Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Race Data and Statistics

Click here to view three documents that provide insight on race relations in the Commonwealth.

When analyzing the data, determine trends that continue to appear with regard to connections between race and class.  Comment here, by group.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I noticed a lot about the correlation between race and class. I noticed that schools in ghetto like areas have done worse when it comes to standardized test scores and graduation rates compared to upper class schools. Schools such as Lawrence and Jeremiah Burke High School have experienced troubles, most likely related to troubled environment that these students live in. These schools are more densely populated by minorities than your average school. Schools such as Weston, Lexington, and Wayland are wealthier schools and therefore have had better graduation rates and test scores. There is also a white majority at these schools. So from what we gathered, it is clear that schools with a white majority tend to do better than schools with a high enrollment of minorities.
    -Adam & Vinny

  3. In most of the the upper class schools in the state like Weston High School, they are dominated by whites. Weston has over 80 percent of its students are white. Which makes about 20 percent of the rest of the schools population black, Hispanic and Asian. Westons test scores in the sat and mcas are very high, and its graduation rate is at 97 percent. As for one of our lower tier schools in the state like Jeremiah Burke High School the test scores and graduation rate are low. The majority of the schools population is black, and Hispanic. Only 27 percent of the schools graduates go to college. A much lower rate than most schools in the state. It seems that the higher tier schools are more dominated by the white population and the lower tier schools are more dominated by blacks and other minorities.

  4. I worked with Derek and we found that schools that have higher income rates also have a higher percentage of white students and also a higher SAT score. For example, Weston's average income in 2005 was $531,374 and they had 83% of white students with an SAT average of 1841. Another example is Marlborough where the average income in 2005 was $57,746 and they had 69.2% of their student body was white kids with an average SAT score of 1544. Lastly, take a school like Lawrence for example. The average income in 2005 was $26,424 and 9.4% of their student body was white, while 85.4% was Hispanic students, and 2.4% were black students. The average SAT score was 1191.

  5. It looks like in schools that are higher ranked there are more whites then those that are lower ranked. The number one ranked school in Massachusetts has a white percent of 81.3 percent while Chelsea High school which is one of the lowest ranked schools only has 14 percent white. A school around the middle of the list like Milton High school has around 75 percent whites. You can see the trend that is starting here. The farther you go down the list the less whites and more people in other races populate the schools. This trend also seems to be linked to the average income of the town people live in. In the number one ranked school Weston High school the average income is 531,374 dollars. Chelsea one of the lowest ranked average income is 34,068 dollars. It seems that more whites live in areas that have higher incomes then blacks which in turn affects who is in what schools. Overall there seems to be a definitive connection between the amount of white people in a school and the average income of that town.
    -Tyler's Group (Just Tyler because no one wanted to be in his group.) -__-

  6. Weston Public Schools being the best one in the state, is dominated by a white majority with wealth. They have a 6.3 percentage of African Americans and a 81.3 percentage of Whites. The average income in Weston is $334,027 while the lower ranked public high schools, such as Lowell High School, has an average income of $34,845 and a more even distribution of races. They have a white majority of 43% but a 6% African American population, 29.3% Asian, and 21.5% being Hispanic. This shows the wide range of races that make up Lowell High School. Weston High School's MCAS scores are almost doubled Lowell High's. Weston also has a 93.4% of graduates going to college while Lowell has a 44.5%.

    After reviewing the three charts, the common theme presented, as we may have been able to guess, is that the higher ranked school are typically white dominated and have higher incomes. Class and race seem to go hand in hand, and an estimate about the quality of the public can be made by reviewing those two qualities.

  7. Rachel and Natalya: According to the data that we’ve looked at, you can clearly tell that there is a connection between race and how well the school does academically. Lexington has about 4.6% black and 73.6% white and is ranked as the 3rd school with the best performance academically. However, when you look at schools below the highest ranked, the percentage of whites decreases as the percentage of other races increases. Lawrence has about 85.4% Hispanic and 2.4% white, ranking as the 160th school. Comparing the two, you can tell that there is a big difference between races and how their schools are ranked. When you look at a school such as Lynn, their percentage of kids per race is more diverse, with 15.9% black, 11.5% Asian, 36.1% Hispanic, and 36.3% white, but they still have a low rank of 149th place. For the most part, schools with a larger population of white students do better academically than schools with more diverse population of students.

