Sunday, March 25, 2012

Could Gas Prices Be Raised to 5 Dollars by the Summer

The title of my article is Will Gas Prices Be Obamas Achilles Heel. Some background about the author is that Ford C. O’Connell is a republican strategist who worked on the McCain-Palin campaign in 2008 and is also a chairman of CivicForumPAC which is an organization that promotes conservative activism.

So, the dramatic increase in gas prices could become the issue that slows the economy, could stall the recovery and sink Obamas chances at a second term. O’Connell says that he is shocked that Obama has handled this issue so poorly. Even though Presidents can’t do much to lower gas prices, people must acknowledge that they are doing everything in their power to ease the suffering. 65 percent of Americans tell pollsters that they disapprove of Presidents handling the gas prices.

Nationwide, gas prices have reached 3 dollars and 87 cents, which is the highest price ever recorded in March. Gas prices are even expected to rise more as the summer season approaches.

O’Connell says the popular opinion could tae a strong turn against Obama if the situation is not taken under control by the summer because Americans do not want to be paying 5 dollars for gas by the summer.

Even if Obama did change his policies, it wouldn’t dramatically increase domestic oil supplies in the short run.

Former President George W. Bush confronted a similar topic about gas prices spiking during summer and spring of 2008. He lifted an executive branch moratorium on oil and gas exploration in the Outer Continental Shelf region in order to jumpstart production.

Obama is leaning towards dipping into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which might work because it does not actually increase production.

The Republican candidates want to seize the moment and push for an energy policy that would serve the interests of the middle class.

Also, President Obamas Energy Information says we will need almost as much gasoline for transportation in 20 years as we consume today.

Republican hopeful, Newt Gingrich, says we should tap into proven homegrown reserves in High Plains in Alaska. This approach can help drive down oil prices for the short term and create jobs and provide new revenue streams for the government.

In October of 1973, there was an oil crisis in America. Members of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries proclaimed an oil embargo. This was in response to the United States decision to re-supply the Israeli military during the Yom Kippur War. This oil crisis lasted until March 1974. With the United States actions initiating the oil embargo and the long term possibility of high oil prices, disrupted supply and recession, a strong rift was created with NATO. To address this development, the Nixon Administration began making negotiations with Arab oil producers to end the oil embargo. The promise of a negotiated settlement between Syria and Israel was sufficient enough to convince Arab oil producers to lift the embargo in March of 1974.

Obama has based his re-election hopes on an economic recovery. If gas prices don’t go down soon, then consumer spending will decrease because of the gas prices. If consumer spending is slow, then Obama could potentially find himself not getting re-elected in November of this year.

Question - Do you agree with what OConnell is saying, that Obamas chances of being reelected in November are slim because of gas prices. And would you be willing to pay 5 dollars for gas if it does reach that.


  1. I don't think anybody will have a choice to pay gas prices, regardless of what they are, people are still going to have to commute to jobs. It will definitely be harder for teenagers like us to afford the price of gas but I do not think it will stop us from driving around and going places we need to go.

    I do not really think the Obama will have a smaller chance of being re-elected due to the gas price incline because like I said in class, it really isn't his decision on the price Americans pay for gas. I think it would be silly to no elect someone qualified like Obama simply because of the gas prices. I think people need to take into consideration how the price of gas is actually determined.

  2. I do not agree with O'Connell's statement that Obama's changes of being reelected in November are slim because of the gas prices. I think that since President's are unable to do a lot to lower gas prices, the gas prices shouldn't reflect on how well of a president he is. I believe that as long as President Obama is doing all that he can do to try and ease the suffering, his changes of being reelected shouldn't be slim due to gas prices. Also, I would not be willing to pay five dollars if it does reach that but I would be forced to pay it. I would be more conscious of where I am driving that way I don't waste too much gas.

  3. I think that Oconell's statement may have some factor in Obama's election. The gas price is something that everyone cares about, with that said, some people may hold that against president Obama. I don't think that will be the main reason for him not being elected if that happens, but I think its a contributor.

    I think if the gas prices go up to 5 dollars people will stop purchasing as much gas. For people who have to get to their paying job everyday, it wont effect them, but for people who don't have a job, it will. I personally would not buy gas on specific days that i didn't need to drive.

  4. I think that the gas prices are not going to effect Obama in the coming election because it is simply out of his control. He can't control the depleting oil supply and according to the law of supply and demand, we have a limited supply and a high demand, thus resulting in a high cost. Also, the international differences with Iran ( a large oil supplier) affect the prices as well. Furthermore, I as well as most Americans am going to have to accept the raising costs of gas. However, it is an incentive to conserve gas usage and so I will not be using as much. Unfortunately, until renewable resources are used frequently and cars that are not dependent on oil; then we as Americans are probably going to continue paying these high costs.

  5. i do agree with the fact that if the gas prices do get more raised obama will have a much more harder time because some people will disagree with the fact of paying more to get to places. but i do agree with vinny i dont think that it will be a huge contribute towards obama but it is making his case a little harder.

    and i would pay 5$ becuase i need to be to places, and if it came to that i would probably buy a small vehicle that saves a lot of money.

  6. I do not think that the prices of gas will effect Obama in the election but it could make it a little bit harder for him because people are always going to need to get gas and will still have to pay the high prices but I dont think that it will effect Obama that much because of his other ideas he is offering.

    I would pay the 5$ because I have to get places but I would make sure that I do watch how far I am going and try to not drive really far.

