Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Women in Music - 2011

When the media develops, women have been continuously degraded for the way they look or act on television or in videos. However, women have played and continue to play a more positive role in the music industry. Throughout history our society has developed new varieties of music because of the contribution from women. Going back to the 1930's, a female black opera singer, Marion Anderson was denied her right to sing by the president but his wife, Eleanor Roosevelt gave her back her fame by allowing her to sing at the Lincoln Memorial. Not only was she a female singer who was performing in front of 75,000 people but she was a black women who played a striking role in the civil rights movement. A recent article shows how throughout the achievements of women such as Marion Anderson, women have become the main attraction in music.

According to host, Allison Keyes, in 2011, women have become the ones who "rule the music charts". Some of the main singers that Keyes considers in her interview are Lady Gaga, Adele, Beyonce, Christina Aguilera and Taylor Swift.

In the article Keyes shows and interest in Beyonce's new album of 2011 called "4". She has an interview with NPR's hip hop expert, Frannie Kelly about the new album. Kelly explains that because her album was not completely new she didn't make the nominations for a grammy. Beyonce's song Countdown goes back to R and B music that is not from this generation. Beyonce is an example of a singer who can be easily defined by her mistakes that she makes in one song and how that one song which was a risk could ruin her career.

Then the article changes to other celebrities and their scandals but a huge part mentions, Nicki Minaj. She started off rough just like Anderson did with her album that was released during 2010, Pink Friday. However she struck everone with her song super bass which was the highlight of music over the summer of 2011. According to the editor of Billboard Magazine, Danyel Smith, Minaj was the rising star of the year who took the place of Queen Latifah in bringing that type of excitement to 2011. Although Nicki Minaj didn't have to deal with being black during her time of fame like Anderson, she does have the role of being a female singer who needs to act certain ways to be noticed by the media just like all of the female singers who are becoming more famous in the 21st century.

Do you think that women have achieved power by their role in music? Is the music that woman are creating trying to prove a point? What about the videos that go along with the music, do they degrade the quality of the song?


  1. I believe that women who participate in the music industry have gained power in the sense of dominating the charts. Many female artists came out with albums and songs in 2011 that topped the charts but I don’t think they have gained power in the sense that they are the most popular. I think the only people that really listen to female artists such as Taylor Swift and Adele are mainly just girls. Their songs are very relatable and I’m pretty sure most of the girls in this class can agree, but you don’t see many guys having them on their iPods. I feel that women in the music industry sing about finding love, chasing after the guy you love, keeping the guy you love, losing the guy you love, even songs about a guy cheating. All I hear from female singers are just songs about men, even if there was no intention to make the song seem that way. As for trying to prove a point, I believe that many female artists have an image that they must maintain so they are proving the point of still being the same performer fans love. They just have to keep proving the point that they are still the best choice to listen to and that’s why they always come out with new songs. That’s why Britney Spears has been around for so long, she keeps proving her point that she’s still a great performer. The videos that go along with their music can sometimes degrade the quality of the song, but the video can also emphasize the meaning. I know I talk about Taylor Swift a lot, but I think she’s great so I’ll just keep using her as an example, but Taylor Swift does an excellent job at keeping clothed and making sure her videos go in sync with her lyrics. Her videos are aimed to stay towards the meaning of her music, and not trying to get other people to watch it for her looks. As for women like Britney Spears and Nicki Minaj (and I love them both also) their videos are usually seen with them wearing little or provocative clothing. In Nicki’s video for Super Bass, it just seems to me that she is aiming the video toward men viewers instead of listening to a great song. Like I’ve said all throughout this unit, I really think there is no changing of the way people perceive women in pop culture, politics, or anywhere.

