Sunday, May 27, 2012

Iran's Nuclear Energy

This past Wednesday on May 23rd the six world powers got together in Bagdad. The other five world powers: the United States, France, the UK, Germany, Russia, and China offered Iran new proposals on their nuclear power program.  Currently “Iran's highest-level uranium enrichment — at 20 percent — which many world leaders fear could be quickly turned into warhead-grade material.” 20 percent is a weapons grade level, which as stated above could turn to be used as a warhead. Iran’s unnecessary large about of nuclear energy’s logic is backed up by saying that Iran’s “efforts are focused only on peaceful uses for nuclear energy” The six world powers all made suggestions to Iran on what to do about this increasingly dangerous amount of nuclear energy. The world powers, “hope to set out a step by step process that [especially] the U.S. hopes will eventually lead to an end to Iran’s enrichment program and Iran hopes will ease punitive sanctions that are choking its economy. But hardliners on both sides are casting doubt on the prospects for a diplomatic solution to the standoff.” Due to the pressure from the other countries with their suggestion on the nuclear energy program Iran agreed to give the IAEA access to its key nuclear-related facilities. The IAEA basically works to regulate the nuclear energy and power all over the World. The IAEA inspects nuclear facilities to make sure that the use of nuclear science is safe, secure and for actual peaceful use. EU, U.S. and the United Nations have all imposed sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program. The No conclusion has come yet to what suggestion Iran has accepted is going to go by, but is among the topics to debate for the six World leaders. Since many countries have and are continuously using nuclear energy it is important for countries to help take part in others decisions to keep their own countries safe.
Do you think that the 5 [Russia, China, Germany, France, UK] world powers have the right or should be allowed to try and control/interfere with Iran’s nuclear energy?  Even though, each country is for the most part allowed to regulate its own nuclear energy use and for what. Why or why not? 


  1. i do believe they should have the right to try and control Iran's nuclear power because they are a threat to other countries. Even though those five countries may be making there own nuclear weapon, they are trusted and i don't think they would be a threat. so ultimately i believe Iran should be controlled making nuclear weopons.

  2. I believe that the five world powers should have the right to be allowed to try and control/interfere with Iran's nuclear energy. I think that these countries are concerned with their citizen's safety which is why they would attempt to control Iran's nuclear energy. I do believe that since Iran's highest-level uranium enrichment is at 20 percent which is a weapons grade level, these countries should be concerned. I think that although each country is for the most part allowed to regulate its own nuclear energy use and for the reason they wish, other countries should be able to control the amount to some extent as a form of safety for their country. Although Iran's “efforts are focused only on peaceful uses for nuclear energy” other countries should attempt to control the amount of nuclear energy Iran has. Since the nuclear energy could be used as a warhead, other countries should be concerned and take action to prevent this from occurring.

  3. I agree with everyone else above me, that the other world powers should be allowed to interfere (and most likely control) with the way Iran uses its nuclear energy. Iran could potentially be planning to attack another country and without the world powers stepping in, they wouldn’t be given the opportunity to see if they could come up with a compromise to prevent it from happening. I agree with Cassandra that even though each country is allowed to regulate its own nuclear energy use, other countries should be allowed to control the amount to some extent as a form of safety for their country. With Iran allowing the IAEA to step in and access its nuclear facilities, this gives the world powers and other countries an idea about what Iran is planning to do with the large amount of nuclear power.

  4. I believe the five world powers definetly should be allowed to regulate the nuclear powers. As many have already said, it could result in war and a nuclear war is dangerous because of the many deaths it can cause as well as the deformities and cancers produced in coming generations due to radiation exposure. I believe that other countries regulating their own nuclear energy is fine but it still gives other UN countries the power to regulate us. For instance, if we have high concentrations of uranium other countries can regulate us because it would be a danger to them. As Rachel had said, Iran having these large concentrations of nuclear power sends a message to the UN of what Iran is planning to do. The United States and other members of the UN must regulate these levels for our own safety as well as other nations safety.

