Monday, February 6, 2012

Cassandra's Current Event

The article I read was about…
-Black and white marriage in the South becoming a changing image
-Jeffrey Norwood, a black college basketball coach was offered a great job north of the gulf coast but at that time he was in a relationship with a woman who was and white and Asian.
-Although his father was worried about him being apart of an interracial relationship in South Mississippi because of the dangers he might be faced with.
-As Jeffrey Norwood visited Hattiesburg, Mississippi he noted that he saw a growing diversity of the different races that lived there
-In fact, about 46 years ago, Mississippi legalized mixed marriages. In Mississippi it was illegal to have an interracial marriage because it was a law until 1967.
-Maryland was actually the first colony to prohibit interracial marriage and this was enacted in the 1660’s. -Then by 1750, all of the southern colonies as well as Pennsylvania and Massachusetts made interracial marriage illegal.
-During the 1950’s about half of the states still had laws that prohibited interracial marriage.
-Then by the early 1960’s at least 41 states enacted anti-miscegenation statuses one at a time.
-After the Loving vs. Virginia case in the Supreme Court in 1967 declared that the laws that banned interracial marriage violated the equal protection clause because not only did it violate principle of racial equality but because it abridged the fundamental right to marry. People of different races have been allowed to marry ever since.
- A 2010 Census Bureau reveals that the nations mixed race population is growing at a much faster pace then demographers had estimate, especially in the South as well as parts of the Midwest.
- In North Carolina, the mixed-race population nearly doubled.
-Well as in Georgia, it increased by over 80 percent, and by nearly as much in Kentucky and Tennessee. ---Also, in Indiana, Iowa and South Dakota, the multiracial population increased by about 70 percent.
- A sociologist and demographer, William H. Frey stated that “The fact that even states like Mississippi were able to see a large explosion of residents identifying as both black and white tells us something that people would not have predicted 10 or 20 years ago.”
- The increase of the amount of mixed race people were smaller in states like Mississippi because to begin with because it had a much fewer amount of mixed raced people where as in states such as California, Hawaii and Oklahoma the increase of mixed race people occurred at a faster pace. In fact in Hawaii, about 23% of the population is of a multiracial group which was the highest out of any state in the country!
-Since 2000 Hawaii’s growth of multiracial groups was 23.6 percent
-Both historically and today, in Mississippi the two groups that are least likely to marry are blacks and whites and sociologists believe that it’s because of the economic as well as social distance between them.
-In actuality, that’s the most common interracial marriage but multiracial people still consist of a small percentage of Mississippi’s total population because of a population of about 34,000, interracial people only account for about 1.1 & and many people complain of receiving racial inequities.
Marvin King whose black and married to a white woman as well as a political science professor at the University of Mississippi,states that “Racial attitudes are in, day out, there is certainly not the hostility there was years ago, and I think you see that in that there are more interracial relationships, and people don’t fear those relationships. They don’t have to hide those relationships anymore.”
-Many experts believe that due to military service as well as the amount of time spent at a college campus creates relationships of mixed races.
-Hattiesburg is a city of Mississippi that consists of about 50,000 residents. It also contains the Camp Shelby military base on the southern side as well as the University of Southern Mississippi which might explain why Hattiesburg and its surrounding counties are enduring a rapid growth of mixed-race people.
-Jeffrey and Patty Norwoord got married and although they weren’t searching to live in a diverse neighborhood in Hattiesburg, they discovered that they were living in one anyways because their families turned out to be black families, white families as well as families that were mixed of the two.
-Mrs. Norwood also spoke out about the difficulty their children would have on checking only one box on forms at ask to mark their race. She states, “I usually went with Asian because I could only check one box…Our daughter’s life will not be like that. She knows what she is and she’s exposed to a little bit of everything. The times have certainly changed.”
- Although where they lived was also diverse, they have experiences instances where racial tensions occurred. For instance, a waitress at a restaurant might suddenly decide that they aren’t serving the Norwoods. Also when they are walking with their arms intertwined, people may ask in disbelief “Are you together?”
-Even though interracial marriage seems to be occurring and the amount of mixed race people are becoming a growing population, a poll of the Mississippi republicans going into the 2012 election reveal that 46 percent of GOP (Grand old Party) voters in the state think interracial marriage should be illegal.

Although Mississippi has legalized mixed race marriages, do you think that Mississippi should make interracial marriage illegal once again or do you disagree with the Republican voters? Why or why not? Even though Mississippi has become increasingly diverse with mixed race relationships over the years, why do you think racial tension is still occurring?