  2. Women have really stepped it up with their role in music even back 30 or 40 years ago there was not that many female singers around and now they are everywhere. When anyone makes a song it is usually about how they live or something they can relate too but there are some female artists that are really inspiring because they make great songs out of real life examples instead of partying and drinking and smoking but sadly it takes them a lot more to get noticed. The videos that come with some of the songs sometimes are disappointing because we think their song is so powerful because of one certain aspect of it but then the video is about something completely different and that is where I think we feel unsatisfied with the videos women sometimes put out.

  3. I do think that women have achieved power by their role in music. I think that many women artists are given credit for having great lyrics which is seen when they reach the top of the music charts such as Lady Gaga. Although many women have received power in a form of respect such as Taylor Swift (she is clothed within her music videos), other women artist degrade themselves in order to reach the top charts and receive power. For instance, Katy Perry's "California Gurls" song was listed as number one on the Billboard Hot 100's single chart in June of 2010. Kary Perry was noticed for her provocative attire or little of it in her music video which got recognized and made the song even more popular. Although it got her noticed, I think that it degraded the song as well because her clothing was unnecessary and since the song doesn't swear that much, younger children should be able to watch and listen to the music video but in this case its much too obscene. In addition, although Nicki Minaj is viewed as having popular rap lyrics, her body image is also a focal point for the power/attention she receives in music. I think currently, many women artists are trying to prove that they can also rap as well as the popular male artists. Although many songs have deeper meanings than what is actually said, I don't think that many current and popular women artists are trying to prove a point other then the fact that they are able to preform and sing. Which is why they have fans that stay true to them when they continue to come out with new songs.

  4. I most definitely agree with my piers about how women have achieved power when it comes to music. Throughout history, women's role has increased and now we have come to see like Katy said, many women artists producing top quality hits. Women have made their lyrics also like Cassandra mentioned worthwhile as other women when listening, can follow what Taylor Swift, Beyonce, or lady gaga say and connect it to them and what they are going through. However, some artists and in some music videos, women are portrayed as slutty and are exposing themselves to the world. This helps them reach the top and make their song popular. Although this happens, i believe that this downgrades the song from becoming and even greater hit. Artists like Taylor swift, Kelly Clarkson, and Adele have made themselves great artists without exposing themselves and made them in my opinion greater artists than artists who do expose themselves like Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj. As for creating a point, i do in fact think that women are trying to through their music. I know that Beyonce's lyrics prove that women aren't and shouldn't be seen second to men. They should be equally the same. Also Adele's music proves that women must be strong when a man breaks a women's heart. Women are succeeding to become more equal amongst society and music is one of the many ways there are.

  5. I do believe that women have achieved power in music. Some of the power is being influenced badly though. Some women artists are a very good influence on young men and women. While some of them are a bad influence and are increasing the sterotype on women. The videos that go along with the songs are even worse. Women depicting themselfs as trashy on these videos are increasing the idea that women need to dress this way. Some of the influences are good, but theres also some bad influences from these artists.

  6. I believe that woman definitely have achieved power through music. Many of the most popular artists at the time are females. Some are trying to prove a point, others write about abstract things such as love, and others are degrading. As was said in class, Rihanna and Katy Perry have songs and videos to go with them which are degrading to women. However, artists such as Adele and Taylor Swift write music which does not degrade woman in any fashion. As they are two of the most popular artists at this time I would say that as a whole women have gained power through music by conveying a sometimes beautiful and constructive message to the public.

  7. I believe in some respects women have achieved power by their role in music. I believe that women portray themselves in degrading ways or have suggestive lyrics that are encouraged by the media or producers. (Though men in the music industry often have suggestive lyrics and are not judged for it) Unfortunately, young children are sometimes the listeners of these songs so it does not send a good message. Provocative attire during their videos or performances does not send a good message to children or society, which further encourages the obscene portrayal of most women in the media. On the other hand though, as Katie had pointed out, certain artists like Adele or Taylor Swift are more conservative, so that the focus is more on their songs rather than attire or suggestive lyrics. These artists as well as previous artists have made grounds on women’s respect in the media in some ways, since they have won many awards for their songs or music videos and are credited with respect. As for music videos, I do believe a select few are true to their songs and have a good point but a majority of them, especially the women portrayed in male rappers/singers are quite provocative and degrading.