  5. I also believe that the five world powers should have control and regulate nuclear powers. These nuclear powers could start a very horrible nuclear war, which would put the citizens of the five world powers at danger. Also, as randa said, there are many other dangers involved in nuclear warfare. Cancer is one major outcome of nuclear warfare, which would cause many deaths to a disease that we don't know how to treat yet. Also, radiation is another possible outcome. The fact that Iran has these high concentrations of uranium could be an indicator of a potential nuclear threat from Ian, and the five world powers should have the chance to protect the world from those nuclear weapons.

  6. Due the fact that Iran isn't one of the five world powers and is not a trusted nation, the five world powers should have the right to control Iran's use of nuclear energy and interfere with whatever it is they're planning to do with it. They have a large amount of nuclear energy and they could, like Rachel said, be potentially plotting to use large amounts of nuclear energy against another country. It should be up to the five powers to set in and control what Iran is doing with it. Although the five world powers are in possession of nuclear weaponry and energy ourselves, we are allies and trust each other, Iran is not. Even though Iran did give consent to the IAEA to check for how the nuclear energy is being used and making sure it is used safely, Iran still shouldn't be trusted. The five world powers should be concerned, especially since Iran's uranium enrichment level is twenty percent which is weapon-grade level. That is way too high of an enrichment level to be using it for electricity or like-wise, so we as part of the five world powers, should be highly concerned of this issue and it should be of high priority to step in and take action with interfering with Iran's nuclear power before they possibly attack another country.

  7. I also believe that the five world powers should be able to control Iran's nuclear powers. My class and I all might be bias because our culture as a whole feel threatened. But for the other five world powers they might not feel as threatened and do not want to get involved in something as big and dangerous as nuclear energy. A solution needs to be found to regulate their nuclear energy and I support what might need to be done in order to do so. Whether or not it is having the five world powers do it is a question the government will have to make.

  8. i believe it is completely necessary for the five world powers to control Iran's nuclear powers. Iran has a shaky past that makes it so we should be very wary about what they do. Iran is a large threat to world order. If they ever were to use their nuclear weapons they would cause havoc. Nuclear warfare is also very unsafe. Using nuclear weapons will have lasting affects on the place that is attacked. As we saw in Japan in WWII, the radiation from the bomb not only kills people but causes cancer and other health problems throughout life. With their large amounts of nuclear power, it is clear what Iran wants to do. We as a world power must try to avoid that outcome at all costs and keeping tabs on their nuclear power supply is how we can do that.

  9. I do believe that the five world powers should have the right to try to interfere with the way Iran uses their nuclear energy. They have a lot of nuclear energy and they could potentially be plotting to use a large amount of this nuclear energy on another country. I think that it should be up to the five powers to say what Iran can and can't do with their nuclear power because there are many dangers involved with nuclear warfare such as radiation exposure and cancer which could both cause a mass death among citizens. Because Iran has high concentrations of uranium, that could also be extremely dangerous for the citizens. The uranium enrichment level is 20 percent which like Josh said, is weapon grade level, which is too high to be using for electricity, so I think the five world powers should be concerned and should be allowed to step in and take action.

  10. I do think that the nuclear energy of Iran does need to be regulated to an extent that it does not cause any global threat to other nations. Nuclear energy is a very efficient and profitable source of energy, but comes with very severe consequences when in the wrong hands. I don't believe that nuclear energy should be restricted to only the major powers so that they can gain a supreme power advantage over minor nations. Yet since nuclear energy does hold a consequential amount of energy that could be used for military purposes, there should be an action in order to maintain sanity between diplomatic relations of countries so that no nuclear war occurs.

  11. I think that the nuclear energy in Iran should be watched, because it is causing global threats to other nations. Nuclear energy is very dangerous when it get in the wrong hands. The 5 world powers are regulating it so it does not get into the wrong hands. Even thought we are allowed to have nuclear energy people trust us that we will use it for the right purpose and keep it out of the hands of someone that does not know how to handle it. The 5 world powers should be able to step in when ever they find a reason to be concerned about the situation.

