Thursday, March 8, 2012

Jeff's Current Event

Barack Obama, being the first African American President of the United States, has been surrounded by the controversy of his race and whether or not he was born in this country since the days prior to and following his election. In most recent events, Montana’s Chief Federal Judge forwarded a racist chain e-mail to President Obama’s e-mail address. Cebull claimed that it was sent with a political message and with no racist intentions. A report on the Great Falls Tribune newspaper quoted the message:

Normally I don't send or forward a lot of these, but even by my standards, it was a bit touching. I want all of my friends to feel what I felt when I read this. Hope it touches your heart like it did mine.

A little boy said to his mother, 'Mommy, how come I'm black and you're white?' His mother replied, 'Don't even go there Barack! From what I can remember about that party, you're lucky you don't bark!'"

Cebull “publicly acknowledged his misconduct” and Appellate Court executive Cathy Catterson stated “Judge Cebull has initiated the process by which a complaint of judicial misconduct will be brought against him. The Judicial Council is expected to act expeditiously in investigating and resolving this matter." President and CEO of the left-leaning nonprofit Common Cause, Bob Edgar, believes that “If he has any respect for his office and for ideals of equality and human dignity on which our country was founded, Judge Cebull will step down today.” There are no definite ways of removing federal judges from office. If the situation escalates Congress could initiate impeachment proceedings, In which case the judge would most likely resign before actions would be put into place.

What do you think should happen to Judge Cebull? How would you respond to this e-mail if you were President Obama?


  1. I think that Judge Cebull just forwarded the email to let Obama know what people were sending around, I honestly don't think it was to hurt anyone. I believe that this is becoming a way bigger deal than it actually is and nothing serious should happen to Cebull if anything. I think nothing should happen to him, because he was simply just giving Obama a heads up.

    If I was President Obama, I'd probably just brush it off. As President, not everyone is going to like you and it is just a learned fact that they should just ignore it. People like to create drama and attacking Obama on his race is a way to achieve that, considering he is the first black president. I just really don't think that this is as big a deal as it was perpetrated.

  2. i believe Judge Cebull does not have the right whats so every to send that e-mail to Obama even though he did not specifically right it towards him and was not suppose suppose to be racist. just because he got the message does not mean he should have sent it to. All he had to do was erase the message and save all this drama.

    If i where Obama i would not really know how to deal with the situation. but i think that i would just delete the message and not make a bigger deal then it all ready is, even though i belive it is completely racist.

  3. I believe that Judge Cebull definitely acted inappropriately and should resign from his position. If he is forwarding such a racist email, who is to say he isn't bias in race regarding court cases? However, I do believe Erika brought up a good point that perhaps he was just trying to give Obama a heads up, however I am not sure it was his responsibility to do so. This message was directed to mean harm and I believe overall it was inappropriate for a Judge to send Obama this. Furthermore, if I were Obama I would most likely overlook it and not take action. He has addressed race related issues and understands that people in America are going to continue to be racist. He is probably accustomed to derogatory remarks and most likely would overlook it, it is up to the Congress to decide on whether or not Cebull should be impeached.

  4. Normally I wouldn't agree with firing somebody over what they sent over the internet on their own time, but since he is a Federal Judge it may have to be considered. To start with: I don't understand why he would send this. He said it was "touching", but I don't see how it would be. It just seems rude and not needed. When it comes down to it I think he should be fired considering his views on certain types of people. This may interfere with his work.