  7. I think the statement that “Obama’s chances of being re-elected are slim” is a bit exaggerated but I do think it is going to affect President Obama's campaign. People cannot afford 5 dollars a gallon and people want change. Who are the people going to blame if the gas prices aren't going down? The president. If a canidate comes in and says “I can lower gas prices" well, that going to turn some heads away from President Obama and it is going to affect his re-election. I do not think Barack Obama's re-election chances are slim though, I just believe he is going to some support because people need gas prices to be lowered.
    I know I would have to pay the $5 dollars to get places but I would walk a lot more and take buses whenever I could. And I think a lot of other people would too which could be a positive thing because with less gas being used, there is less pollution in the air and would force us to move more towards solar energy.

  8. I do and don’t agree with what O’Connell is saying. I agree that the higher gas prices will inflict on Obama’s chances on being reelected, although, it will not be a major contributor. Obama has no control over gas prices as of yet, it being there is probably a law out there that states “freedom to price goods” or whatever. President Obama has put this issue in his plans to fix, yet he is trying to go with eco-friendly vehicles and fuel. That would cut down on the need for purchasing gasoline. That’s why the issue hasn’t been met. Buying hybrids and manufacturing vehicles with Eco-Boost technology is where the economy and nation is aiming.

    I myself would not like to pay the five dollars for gas, although I’d have to. Due to the averaged predicted gas price of five dollars by this summer, I’d buy a Honda Civic for they range at 45-50MPG and so going to where I’d need to go, a full tank would last me a month more or less. Plus I’d go to BJs for gas, because they sell it for cheaper with a BJs membership. So I’d be satisfied yet feeling ripped off for gas that once costing about a dollar around year 2000; then it doubled by 2004, and now it’s about $3.65. It was $0.10 per gallon before the 2000s, why can’t it be that price now?

  9. I think that Obama has high chances of being re-elected that gas prices are just one defect to his campaign. Obama has so many other accomplishments that overpower gas prices such as the healthcare bill. However, if he could make the gas prices go down for a good amount of time it will be a great impression on the American society. Many people think that it is the President's fault that the gas prices are so high but as we learned it isn't, it is the fault of the people oversees who are selling the oil to us. Obama is aware of the gas prices and that they are not making people happy and most people don't want to go to the alternative; environmental friendly. However, this is part of our president's goal to get people to switch to technology and vehicles that have alternative methods that are suitable for our environment. I would never pay five dollars for gas. Making minimum wage and only getting 18 hours each week would pay for me to get gas probably once and then I would be broke. It would be much easier for me to just ride a bike or walk. I think that if gas prices get that high our society is going to revolt against the government. With an election coming up, I don't think that this is going to happen. Obama will have something up his sleeve.

  10. Gas prices are a huge issue, but I don't think that it will affect his re-election severely. However, I do not think it is his first concern due to his eco-friendly path, which might anger many voters because maybe they do not want to buy a new eco-friendly car. I would like to say that no, I would not pay 5 dollars for a gallon, but I most definetly would. It's a necessity and people just have to deal with the price of it for now. I will probably keep the same car I have now, considering I don't have the money to buy the cars my classmates posted earlier, nor does my parents. I'd just have to suck it up, and it's fine because we all have to get places.

  11. I agree with many people above that the gas prices and Obama's action about them could contribute to his re-election or not, but it is definately not the entire reason he could or could not get re-elected. People are very involved in gas prices because it is something we all have to think about and use on a daily basis. Because of this, many people feel that it is important that we find ways to decrease these prices as much as possible. This is definately a hot topic to think about, but in the grand scheme of things I feel it might not be the determining factor but rather a contributing aspect. If gas prices do have to go up to 5 dollars there really is not much that can be done by the people to resist, so we would just have to bear through it. Everybody needs gas for their cars but if the price goes up we'll all just have to be more conscious of how we use that gas.

  12. I definitely think gas prices are a major issue in America today. They might have a large impact on the possible re-election of Obama, but I'm not sure. I think it is just one issue in the long line of many issues being faced in our country today. I really think that the prices should go down and Obama does need to find a way to execute this, but i don't think it means it will shatter his chances of being elected. Trust me, I'm like everyone else that wants gas prices to go down. 5 dollars a gallon is just a rip off and we must make a change before it gets there. I believe Obama will find a solution and I don't think it will mean he isn't reelected.

  13. I think that the gas prices may hinder Obama's chances of re-election in the fall, but they will not be the cause of his downfall. Some people will blame the gas prices on him, and not vote for him, but on a whole the country will vote for whomever they want to vote for, regardless of gas prices. Gas is a vital part of everyone's daily life so it is something we all pay regular attention to. Which is why it may hurt Obama a little in the long run but, he has other policies that will draw people to his campaign. I would totally pay five dollars for gas, but only because I would have no other choice. I need gas to get around and if it costs five dollars then that is what I will pay.

  14. I do not agree with what O'Connell is saying because Obama cannot control the gas price amount so a certain degree and neither will any other of the men running to be elected. People still have to run their lives and if you are driving you need to get gas. The amount of oil in this country is not enough for all of us so there needs to be more imported for other countries. The leader of this country does not get to choose how much oil is to be imported into the country the global market does so it is not his fault it is so much. He can find other ways instead of gas like he is trying to do but Congress does not agree with him. People have places to go everyday it is not a good thing that gas would be five dollars a gallon but people are still going to by it because gas is an everyday necessity to life.

  15. No i am not willing to pay 5 dollars for a gallon of gas but in reality what am I going to do? Not go to school or anything else my life consists of? I'm not saying any other ways of transportation of bad but if it comes down to biking to school everyday or paying extra to drive i don't have much of a choice. I also think that this could affect Obama's re-election but not greatly because its not to blame him for everything.