  1. Even though the people who are in interracial marriages are treated with disrespect, they should not ban interracial marriage in Mississippi. I would have to disagree with the republicans for the vote because I am unsure that race has anything to do with the factors of loving someone. That may sounds cheesy but many people marry or date other people from other races or even cultures. If they ban interracial marriages then they should probably ban marriages with other cultures or ethnicities. I think that racial tension is still occurring in Mississippi even though there are interracial marriages that many people throughout the state are still very against marrying someone against the other races. Many people are still very racist whether they realize it or not. I think that the people who don't believe in interracial marriages, such as the Republicans have some good reasons for not wanting interracial marriages but I don't think that they should be able to ban it.

  2. I definetly think that interracial marriages should continue. I find it almost unconstitutional for a state to ban interracial marriages since the 14th amendment states that everyone is created and must be treated equally. Thus, I simply cannot understand how this is even being debated since I had thought we had made progress in our society over public racism. I believe racial tension continues to perpetuate in Mississippi even though there are more interracial marriages because many people are still against the idea. I find it surprising that this sort of problem is happening today and that the Republican party should not be able to justify banning these marriages. Furthermore, the racial tension can only be eliminated once the illusion of race is eliminated, which unfortunately may never happen.

  3. i defiantly believe that inter racial marriages should occur. people have the right to do what they want in life, no matter what differences they may have. i mean if you "love" someone in life and want to marry them you should absolutley have the right to be with them for the rest of your life no matter how different you are. i mean yes Mississippi has become very diverse but i think the reason why people are still very racist is because some people dont want to get rid of the past. but i disagree with that and people should have the right to marry whoever they want.

  4. I believe interracial marriage should always be allowed and it is absurd that republican voters think otherwise in Mississippi. If it were to become illegal it would violate the equal protection clause of the fourteenth amendment just as black segregation in the south did. Everybody, no matter their race, should be granted equal opportunities to live as they please. The reason for continuing racial tension in Mississippi is most likely from inheritance. Being brought up by a person who has racist qualities will most likely instill the same qualities in a person. It's a shame that not all people can agree with the law and race equality.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I believe that interracial marriage should be allowed everywhere, there is no valid reasons against it. Like Randa, I find it unconstitutional to make it illegal because everyone is given the right to be treated equally, no matter what skin tone. To me, love is one of the most powerful forces on earth so if two people of different races are in love and want to get married, then nothing should be stopping them, even the law. Like everyone else, I believe racial tension is still alive because people are still against the idea. They may have been brought up with ideas of race and they do not want them to change, because what they grew up with is what they know. I also really like what Randa said about how racial tension can only be terminated once the illusion of race is gone. This I completely agree with but will probably never happen with recent events in our country.

  7. I don’t think that that Mississippi should make interracial marriage illegal once again. I think it’s not fair people for the government to violate their rights and tell them who they can and cannot marry, therefore I disagree with the Republicans. A marriage is between spouses…not the two spouses and the government, I think that racial tension is still occurring because people still, and have strong opinions and don’t want to change them. I agree with Randa when she said that “racial tension can only be eliminated once the illusion of race is eliminated” and how Even through this problem may only be fixed by the elimination of “race” it may never happen because people are too focused on the past.

  8. I definitely disagree with the Republican voters; interracial marriages should stay legalized in the state of Mississippi. The color of someone’s skin should not be seen as an excuse to not consider getting into a relationship with them or even possibly marrying them. The ability to be allowed to marry someone of a different race reflects the increasing acceptance of interracial relationships in today’s society. Interracial couples will most likely face more challenges from their parents and the general public, but a law should not be put in place to ban the chance of it happening. I feel racial tension will never be put to a stop due to the history that surrounds each individual race. While diversity has increased over the past few years and is a great step towards the acceptance of more interracial relationships, racial tension will always be a present day challenge.

  9. Absolutely not, Interracial marriages shouldn’t be that big of a deal. The fact that Mississippi came to terms with passing a law saying that they’re okay with it is wonderful and was a start. However, the fact that the state as a whole wants to repeal that law and make it illegal again is preposterous. Mississippi should not make interracial marriages in the state illegal again, it is going to hurt people and the state will be moving backwards in history, going back to how it was during the Long Civil Rights Movement and re-segregating people. It is wrong and shouldn’t get passed in the state legislature or by majority rule during next voting season. Mississippi has come a long way since the CRM, and has started to become diverse, which makes me wonder why the racial tension between races are still in existence. Why are mixed race relationships such a big problem anyways. I don’t know why the racial tension is occurring again, I just think that interracial marriages in the state of Mississippi should become illegal again, the state as a whole, the nation of all, should stay diverse. Segregation is just a weight on the state that it doesn’t need.

  10. I believe that interracial marriages should be allowed . I don't see what reasons republicans have against that type of marriage. people should be able to marry who they want to no matter their race. It is comical that they want to go back to making it illegal. in the end it doesn't make any sense. They would be taking a step back rather than a step forward and that would be dumb. This segregates races again and that is something we haven't seen since the civil rights movement. There is no reason to make it illegal because all it would do is create racial tension and that is something no one needs.