  8. The number one High School in Massachusetts is Weston High School. Their town is populated mainly by a wealthy white majority. The average income of Weston's population is $334,037. Their test scores are well above average. Weston boasts 97% graduation rate, and 93% of those kids move on to college. Yet when you look at Wareham High School which is ranked 125 out of 161. With only 817 people enrolled in the school 12% of the population is African America and 83% white. Wareham graduates 85% of their students yet only 45% of the kids move on to college. The towns average income is 41,00 dollars, a whole $293,037 less then the best public school.
    After reviewing the three charts it is obvious that schools with higher incomes in the town and a more white populated town are higher on the best school list. Yet the schools with higher African American population are lower on the list.

  9. I learned a lot in looking at these upper class schools and how it affects the world today towards different races. From looking at these different web sites I learned that Weston has the best school out of all the schools. There Average income in 2005 was 531,374$ with mostly whites in it with a total of 81.3% of whites in the schools. This shows that blacks and even different races are still having trouble becoming part of this world today. Out of all the Top schools today blacks only take part in 8.9% of the population, Asians 4.8%, Hispanic 11.8%, Native Americans .3% and of course whites with 74.2%. This comes to show these different races are still having trouble in joining the white community and getting a good education.

  10. The best school is in Weston with an average income of $531,374. There diversity in race is not very large. They have 81% white, 10% Asian, and 6.3% black. We figured out that the top ranked school and one of the highest income based town has basically a white population. The second best school in Massachusetts, Dover, had an average income of $361,394 with a 92% white population. There graduation rate is 100%. If you look at the statistics for a town such as Lawrence, their average income is $26,424. There schools have 84% black and only 2% white. This school is ranked more towards the bottom at 160th, the second lowest in the state. There graduation rate is only 58%. We conclude that higher ranked schools are in towns with higher incomes and more white people than black people.
    -Liam and Katie

  11. Shayna and I noticed that there was an obvious correlation between race and class in our school systems and average incomes. It appeared that in general the towns with a greater income had more opportunity and less diversity. However, something we found interesting and contrary to our belief was that Weston, ranked number one in test scores, SAT scores above 500, and a graduation rate of 97% with 93% going to college to be more diverse than Hudson, with 6.2% African Americans, 10.8% Asians, 1.4% Hispanic, and 81% White and .1% Native American. In addition, in Hudson we proved to have a lower annual income and a population that was mostly white. Our test scores are that 82.2% graduate and 63.3% go to college, while 93% are white. I thought this was interesting because contrary to other trends that were stated, this trend appeared to prove that 5% more blacks are in the Weston school system. In this way, maybe it is not the race that determines people's salary and graduation rate, it is their upbringing.
    From: Randa and Shayna

  12. I think that there is a very noticeable correlation between race and class. For instance, Weston High School is rated the #1 Best Public High School in Massachusetts. Weston's population consists of African Americans with 6.3% , Asians with 10.8 %, Hispanics with 1.4%, Whites with 81.3$, and Native Americans with .1% of the population. The white population makes up about 4/5 of the population. In 2005 Westons Average Income was $531,374. On the other hand, Lawrence High School is rated 160th for the Best Public High Schools. Lawrence's population consists of African Americans with 2.4% , Asians with 3.0 %, Hispanics with 85.4%, Whites with 9.1$, and Native Americans with .1% of the population.In 2005 Lawrence's average income for all four area codes recorded was also 264,424.5. A trend I noticed was that the top school (Weston) had less of a diversity and had a higher income, compared to the second to last ranked school (Lawrence) who had a great diversity in races but had less then half that of Weston's income average in 2005.

  13. From these documents I noticed that there is a strong correlation between income and school ranking. Weston is the best rated high school in Massachusetts and their residents received an average $531,374 income in the year 2005. Jeremiah E. Burke High School ranked last at number 161 on the Massachusetts high school list and their residents earned an average $31,901 in the year 2005. That is more than 16 times less the average income. To tie race into this correlation, Weston High School has a population of 81% White, 10.8% Asian, and 6.3% African American students. Jeremiah E. Burke High School's class of 2009 had a population of 2% white, 1% Asian, and 97% African American students. This ties African American race to low income and bad schooling, and white race to high income and good schooling.

