we are still somewhat fighting. This idea that Obama has is going to make him want to be elected in 2012 election and if ends up ending the war it could give him a very good opportunity to be re-elected.

  9. If there is no major reason for our troops to continue to be stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan they should be removed from the battlefront and brought home. Al Qaeda's leader Osama Bin Laden is dead and their organization no longer has a leader structure. If they are no longer threatening the innocent citizens of these middle eastern countries, why keep our troops stationed there? If there is no war left to manage, there will be no need to try and prevent this from being like the Vietnam war. If there is an absolute reason our troops should stay in the middle east, they should remain there. If the war is over, bring our troops home.

  10. I think that what Obama is doing is the appropriate approach. If we did happen to pull out of the conflict too soon, then like Obama said, we would have wasted times and all of those lives that had been lost. I think that taking the troops out slowly until 2014 is a good way to do it so it doesn't happen all at once, which like Kirsten said, could create more problems. I also believe that his decision on this topic will get him votes come the election in November of 2012, or it could also make him lose supporters. Whatever decision he makes could hurt or help how well he does come the November election.

  11. I agree with President Obama's plan to take all the troops out by 2014. Even though many Americans feel that we should take out all the troops, I agree that we should do it "responsibly and reasonably" for the country's safety. I think Obama is true to his word that he doesn't want to keep Americans in harms way longer then he has to because I'm sure he has friends or knows people in the military and doesn't want them in harms way just as many Americans don't want their friends and family in harms way.

  12. I agree with President Obama's plan to take the troops out slowly instead of quickly. However, i do not think it will happen by 2014, I think it will most likely take longer than Obama is saying it will. Problems will occur, and people will change their minds. But it is a good idea to take the troops out slowly. I think Obama really wants to remove the troops out of the middle east however, we have been trying to move the troops out since Obama has came into office. I highly doubt Obama can move the troops out in less than two years when he could not even do it in four.

  13. I believe that this plan will work well. I have trust in president Obama's decision because a lot of Americans want the troops out and by 2014 hopefully Afghanistan can govern themselves safely and not need to be helped by the U.S.On the other end I understand that if we do not finish the job they might lose control and be in need of government, and lose their right to self govern themselves yet again.

  14. I hate war just as much as the next person, and I would like to say Obama's plan is the right path, but I do not have enough information to determine this. We go into war to get get done which needs to be done, and I am not sure if this goal has been accomplished or not. Whenever the national security threat is eliminated and the government becomes stable, then the war should end, weather it's in 1 year or 10 years.
