Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tims Current Event

Why do women earn less then men for doing the exact same job? Even if they have the same background and experience women earn less then men. This has been an ongoing problem in the workplace for a long as people have been working. The federal government has confirmed that the workplace earnings gap between men and women still persists today. The earnings gap between men and women has narrowed, but a new White House report shows that on average women still only make about 75% as much as their male counterparts. Despite a sense of continued progress toward wage equality, inequality still exists.
It all started in WWII when women had to start working in the workforce doing jobs that men had traditionally done. They went into the factories and businesses because the men were all at war. The people who owned the factories discriminated against the women not paying them the same wages they paid the men and that same attitude has prevailed even up to today. The JFK Equal Pay Right law was passed in 1963 but since the law was passed women's wages have improved very little, going up a half a penny each year. At this rate it will be 2109 before they are paid the same as men.
President Barack Obama agrees in equality of pay towards women, but some Senators are still wary of passing more laws for women because of the affect it will have on small businesses fighting the legal battles.

Do you agree with Barack Obama in putting more laws in place for equal pay for women or do you agree with the Senators who think that more laws will create more problems and create more job losses for small businesses which will further affect the economy?


  1. I agree with Barack Obama and with the Senators. I believe in equal pay among men and woman, but I also think that it will cause problems. As the senators said it may close down some smaller companies. I am not worried about the bigger companies because the extra money going towards women will probably come out of the higher-ups checks. I don't see the need for one man to have millions, even billions of dollars. So I would have to say I agree more with Barack Obama.

  2. I think that the Senators are partially right on this situation. If these supposedly new laws were to be passed within the next year, I would agree with the Senators. They make a valid point that small businesses are not going to be able to pay the extra money because of the current economic situation. I think that before anything can be considered on the pay that women or men currently have, the government needs to be more focused on the current job situation. We should be thinking about how to re-shape our economy before anything is considered on the amount of pay each person is getting. Women or men should be thankful to even have a job right now no matter how much they get paid.

    However, if this topic were to come up when we are not in such tough times with our current economy, I would have to agree with Barack Obama. The equality of men and women is not very fair in our country and their should defenitely be something done about it. I just do not think that this should be a major concern for our society right now.

  3. I agree with Katie, I believe the Senators are correct in this situation. They make a great point that passing this a law will just make things more complicated and overall affect the current economy. Small business will definitely suffer from this because they would probably be loosing money by paying women extra. However, I do agree that it is not correct that women are getting paid less then men, but it is just a bad time in our country to be passing such a law. There is just not a need for it, and like Katie said is should not be a major concern.

  4. I believe that women and men deserve equal pay for the same job title and responsibilities. However, I do not think there is a way to force companies to pay both genders equally in every situation. The company has every right to give more or less responsibility or title to whomever they please. If they feel that someone, male or female, has less responsibilities than another employee, they have the right to pay one more than the other. Even with a certain law for these woman's rights, no one can force a company to give more promotions or pay raises to women.

  5. I believe that women and men should be given equal pay for their jobs. I do not think it's fair that men are payed more then women. Women work just as hard as men and the fact that an average woman is payed 75% as much as their male counterparts is ridiculously unfair.However, as Katie and Erika previously stated, currently we should not be focusing on the equal pay of men and women. The economy of the United States is very bad and an estimated 13.9 million citizens are unemployed. If President Barack Obama were to put more laws into play for the equal pay for women I think it will cause further job losses among small businesses and worsen the economy. On the other hand, I think that once the economy becomes better a law should be enacted about the equal pay of women to demonstrate that we are a land of equality.

  6. I also think men and women should be payed equally if they both have the same type of job requiring the same qualifications. It says in the current event that overall across the nation, a woman's income is less than a mans, but this statistic is not due to the companies paying women less. It is due the the women's role in society. We have not completely made the shift over from the cooking and cleaning/taking care of kids role to the business professional role. Because of this, women do not have the time to go further in their carrer and make more money. Also, many don't want to because they have the role of being a mother and that is more important to them and they would rather spend more time doing that. I do not agree with the president because they are putting money towards something that does not need money to fix. I do agree with the senators but only partially because they are failing to realize that the money used to resolve this problem won't do anything to fix the problem, they are only realizing the after affects.

  7. While I do agree that men and women should both be receiving equal pay, I also agree with the Senators that this will create more problems. Our economy is struggling enough already and making addition laws to make pay equal to men and women can cause small businesses to lose money and eventually shut down. Before these laws are put into place, I believe that Obama should allow small money raises for the women over time, until they’re equal with the men’s pay, in order for businesses to see how much money they’re losing due to these new laws. Introducing equal pay laws at this time is going to create problems for businesses and the economy.

