Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sam's Current Event

In the United States and other countries such as Britain and Australia, the use of private security companies has turned the detention of unwanted immigrants into a multinational industry. Governments are looking for private companies so that they can expand detention centers. This movement will show voters that they are enforcing stronger and tougher immigration laws. Some companies support this idea and say that they are meeting demands faster. But the production of privatized detention has been joined by other inspection reports, lawsuits, and documents that said this act was an act of abuse and neglect. Some human rights groups say that the detention centers has neither worked as a deterrent or sped up deportation rates. Now, private companies control nearly half of the detention centers in the United States. No country has completely outsourced these immigration detention centers that have been running since 1998.

Do you think it is ethically right that these illegal immigrants are being held in the detention centers?


  1. I do not think they should be held here because as said in the current event, "this act was an act of abuse and neglect." I think that they should only be punished if proven illegal. Also, what is the point of keeping them in these centers if they haven't worked in the past? I think that if they want stronger and tougher immigration laws, there needs to be a more efficient way of dealing with the situations.

  2. Since this question is asking for the ethical reasoning behind these detention centers, I would say that no they are not ethically correct for our nation. They are cruel and should not be tolerated for, for anyone for that matter. Ethically speaking, it is not right for any human being to be put into a detention center for not being a legal citizen. I agree that there needs to be some sort of place where illegal immigrants can get deported back to their home country, but it is not right to keep them in place. Like Ari, I believe that there needs to be a more efficient way to sort these illegal immigrants and create a way that is not abusive, because even if a person is illegal, they should not be punished for trying to create a better life for themselves and/or their families. I found this current event really interesting.

  3. To hold immigrants in detention centers is ethically wrong. To hold anyone for that matter is wrong. Business should not be able to do this to illegal workers. Illegal worker should be dealt with but in a different way then detention centers. It seems to me that it is a form of immigrant torture. It is a problem to have illegal workers in your business or working environment but to deal with them in a tortures manner is wrong. So to answer the question is it ethically right, the answer is clearly no.

  4. I do not think it is ethically right to hold these immigrants in these detention centers. There is no knowledge of what is going on inside these centers, and who is to know how bad the living conditions there are? There is no need for detention centers for illegal immigrants. If they are a problem in this country, deportation is a much simpler and ethical solution. These detention centers have no purpose and should be discontinued.

  5. To do this is ethically wrong to do. It is cruel towards these immigrants and the living conditions are horrible. Regular jails are much cleaner so i think that they should at least be sent there. at least at a regular jail, immigrants would get the right to clean living conditions and a less cruel enviroment

  6. I do not think it is ethically right that illegal immigrants are being help in these detention centers. I believe that illegal immigrants come to America in search for a better life, and although they are illegal, they should not be separated from the outside world. I feel as though detention centers give too much authority to the men and women working as supervisors there. I believe that this gives them the authority to act in a racist manner which is extremely unethical. I also believe that the inspection reports stating that the institutions "act of abuse and neglect" prove that the living conditions are not admirable. Although they are illegal immigrants they should not be placed in an area where living conditions may be dirty and unbearable because that's morally wrong. I agree with Jeff that deportation is a much more ethical solution instead of being isolated in a detention center with other illegal immigrants. Since private companies own nearly half of the detention centers in the United States, I think this is dangerous for the illegal immigrants because there isn't a standard way to go about treating these detention centers. Instead it is based on the opinion of the owners which once again could lead to too much authority given to the people that work the detention centers. In addition, I think that these detention centers should speed up the rate of deportation. Since the illegal immigrants are being held into detention centers, I think it would be more reasonable if they were deported to their homeland which I believe to be a better solution.