  8. Women have definitely risen to power in the music industry. Many female artists perform songs covering various genres in music and this has influenced their reputation over the globe. While some songs may portray themes such as love, break-ups, and finding that perfect someone, other songs include references to drugs or alcohol use. About 36 percent of country songs and 77 percent of rap songs contained a reference to drugs or alcohol. Seeing that the vast majority of people that listen to music on a regular basis are teens, they’re the most affected by this and could potentially lead them to trying drugs and alcohol at an early age. As for the videos that go along with the music, many videos show women with very little clothing on and potentially influence the way women should dress. However, some music videos show what happens in everyday life. For example, Colbie Caillat’s music video “Fallin’ For You” demonstrates that you can fall in love with a guy that may not have the ideal appearance, but has a great personality and treats you with respect.

  9. I do believe that women have achieved power in music today. Most of us hear about women in the music media for something provocative they may do or wear, even for how innapropriate their music videos are and they can not be seen by young children. Those are the type of women that I do not think show power in a good way towards the media, that is how a lot of women today are starting to become because it sells more even though there is really no point that they are trying to show. And even if there is some type of point they want the people to know they do it in such a way that is unnecassary, especailly for younger children, which is not good because a lot of those women have young boys and girls that watch them, who look up to them as role models. But there are a few women today such as Taylor Swift and Adele who show messages in their songs with out having something provocative or innapropriate for younger viewers. I find that very respectable and to me those are the women that hold the most power in the media through music, and they are still top sellers on the charts. They know how to prove a point through the lyrics of their songs and through the music video as well without needing to be provacative in anyway. They do it in a very simple classy way that many people respect and that is why they are such role models to many people and that gives them power through music and media.

  10. I think that cirtain women have shown their power through women. However, when i think of women singers, I think of there songs about finding men, and their music videos where they are all half dressed. I really agree that the music videos degrade the song. Many artist who write their own music, tell stories that relate to their own life somehow. However, when it comes to the music videos, the media takes over. The artist are half dressed, dancing around like they dont care who is watching. This is what many artist thing they have to do in order to be popular and famous. Growing up, i noticed that many girl artist go through a "bad girl" stage. One perfect example of this is Britney Spears. We all grew up listening to her music. She was innocent (kind of). However she went to her "bad girl" stage with her cd with "Im a slave for you" The videos and songs to this album were all about sex. She continued to create music like this, and many people stopped listening, however, Spears is one of the most famous pop artist of all time. I do think that women who sing and perform do hold a lot of power. There fans are there to watch their every move.

  11. I think that women have really achieved power through music. Music it self is very powerful and women just like men can use it to express themselves. Women singers have all achieved heights in history and many are still remembered and listen to today. However in the media and music videos they are often portrayed as less powerful. Their lyrics may seem really important in a song but the music video often uses women and makes the song have less of a meaning. They most often appear half dressed with groups of other people also half dressed. That and many more obscene things happen in women's music videos.

  12. I believe that woman have made incredible power in the music industry. I am not saying that all of their music is appropriate for the listeners. Many people would probably say that music preformed by a woman has to do with a relationship. That is almost a reputation that some woman have. Some of the top music today is preformed by a women, so they have diffidently achieved power. When it comes to the music videos, some can be considered degrading because of the clothing, but most of them help tell the story in the song more effectively. So all and all, I believe that women have achieved power through music

  13. i definatly agree that women have got most of there power from the music industry, because of the way that they sing the songs or from there beauty. they are definalty trying to prove a point especially Rihanna with her videos and song lyrics. i am agressing with that women get there power a lot from music role but women have a lot bigger roles other then the music role.