  14. After viewing all three documents that were provided, two major trends struck out to me right away. One of the trends were that the more populated the city/town was by white Americans, the more income was being brought in for future expenses. For example mostly white populated areas such as Concord and Wayland experience roughly 215,000 and 220,000 dollars income per year respectively, as to the mostly African American communities such as Roxbury who 90% the population is black, receive roughly 32,000 dollars income per year. Another trend that I saw was the based on this outcome, school rankings were effected. Schools like concord that had high incomes would have better school ratings than schools that would have lower incomes like Roxbury. For example, Weston is rated the best school in Massachusetts with stellar SAT scores in the 600's and MCAS scores of 90 or greater. They are also rated as the 9th wealthiest city in the country. As for schools like Jeremiah E. Burke High, who is rated the worst school in Massachusetts, they have a low income. Another thing to point out is that these schools like Weston consist of mostly white Americans while the schools like Jeremiah E. Burks High is consisted of Black Americans. So the big picture is that the whites live in the rich life and the black live i the poor one, which reminds a lot of how the past was presented in the race dilemma.

  15. Well, during class I looked at the top two schools versus the worst school in Massachusetts. In looking at all of the stats given for those schools, I have found that it is largely racially based when comparing MCAS scores, graduation rates, and income versus race. Looking at Weston High School, only 715 are enrolled at one time, they are the number one school in the state, and are one of the richest. Their MCAS scores are 99,98,86 (English, Math, History), and an average of 97.1% graduate. What seems to be the reason for the success, is the lack of diversity, I’d hate to say it. But it seems that the school is doing wonderful based on that the school is 83.1% white and only 6.3% African American. The school ranked second seems to be that rank only because it is poorer than Weston. Dover-Sherborn Regional High School has the best statistics in the state. It is almost an all-white school, with 93.9% white and only 1.5% African Americans; that’s based on a 608-student enrollment. Their MCAS scores are 99,98,98, and EVERY student graduates. Their income is $361,394. Again succeeding based on race. One school, that definitely demonstrates that race is the problem is the worst school in the state, Jeremiah E. Burke High School. With an enrollment of 779 students and a graduation rate of less than 50% (41.1%). They have MCAS scores of, wait for it, 31,41,1; yes they have an average of 1 point in history. Their education is awful and are poor with an average income of $34,556 and an average of 74.6% African Americans and ONLY 2.3% whites. An example of a school that breaks the comparison stats would be Hudson High School. Our school has average MCAS scores of 88,83,61, and 82.2% of students graduate our of the 1,010 students enrolled. We are an average school based on stats and towards the bottom of the ranks, yet have stats then can equal those of higher ranks; the only difference, is that we are poorer with an average income of $58,322. So it is very noticeable, mostly, how averaged school statistics are very much related to race.

  16. The #1 High School is Weston High School. They get 90's on average for MCAS, and 600's for their SAT'S. They have a 97% graduation rate and 93% go to college. Weston is primarily made up of white people. 6.3% Are black, 10.8% are Asian, 1.4% are hispanic, 81.3% are white and .1% are native.

    The #161 High School is Jeremiah E. Burke High School. They on average 40 or less on MCAS, and 300's on their SAT'S. Boston is primarily made up of african americans, and hispanics. 45.5% are blacks, 8.9% are asian, 31.2% are hispanic, 14% are white, and 0.4% are native american.

    I feel as if the way the school is ranked and what kind of races are primarily are in the town are linked. Weston is a town with higher income-earning families, while Boston is one with less income-earning. Money, race, and class all play a factor in the quality of a school.

  17. When reviewing all of the data about the schools in the state of Massachusetts, some trends are easy to notice. One thing that really popped out at me were the schools that were ranked lower on the list were made up of mostly minority students, for example Jeremiah E. Burke high school located in Dorchester. Schools made up of mostly minority students also appeared to have lower graduation and college percentages.

