Friday, January 13, 2012

Nobel Peace Prize

Three women who fought injustice, dictatorship and sexual violence in Liberia and Yemen received the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize at a ceremony in the Norwegian Capital. The three women were Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee who also lives in Liberia, and Tawakkul Karman of Yemen.

The United States started Liberia. The last woman to win the Nobel Peace prize in the United States was in 1997 and was Jody Williams.

These three women represent the struggle for “Human rights in general and women for equality and peace in particular” There has not been a women or sub-Saharan African to win the prize since 2004.

Sirleaf was elected president of Liberia in 2005 and won the re-election in October. She helped her country emerge from a bad civil war.

Gbowee campaigned for a long time, for the rights of women and against rape. In 2003 she led hundreds of female protesters through Monrovia to demand swift disarmament of fighters, who continued to rape women; event thought they had the peace deal that ended the civil war.

And Karman won the prize because she was the leader of the human rights group Women Journalists without chains. She was the first Arab women to win the Nobel Peace Prize and the youngest she is 32. They are hoping since she won that many more women will go out and protest against the leader of their country who people want to get rid of.

Question: Why do you think that a woman winning the Nobel Peace prize was such a big deal? Why do you think more men have won this prize then Women?


  1. It is a huge deal when women win things like the Nobel Prize because in history women have had a lot more to prove than men. It feels better receiving the prize for a women too because men in history did not have to work as hard as women to get where they wanted to go and to achieve the things they wanted too. I think men have won the prize more times than women because more people have payed attention to them. I think there is women out there who have done a lot more than the men that won the prizes in the past but just have not been noticed because men are the more dominant in society. When things like this happen for women though it encourages other women to do the same thing because it re-ensures them than men are not better than women.

  2. The Nobel Peace Prize is one of the most prestigious awards one can win throughout the world. I believe it is a big deal for a woman to win it because in many countries women are viewed as lesser than men. For a woman to win this award would be very surprising and somewhat appalling to many countries. In areas of the world in which women must cover themselves completely and have no rights this would cause an uproar. I don't think there is a reason which more men have won this prize than women that is just the way it has played out. For a prize having so much to do with peace and equality, I believe there would be no bias in choosing the winner each year. It may be because in many countries men have had more opportunity to make a change than women, but that has nothing to do with the choices of who decides the winner of this prize.

  3. I agree that this is a very prestigious award to win since it means you have made a real difference in the world and that you have offered an innovative and new way to bring peace to your society in some way. Furthermore, I think it is a big deal that women had won it since it shows women's progress in society. Women are encouraged to do more and make a greater impact in our society since they are gaining and fighting for equal rights. It is a great deal when women from a country that does not have equal rights get this prize because it shows that they are making progress in their society which will cause them to get a greater respect from their society. As more women gain this prize, it sets an example to the country as well as all women that equality should be demanded and respected in order to further the advancement of our world.

  4. I also agree and feel as if the Nobel Peace Prize is one of the most prestigious awards to win. Therefore, for a woman to win it is a very big deal. It would be such a big deal because of how surprising to many it would be. However, I do not think there is any bias towards the male to female ratio of winners of this prize since it is all about peace and equality. However, males may have had more chances to prove themselves because more people listen to men and not as much to women, but women just need to put them out there more.

  5. Because many counties still suffer gender equality, woman are not supposed to do well in those countries. It was a big deal to them because women are starting to shatter those barriers and prove that they are just as capable of doing well. In their culture, it is not expected of them to do well. I think more men have won this prize more than woman because in the past, only men were given the power and opportunity.

  6. Like everyone else has said, I too agree that the Nobel Peace Prize is a prestigious award to win and means that you have done something amazing in the world and made lives change for many to be awarded it. Especially in a place such as Liberia, where women do not have equal rights, so for a women to win it makes it a very big deal because it shows the progress that women are making through their society and in their country. I believe that this will set an example for many women that they can strive to achieve in life and make changes for their countries no matter what gender they are and that they should have equality no matter what, so more women can become more confident in what they are doing to make more changes in the world.

  7. likely i believe that men have won more of the piece prize more then women is because of the way things have been in the past. People don't think that women have what it takes to win the Nobel Piece prize, while men have the potential and don't have the past that women do. But i believe that women winning it know is going to set more examples for women and make men and women more and more equal.

  8. Like the rest of the class has said, I agree that winning the Nobel Peace Prize is a huge accomplishment and can be looked upon as heroic. I believe that more men have won the Peace Prize in history due to things have been seen in the past. All the stereotypes of the men being heroes and so on have shaped the way women try to change the world. I think that it would take a lot more than what a man would have to accomplish to receive the prize, which is unfair but I believe is true. I feel as if people in today's society do not look at women's accomplishments or heroics as having as much impact of those of a man.

  9. I agree that winning the Nobel Peace Prize is a prestigious award because now whoever receives it means that they have made a real impact and difference in the world. I think that it’s a big deal that a women wins a Nobel Peace Prize because it shows women’s progress in society. I don’t think that there is a bias for the number of males who win this award to the number of women who win this award because it is all about peace and equality. But, I personally think that males have had more of a chance to prove themselves to receive an award such as this one because more people listen to men than they do to women. I think that men have won this prize more than women have because in the past, only men were given opportunities and power.