  14. From all the different careers that women can choose, more have made it in the music industry, so that is where their power resides the most. I am not completely sure of this because I have not done any research, so It is hard to know the answer to this question without looking at how well they are doing in other careers. I do not think that the music they are creating is trying to prove a point. All songs have different meanings and you can't really group them all together and say they are all preaching the same meaning. I don't think the artists are proving a point, they are expressing what goes on in their head in an artistic way and hoping that their message will get across and people can connect to it. Weather the video degrades the quality of the song is irrelevant. The video is someone else's interpretation of the song (the director, artist, or whoever is in charge) and people can interpret different meanings from the song.

  15. I think that many women have achieved social and even political power through music. Since music was always a major component to societal culture, women have been able to gain recognition by expressing their talents in the music industry. Many women singers have made historical remarks to the American society and are remembered even today. Still I think that most musics produced today (especially in our modern times) do not necessarily represent women discrimination in society. In fact I think that a lot of the music that women make degrade women status in our society, and the music itself discriminates women to a certain degree. Music videos today also degrade women portrayal in society and in the media because of body image. In many of the music videos women are wearing very little clothing and perform many exotic moves that are supposed to intensify sexual desires.

  16. I think that many women have achieved power through music. Like the examples Katie gave in class about Taylor Swift. I think that the songs that women are writing about are trying to prove a point. Many try and prove a positive point, but some don’t seem like they do. For example Rihanna’s songs often have explicit content, degrade the quality of the song, and create a bad example for young girls to have as their role model. I think that music videos also impact the power of the song, whether it’s a positive impact or a negative one, actions speak louder than words, including the actions in the videos.

  17. I do think that women have achieved power by their role in music. I agree with Cassandra on the point that many women artists are given credit for having good lyrics and its seen when they reach the top of the charts. I do believe that many women degrade themselves when they make their music videos, unlike Taylor Swift, who is clothed in her music videos. In Lady Gaga's song, Telephone, there is one part where all she is wearing is caution tape on her body. She was noticed because of her provocative clothing. Even though it did get her noticed, I think it degraded her song, because I dont really think she needed to be wearing minimal clothing. By Lady Gaga dressing this way, I think that they are increasing the idea that women need to dress provocative as well. I think that when the artists make their music videos. the media starts to take over and control what they portray in the video.

  18. I definitely think that women have achieved power through their role in music. In present day, there are so many more female artists than there were in the past. With there increasing popularity in our society, they are making a large impact. I believe that most female artists have a good message in their songs and are trying to express that to the masses. Artists that come to mind here would be: Adele, Taylor Swift, and Kelly Clarkson. These singers aren't at the level they are, just because of looks. They have made songs that have meaning without being half-naked and singing about explicit things. On the other hand, some female artists degrade themselves, through their songs and music videos. Many women have gotten to their level in the music business, due to their body and how men like them. These artists usually are singing about explicit things. In some cases these women can sing, but in others that is far from the truth. Artists like Katy Perry and Rihanna, come to mind here. I'm not saying they are bad at what they do, but the message of their songs are not usually appropriate for girls or even guys who look up to them. Also the way that they dress in these videos can be very inappropriate. I think that in women's music, artists are trying to prove a point. At times it can be good and at times it can be bad, but they all are trying to make some kind of point. Whether it is good or bad, women have definitely achieved power through music.

  19. Women have achieved power by their role in the music industry. However, some women, are achieving power in music by provacative in either their lyrics or videos, maybe even both. For example, as Cassandra said, Katy Perry's song "California Gurls" reached number one but her video got her reconized and made her even more popular. Others like Adele and Taylor swift, have been more conservative and the focus is on the songs. In the end though, both these ways are effective in achieving power in the music industry. A majority of music that women are creating i think are trying to prove a point. Women's music is being listened to and reconized. Thus, has helped women achieve power by their role in the music industry.