  11. In my opinion, i strongly disagree with the republicans side on this issue. To me i think its questioning the rights that were given to us through the Deceleration Of Independence and taking away rights that we already possessed. It sounds as if the republicans want full control over lives of other human beings and putting restrictions like this one in trying to il-legalizing mixed marriages is an example. I think that emotions toward another is has nothing to do with their race and strictly about caring for one another. If one cares for another then they should be allowed to marry/be in a relationship without no discrimination or misjudgment. I don't think that the issue of having mixed relationships/marriages being illegal is a good idea and i think we should let people be people in liking something or someone.

  12. Interracial marriages should be allowed everywhere. There is absolutly no reason to make interracial marriages illegal. Mississppi voters who are for this law, are simply pure racists. The fact that anyone would even consider this law as a possibility is absurd. Banning interracial marraiges goes against the 14th amendment (which states everyone is created and must be treated equally). Deciding who to marry is up to the indivual and should not depend on what color a person's skin is. This is pure racism in the south and honestly the person responcible for bringing up this law should just be removed from office because they are honestly one of the worst representatives I've ever heard of. The creation of this law would bring society backwards instead of forwards in eliminating racial tension.

  13. I disagree with the Republicans and I think that interracial marriage should not be made illegal. I believe in gay-marriage and interracial marriage, and therefore I believe it is important for Americans to chose who they want to spend their lives with, not the government. The government should't make laws regarding who can and cannot marry each other. It would look bad for the state of Mississippi to turn over the law they have already established. This could potentially turn into a chain of events, which other Southern states follow suit and also vote to change over their marriage laws. Tension regarding interracial marriage is still valid today is because there are still many people who see that this is wrong. Since this is a hot topic with the Republican party, it is going to be something that raises tension as the 2012 presidential election comes up.

  14. I do not think it should be made illegal again. I do not see a reason why they should be made legal, and it is unethical to tell someone who to marry. It also is in violation of the constitution because it denies people the right to life, liberty, and happiness. This is America and we are supposed to be a representation of diversity and coming together, not segregation and being separate. I do not know why racial tension is still occurring. If I had to guess without any research done, I would say that maybe because old ideas are out there and still not everyone is on the equality boat yet.

  15. I think that interracial marriage should be allowed every where.I don't really see a reason in making interracial marriages illegal. Being able to marry someone of a different race than your own is showing acceptance of interracial marriages in society today.Deciding who someone wants to marry is completely up to the individual and should not matter what their skin color is.I personally don't believe that the government should be creating laws saying who can marry who. This is a pure racism comment made by whoever thought of this idea. This type of law would not help America move forward in order to remove racial tension.

  16. As others have said, I agree that interracial marriage should not be illegal in the state of Mississippi, I disagree with the Republican vote and they should make it legal. I agree with gay marriage and interracial marriage and believe that people should be allowed to marry who they want, and it is up to them not their state. I think that interracial marriage is still a big problem down in the south especially in Mississippi mainly just because there are a lot of people who still believe that this is wrong and are racist. By having this law saying interracial marriage illegal in Mississippi it looks really bad for America today, knowing that we have came so far and improved a lot from how we used to be. So I think it should be changed as soon as possibly, but it is something that is a very hot topic and it may take a while to change.

  17. I feel that interracial marriage should be legal. It is that persons choice to make the decision to marry and they should be able to choose whom ever they want regardless of skin tone. The fact that it is illegal to marry someone of a different racial background is very racist no matter how you look at it. Not letting someone marry another person because of there race makes each person feel like they are not good enough to be with that person just because the law says so.

  18. I think that interracial marriage should definitely be legal since they have constitutional rights protecting them. Though interracial marriage does bring racial tension to those more pessimistic to these unities; I believe that this may help create a social equality amongst blacks and whites, that would also decrease the racial tension. It is also part of the 14th amendment to not discriminate against an individual based on race, gender, ethnicity, or creed, thus interracial marriage should be allowed by law. The furthering or racial tension even amongst a variety of interracial relationships in the state is questioning. Possibly many people from the white community still neglect perceiving blacks as equal, and thus continue to socially not allow blacks and white to marry. All in all interracial marriage should be granted to those that want to unify with another partner.

  19. I would not vote republican because I believe that you should be able to marry who ever you want and it should not matter on race. All it depends on is love and who makes you happy. Also the constitution allows them the right to marry so we cannot denied them that. Yes, I believe racial tension is still accruing but not on a grand scale as before. I think there will always just be those people who are racist for no reason other then the fact that there mean and think there better. I do not think that some racist people should stop other different race couples get married.