    Schools that were ranked at the very top of the list, for example Weston were made up of mostly white students, at 81.3%. The main thing I took away from reviewing this data is that the race of a school determines the school's statistics and overall rank. Another factor is the yearly income of the towns or regions that the school is located in.

  18. Most of the prestigious schools in Massachusetts are dominated by a large majority of Caucasian populations, and small amount of other ethnicities. Schools such as Weston High School and Dover-Sherborn Regional high school have a staggering 97% and above graduation rate, with average MCAS scores that range in the middle 90s. But it is also worth noting that a majority of the population in these schools is constituted mostly by white ethnicity groups. Weston High school is made up of 81% white people, with the remaining being 6.4% Black, 10.8% Asian, and 1.4% Hispanic. Dover has an even higher concentration of white students with over 93% of the school being Caucasian.
    On the other hand, the majority of low ranking schools are constituted mostly by African Americans and Hispanic racial groups, with only a small population of whites. Jeremiah Burke High School, which is inhabited mostly by minority racial groups, have an average MCAS score lower than 45 in each subject as well as a staggering low graduation rate. It is very distinct how reputations of schools is proportional to their racial construct. It seems evident how minority schools are very ill funded, and many students lack the motivation to progress academically. While on the contrary white majority schools receive very high level of government support, and very Blacks or Hispanics have access to these kind of opportunities.

  19. When looking at what I collected, there definately was a correlation between the average income for each town, the quality of the school system, and the different races that predominantly populated them. Weston High School is the best rated public high school, wealthiest town, and 81.3% white. Moving down the list of the rated schools and towns, for the most part as the average income went down, the school ranking went down, and the percentage of white people went down. Getting to the bottom of the ranked schools list is Lawrence High School. There average income is roughly $30,000 a year and there population is 85.4% Hispanic. As expected, oppressed and minority groups largely populate the poorer towns and attend poorer schools, while the richest and highest ranking schools and towns are populated by a predominantly white population.

    As we were reviewing the data we realized the wealthier towns, such as Dover, Sherborn, and Concord had higher school ranking as well. According to the Massachusetts Schools Racial Breakdown Concord, Dover and Sherborn all have a high percentage of white attendance in public or charter schools in that town. Compared to Northampton, which has a much lower income percentile, of $6,544, has a lower percentage of white enrollment as well. As a result, we saw that the more wealthy the town, the better education and lower drop out percentage the town had. While, on the other hand, the towns with less money are a higher drop out percentage.

  21. When viewing these documents, there is a significant correlation between income, the school system, and the dominant races. When I looked at Weston High School I noticed that it was the best rated public school, the wealthiest town, and 81.3% white. As I was scrolling through each list, I noticed that Chelsea High School was closer to the bottom. When I checked the other stats, I saw that the town was mainly Hispanic, 74.6%, and a rough average of about $30,00 for the average income. From my findings, I can conclude that minority groups usually attend poorer schools and live in poorer town, while rich towns and rich schools are populated by the dominant white population.

    After the both of us viewed the three different sources for ranking of school systems, income of the towns, and race in the towns of Massachusetts we came up with some interesting information and facts. When we looked at the rankings of the schools we chose six, that were at different rankings some from the top and some of the worst ranking schools. The top ranked school was Weston High School. When you look at its average income for the town they make the most money at $531,374, and racially they are made up of 81.3% whites with only about 6.3% African Americans. Then we chose the second to last ranked school which was Lawrence High School which was number 160 on the list. The average income of this town was very low compared to Weston at, $26,424 and the racial makeup consisted of a majority of 85.4% Hispanic with only 9.1% white. After looking back at these two different findings on each school and town, I can come to realize that minority groups that all live in one certain area usually have the worst school and live in the poorer towns, while the rich towns mainly consist of the majority white population.

  23. While looking at the data there were definitely trends between the minority groups, average incomes, and graduation percentage. An example is of New Bedford which has a higher rate of minority groups doesn't have an average of income over 50% like here in Hudson does. Also the graduation rate in New Bedford High School is about 60% making it 25% or so below Hudson's. I can conclude that the towns/ cities that have been (segregated)clearly show a difference between each other from schooling to which eventually leads to their future making up their incomes.