  8. I also agree with President Barack Obama stating that women and men should have equal pay. In my opinion, women are men are both human beings so they should have and equal right of how much pay one should receive. 75 percent of men are being payed higher amounts for the same jobs that women do. This is unacceptable and a very high number. However in my opinion, companies should pay the amounts they want to pay. I believe the federal government shouldn't inter-fear in companies amounts. Also if Barack Obama provided more jobs, helping out our economy and solving the biggest issue this country has, then maybe more opportunities will be provided for women making this issue of unequal pay irrelevant.

  9. I agree that both genders should receive equal pay, but I also agree with what the Senators said about causing more problems. As Rachel said, the current economy is very bad and therefore, just raising the pay of women will make the economy suffer even more because businesses will suffer as well. Therefore, if Obama slightly kept increasing the pay of women, then over time, eventually the pay will be equal of both genders.

  10. I agree with Barack Obama and the senators about giving women equal pay. For women not to have equal pay is very sexist and in my opinion there is no point. If a women can do a job just as well as a man, then there should be no differences in pay. But the senators do have point about some business might be ruined. Some business have been paying women less for years and for a sudden change in habits may bring some of them under or just in a awkward position. That aside i still think that women should have equal pay rights to men. That way men and women have a shot at achieving the american dream.

  11. I agree with Barack Obama that women should have equal pay with. I found these statistics especially surprising in modern times since I didn't realize this oppression continued to exist. Women work as hard and can have the same jobs as men so I don't understand how their pay would be less. I can see how possibly this would affect small businesses but the fight to end this oppression is worth much more than the economy. I agree with John, women should have the same potential as men to achieve the American Dream. Though our economy is struggling I believe there are better ways to improve it than to underpay women. The Senators and President should focus on ways to improve the economy, not ways to continue perpetuating an unjust system of pay.

  12. Being a female, I think that Barack Obama is correct for introducing new laws that will create equal paying jobs for women. Like Jeff, I agree that gender shouldn’t be discriminated against if two people are completing the same tasks, they should make the same amount of money. Women shouldn’t be making less money than the men who are completing the same jobs. Like the previous posts, if passing this law will create for more jobs losses, it will in a way contradict itself because it will create higher wages for the women who have jobs but in the end it may result in them losing their job, making less money than the initial amount they were receiving. So I can both sides of the argument. If the economy was more stable I would see eye to eye with Obama with legitimate reason to pass a law stating the equal paying of all Americans regardless of gender.

  13. For this I stand neutral. I do agree with Obama and putting more laws in place so then everyone gets equal pay cross-gender, although I also agree with the senators' decision as well. Creating more laws could result in a negative impact. Because of our awful economy at the moment, the new laws can potentially make a lot of women lose their jobs. Whereas, if we had a stronger economy, the laws would be fine. Most likely, companies' accounting departments are working out who gets what pay based on the companies' income, and if the laws get passed, the companies' won't have the funds to increase pay and therefore job loss would occur. As for now, because of the economy standpoint, I am siding with the senate that until the economy gets stronger, no laws should be put in place on this matter. However, where we are now with the unequal pay, I find it unfair; companies should have made the pay rates equal to start with.

  14. I would have to agree with President Obama on this issue. Women and men should be paid the same if they have the same qualifications for a job. It isn't fair to pay a man more just because of his gender. That is gender discrimination. The senators make a good point, saying it will create more issues and that could be right. You don't really know what it will do. Like many have said, the economy has to be the first thing on our mind. With the economy we currently have, this issue doesn't matter as much. Our main goal should be to improve our economy and then we could possibly explore this law. I definitely think the unequal pay of men and women is wrong and needs to change, but the first thing we need to take care of is our economy.

  15. I strongly agree with Barrack Obama's decision on women getting equal pay as the men. In my opinion, people who are against it are pretty sexist. All people are created equally, so why shouldn't they get paid equally. There is no reason that they should get paid less. More laws will not create more problems in my opinion, so I fully agree with Barrack Obama's decision.

  16. I agree with Barrack Obama's claim that woman should receive equal payments as men on their jobs. I find it extremely sexist and unmoral that business, on average, give women a smaller salary simply because of their gender. That is highly discriminative towards women and companies should be held accountable for these crimes. It is an issue that some minor companies might lose a significant amount of money increasing salary for women, but women should be given equal payments as men. Our country lives under the philosophy of equality and we must respect this philosophy no matter a person's gender, ethnicity, nor ideologies.