  20. I think women are definately more of an influence lately in the music industry. They are getting higher in the charts and being very prevelant figures in the industry, but I do think that a lot of them are having music that is degrading and innappropriate. Not all female artists are like this but many of them are getting more and more famous yet a lot of their music and videos are not what they really should be portraying themselves as. Women are definately becoming more a part of the music industry, but some of them are doing it through means that are somewhat counter-productive to women gaining real power.

  21. I think women have definitely stepped up their role in music. There are many more female singers now. But, most songs out there are not very appropriate. If you actually listen to the words and meanings of most songs, you'll realize that are do not have the best meanings and could be very harmful to some people. The videos, they upload are usually degrading and showing a little too much. Therefore, they aren't appropriate for all ages and that could potentially hurt the singer. A little child may not understand what was going on or what the message of the song is about, but they might think it's okay to be saying and doing the things the singer is doing. For example, when I was younger I used to love Brittney Spears but my parents wouldn't let me watch her because of how inappropriate she can be, and now I understand. On the plus side, there are some very inspirational female singers. Taylor Swift's songs, for example, are pretty much the bible for teenage girls. Singers like Taylor Swift don't put videos out there that not everybody can watch and therefore I feel as if there should be more singers like her out there for express more things that more people can relate to.

  22. I agree with Erika on Katie’s current event. I think that women artists are becoming more popular in a sense that they are becoming more relatable for all girls. They are taking appeal to all girls of all variations of ages, styles, and status. Taylor Swift and Adele like Erika said write about how bad guys are, which is extremely relatable for teenage girls going through breakups. I think they are gaining more popularity and acceptance from all girls instead of positive power. Women aren’t being treated differently because of the music female artists put out. The artist might because of fame, but the women on the other end listening to their lyrics aren’t going to be affected by a social, political or economic change in perceptions by the rest of Americans. I think it is important to understand that artist write songs and sing songs to get acceptance which in return will get them more fame. They are making a living off of this so they need to put out songs and videos that will “sell.” If that means wearing barely any clothing in a music video to make it more appealing to men, they will do so as we can see on any video on MTV. I feel as though the music they are making is trying to gain the most listeners and get more popularity and money.

  23. I think that women artists are becoming more popular. Girls are becoming more interested in womens music because it relates to them. I think the music they are creating are trying to prove a point in that women can be power full. I think it depends on the song if the video degrades it. Depending on who sings it and the style they are trying to get sometimes degrades the actually words of the songs. Some women like Taylor Swift i think her videos make the songs even better the way she puts them together.

  24. I agree with a lot of the posts so far. I find that in the past there were more male singers and song writers in our past and very few women. Over time and to this day, women have been rising more and more in raising the amount of women singers. Many artists write about various topics that many people could care less about and there are just a small few of the well known women artists out their today who write about relationship problems and relate to their audience and express their feelings. Artists like the ones already mentioned (Taylor Swift, Adele, and more). Because the teenage audiences can relate to the music, they develop a huge role in music because of the many listeners of their music. Women have gained a big role in music and it is because they found the topic many people will listen to, relationship problems. The music artists are making, such as Adele, are advocating how they have had breakup problems and how bad men are. They are proving that point and they stick with it through all of their music, it's what everyone of their albums are essentially about. Then you have artists like Lady Gaga and Rihanna. Their music is uptempo and they have many listeners, and many people love their music, however, when you watch their music videos, they are wearing provocative outfits and it degrades on the artists. In their music videos, some women artists where little clothing to get views, when really it degrades on the women and drives a negative image on people who have great music. So artists can go from a good song to a bad song just by the provocative music video. Videos and music drive each other and if topic choice is good, women achieve power in music and are doing so currently.

  25. I think some women have achieved power by their role in music. I say some because some women artists have meaning in their songs that speak out to more than music listeners. This goes for male artists as well. I also think that some of the music videos aren't empowering women artists. A good amount of them consist of material that doesn't help them.
