Monday, January 30, 2012

The Selma Marches

Each member of this group should do the following:

1. Provide a brief summary (in your own words) of your topic.

2. State what you want your audience to understand after they watch your performance.

3. Identify your best source for primary source material thusfar.


  1. 1.) The Selma Marches took place in March of 1965. There were a total of three marches. The march was 50 mils long from Selma Alabama to Montgomery, the state capital. These marches were were marching for the black right to vote. During this time, only 1% of black people were registered to vote. This is because of the tough police force. The first march is known today as "bloody Sunday" on bloody Sunday, the local and state police ambushed the marchers, beating them with whips and bats, and chasing them with dogs. The brutality of the police is why it was referred to as bloody Sunday.

    2.) I want to audience to get a better understanding what what these marches were. Personally i had no idea what they were before this project. I want the audience to hear both sides, the good and the "bad" about these marches. And i also want them to see how and why these marches are important to our civil rights unit.

    3.) so far, the best primary source i have found has been an interview with Martin Luther King Jr., and his view and thoughts on the marches.

  2. 1) The Selma March was a march from Selma Alabama to Montgomery. There were a total of three marches. The marches were for black rights and were meant to be non-violent but the first two marches were met with police resistance. During the first march, the marchers were met with police using pepper spray and tear gas, this is where the Selma March gets the name "Bloody Sunday". It wasn't until the third march that they were able to complete it with little to no violence/resistance.

    2)I want the audience to understand what the march was all about and how racist our country was at the time. I want the audience to really understand just how a NON-VIOLENT, march was turned into an all out riot. I hope that some of out pictures and videos will help.

    3)Right now one of my best primary sources is a document with quotes and speeches from people like martin Martin Luther King Jr. and other very important people during the civil rights movement

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1. The Selma Marches were three marches that held place in March of 1965 from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama. Selma, Alabama was a small city that was highly populated with African Americans. These African Americans were strongly apart of the Civil Rights Movement and wanted to gain voting rights in the south. When this large group of civil rights supporters headed out on their three marches they ran into a lot of horrible cruel violence from the police and white citizens int he area, which ended up starting the well known Bloody Sunday. There were many important people that were involved in the marches such as Martin Luther King Jr and President Lyndon B. Johnson. But after three attempts of these walks and all the violence these African Americans had to go through and the deaths; President Lyndon B. Johnson ended up passing the Voting Act of 1965.

    2. After our audience watches our performance, we want them to understand what the three marches were and why they were important for these African Americans. We also want them to realize how horrible Bloody Sunday was and how violent things were for these people on the marches, and that it was all for the right to vote.

    3. So far the best source of ours for primary sources would be the one about all the three different marches, bloody sunday and the voting act of 1965. That source tells us a lot about the background information and also the details and importance of the Selma Marches, in a short document.

  5. 1. The Selma marches were three different marches that happened in 1965. These three marches were from Selma Alabama to Montgomery. The marches were to get blacks a voting right. It took three marches to get what they wanted to happen. The first march is know as Bloody Sunday because the police beat them it was horrible.

    2. I want the audience to understand what happened during this time. I have not heard about the Selma Marches until we started this project and they really are a big part of our history. I also want them to understand how bad people would hurt the blacks.

    3. So far the best primary source I found was a speech that took place

  6. 1. The Selma Marches were a series of three marches that consisted of major activists during the time, for example Martin Luther King, who was a major contributor to the cause. The marches took place in 1965 and were organized for the march to start in Selma and to end in Montgomery, Alabama. The Marchers were African- Americans that wanted to gain their voting rights, since many people did not have them. During these Marches, the activists ran into much violence from many people. People were beaten to death on these marches, however, the activists did not give up and continued to return and try to finish the march. And after three marches the activists finished their protest, President Lyndon Johnson passed the Voting Rights act in 1965.

    2. After the audience watches our performance, we want them to understand what African Americans had to endure while trying to get voting rights, which were then considered a luxury while today we see them as a civil right. We want the audience to understand the difficulties that this country has faced. We want them to understand that this march was meant to be non-violent and it was turned into bloody Sunday.
    3. So far, the best primary source that I have read would have to be the document that I came across online that gave quotes and background information that was involved in the Selma Marches.