  12. I believe the five world powers definetly should be allowed to regulate the nuclear powers. Iran's highest-level uranium enrichment is at 20 percent which is a weapons grade level, and weapons created from uranium can cause massive damage. This is a concern for the UN because wars can be created when a country feels threatened. Even if Iran is not planning to set off a nucleur war, there is still major concern in the surrounding countries. Also there is concern because of radiation exposure. Radiation can cause cancer and many other health problems that can last for generations. Thus, the UN must step in because Nucleur power can lead to many problems and the UN must prevent that for everybodys safety.

  13. As some of my classmates already suggested, I too belive that the 5 world powers should regulate the production of nuclear power that Iran has been producing. I believe that this stratagy should be fulfilled for all powerful and delevoping countries not just Iran. No country should be so superior than another that it could cause diruption and lethal harm to other countries and the citizens that are sustained in them. Furthermore from learning in ap envoirmental class this nuclear power should be also managed because of the harm the power can cause to the environment. This nuclear power will cause a major source in pollution that in result will destroy food sources like rivers damns and animal niches and intoxicate them making them unless for the himan and species needs. This issue needs to be managed and managed precisely.

  14. I believe that the nuclear power that Iran has been producing should be regulated. It is going far enough where we think that it may affect out national security. In these cases, where our own country could be harmed, we should step in and use our power to stop the dangers like this. Iran is producing weapon grade nuclear power. This means that the type of nuclear power that is being produced can be used more than just a power source. This is dangerous and should be regulated by countries that have the power to do so.

  15. Yes the nuclear power should be regulated that is coming from Iran. The five world powers should step up and take charge of this situation. Since some or the uranium is already at 20% this could mean they want to make it into a weapon. If they do this they could decide to use it against the countries surrounding them and/or us depending on who is in control of them. If an extremist takes over and they have those weapons anything could happen. Nuclear power by itself dose not seem like a bad way to produce energy but we need to make sure that countries do not decide to use this power against other people.

  16. I believe that the five world powers should regulate the ammount of nuclear energy used in Iran. Iran already has enough nuclear power to create nuclear warfare which is an indangermeant to all other countries. The Iran people say that it is for peaceful purposes, but you can never be sure. If we supervize the usage of nuclear power, than that would be the best decision because if they are using it correctly, then the woorld powers will not interfear.

  17. I think the 5 world powers should be able to interfere in the enrichment of uranium in Iran because they claim they are using weapons grade uranium for energy. That is clearly a false statement seeing as there is no need for uranium to be enriched to that extent just for energy use. I would see no problem if the uranium was not as finely enriched, but clearly Iran has other intentions for their uranium other than energy.

  18. Just like my other classmates I too believe that the 5 world powers should step in and regulate the amount of nuclear energy used in Iran. The nuclear power in Iran is at a very high level, one that is at a weapons grade level and this is necessary. A reason why the UN should get involved and why it is such a big concern is because there are many healthcare reasons for obtaining such a great amount of this nuclear energy, it can cause cancer and the effects can last for generations. Even if Iran isn't planning on setting off a nuclear bomb anytime soon, it would still be a safe bet to have the UN step in and control how much nuclear power Iran, and any other country in the world can obtain.

  19. Permanent membership on the UN Security council does not a world power make, and that is especially true in the case of France. The countries are under the Non-Proliferation treaty however, so as signatories and ratifiers, they may feel as if it is their duty to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, especially to countries with governments as unstable as that of Iran. However, the third pillar of the NPT is peaceful use of nuclear weapons. Iran has not yet demonstrated intent to create warheads, and their uranium is barely weapons grade. The "5 world powers" all possess uranium and plutonium which is 80-90% enriched. These countries can be viewed as hypocrites because they have huge stockpiles of nuclear weapons themselves, but they are not proliferating nuclear weapons, so it is allowable for them to have talks with Iran about non-proliferation. The "world powers" do not have the right or power to control Iran and they clearly shouldn't, but Iran is a member of the UN, so if the UN calls for Iran to stop enriching uranium to "weapons grade," then they should listen. However, I think that the "world powers" have more pressing matters when it comes to nuclear capabilities, and perhaps they should turn their attention towards North Korea, or Pakistan instead.