  17. I would agree with President Obama and with the senators. If is the right thing to do and should have been done a long time ago but it probably will create more problems for small businesses. I believe that even though it may put some small business's out of business it is still worth it because in order to become equal you have to make sacrifices. Women and men getting paid different amounts of money is just wrong and needs to be stopped. This is great that the president is doing this.

  18. I agree with Barack Obama that there should be laws making sure women get equal pay with men. I don’t see any reason not to try and put these laws in place, because if nothing is done about it than nothing will happen. I can see where the senators are coming from and how it might cause issues that could result in even worse scenarios, but something should be done about it. Everyone deserves to have the opportunity to get equal pay, so some action should be taken about it, and just saying it shouldn’t be done because it could possible cause problems isn’t really much of a reason. It could cause problems, but the unequal pay in itself is already a problem.

  19. I do think Barack Obama should put a law in for equal pay. I think this because in my opinion I think that men and women should get equal pay. As Tim said quoting a few senators this could cause more job losses for small businesses, which could affect the economy in a negative way. They say “Life isn’t fair” but it should be, women deserve to be paid just as much as men. I think if this will hurt small company’s maybe they can just move the salary amount for men down and most up the salary for women. If men and women are both qualified to do the same job then they should be paid the same amount. Overall, I just think this is one thing in life that should be fair.

  20. I think that men and woman should be payed the same, but i do not think that there is really anything that we as a country can do without passing laws. Passing new laws about this ongoing debate will cause more problems to arise. I personal opinion is that we need to pay everyone the same amount of money. We have more important things, such as immigration and the money we owe, to worry about. Therefore, i agree with both sides on this case.

  21. I think that men and woman should be payed equally. It is unfair that today women are still not being payed as much as men even if they are qualified equally for the same job. They should get payed the same. But I also think that some jobs will be lost and the economy will go down which would be bad. I think that they should make laws anyways because now a day women and men are suppose to be equal and that is how it should be.

  22. I agree with Barack Obama, I do think that women and men should have equal pay. However, laws would have to be passed to achieve this. And there is a risk that can result from passing laws to achieve equal pay, it can result in a more unstable econonmy. But like Maddie said there is no point of not trying to get equal pay. People deserve to get paid equally if there both equally qualified for it. If one person is more qualified and proved to be a better worker for the job then yeah they should get paid more- but the amount of money a person earns should not depend on thier gender.

  23. I agree with Barack Obama, and that there should be a law that allows equal pay between men and women. I think that especially today in this society and where we as a country have gone through, that there should be no reason why men and women are not equally paid for the same job. I do think that Senate is right that by making such a law then there will possibly be new problems and issues that will arise, but I do not think that should stop us from making a law to fix this already existing problem. If something is not done about it now then it will never get fixed, so we should have a law to make sure that men and women are paid the equally for the same job.

  24. I think that men and women both deserve equal pay. I feel that if these laws are put in place not many companys will risk breaking the law and being sued. If these laws are put into place then it will force equal pay into our sociaty and buisness that wernt paying equal will be forced to do so. Companys that still refuse to abide to these laws do not deserve to stay in buisness if they cant respect their workers enough to pay them equally

  25. I agree with Obama, men and women should be paid equally. This should not effect employment at all. If businesses fear that they might be sued for not paying equally, then they should just follow the law and actually pay equally. In that case, they don't have anything to worry about. Issues that lawmakers are concerned about should not get in the way at creating equality between genders. Men and women work equally as hard and deserve to be rewarded accordingly.

  26. I agree that women and men should be payed equal for doing their job. I don't believe that it's right for men to be payed more than women when women work just as hard as men do. I don't think that there is a way to force companies to pay both male and females the same amount of money. As Katie, Erika, and Cassandra said, we should not be focusing right now on the equal pay of men and women because we have much larger subjects that need to be addressed first. If the President were to put more laws in place for equal pay for women, I think it would cause job losses and make the economy worse than it already is.

  27. In my opinion, I agree with both President Obama and with the Senators. Obama's idea of equal pay between both men and women makes complete sense. However, the Senator's do have a point about how putting more laws in to place will make things a lot more complicated and could potentially hurt small business, making more job losses and a worse economy. Both sides have great points and I'm undecided about which I would personally agree with. Like others have said, there are bigger issues in the country right now besides equal pay between genders that need to be fixed first, although equal pay is an important issue that should be addressed at some point.

  28. I agree with Obama which is paying men and women equally. I do not think it is fair that women are payed less than men but it also is concerning that it could cause more job losses. We need to get more people to at least have jobs and not worry about how much the people are working are earning. Obama and the Senate defiantly should work out a plan to fix both those problems are the same times but that cannot weaken our economy in any way.