  7. I also think this is morally wrong. They go and keep these illegal immigrants in abusive detention centers when really who they’re holding in them are people just like all of us. They were only coming to the United States in search for a better life or work, and when they get asked for their papers and they don’t have them, they get thrown in the detention centers for deportation. I think the detention centers are wrong, because no average human being should be exposed to such a thing. One day, an illegal immigrant could be asked for their papers and not have any and so they are sent to the detention center. That’s just not right. They shouldn’t be punished for coming into the United States illegally. Yes, they could be deported, but that doesn’t mean people have the right to abuse them. They should just be told to leave the country as soon as possible and then be written down as an illegal immigrant. That’s one solution. These detention centers should be shut down, because no person shall be exposed to such abusive things. Also, if a legal immigrant gets asked for their papers and they forgot them at home, they could be sent to the detention centers as well. That’s just not right at all. I guess, the illegal immigrants could be deported on spot or within a few days of being noticed by government authorities, but that doesn’t mean people can just accuse any immigrant of being an illegal one because they don’t have their papers with them. They need to come up with a better system for deportation or find some way to make them legal immigrants. These detention centers should be shut down and they are probably unconstitutional as well. I had no idea such a thing was going on, and I think something has to be done about it.

  8. Like all of the previous posts, I believe that putting illegal immigrants in detention centers is not ethical. Money shouldn't be wasted on creating these detention centers to torturer them, since they are contributing any money to the economy by not paying any tax but sales tax, why waste more money on them. I agree that there should be a place for these immigrants to go to prior to being deported, but I believe that torturing them is nonsense and unethical. Cassandra made a good point about how these are not government run detention centers so there aren’t a strict set of guidelines that each center has to abide by, so they could be extremely dangerous and harmful to the immigrant. I think it’d be more effective and respectful to deport them immediately. It saves time and gets them out of the country sooner. Anthony stated how jails are cleaner than these centers they are placed in which isn’t right because even though they may not be dangerous criminals, they are being treated worse than a potential murderer in jail. In all I believe that these detention centers are embarrassing to the United States and should therefore be forced to close.

  9. I do not think it is ethically right to hold immigrants in detention centers. It is a waste of time to keep them in our country because its more of a prison. They should be sent out of the country as soon as possible and if you can't get them out that fast then let them live a normal life until then. Since private companies are controlling these detention centers, there aren't federal laws that have restrictions to what might go on. Also the living standard could be below average and is more of a torture then it is actually helping the country. I believe that these detention centers should be closed.

  10. I also agree that holding immigrants in detention centers is not ethically right. The conditions in these detention centers are "an act of abuse and neglect". If suspected of being an illegal immigrant then the government should prove first that they are illegal and then deport them, there is no need to keep illegal immigrants here for a long period of time just to force them to live in a detention center. Detention centers are not right, and are cruel and unusual punishments.

  11. I don't think it is ethically right to hold immigrants in detention centers. Like Sam said in her presentation, "this act was an act of abuse and neglect." That shows what is actually going on in these centers. Why should we spend money on these detention centers that are just abusing the immigrants. Like others have said before me, these immigrants come here for a better life and this act of throwing them in detention centers accomplishes nothing. All it is, is cruel punishment that shouldn't be allowed. These people are illegal and they shouldn't be here, but putting them in these detention centers and abusing them is out of line.

  12. I do not have an ethical problem with the detainment of illegal immigrants. I do however have an ethical problem with they way they are being treated. But since the question was about the detainment, and not the treatment I will answer that question. I think that detaining illegal immigrants is not ethically wrong because they have committed a crime. Immigrants come here looking for a better life, and a just government. If we were to ignore crimes wouldn't that make our government unjust? Also we detain people who commit petty crimes. Why should we be letting people go whom commit large scale crimes? I understand that is extremely expensive to have these detainment centers. But I could understand the strong arguments for keeping them. And yes the way immigrants are being treated is ethically wrong, but so is not detaining people who commit crimes.

  13. I do not think it is ethically right to keep to immigrants in these detention centers. Because we do not know what is going on in these centers and even though they committed a crime by coming here, they wanted to have a better life and it would be easier and nicer to just deport them back to their country with out putting them in the detention centers.

  14. I agree with the previous posts that it is not ethically right to keep illegal immigrants in these detention centers. I believe that it is wrong to hold them there until deportation because they are basically put there to be tortured and it is also unsafe and not as clean as it should be. Like others before me have said, it is worse then putting them in jails. That sis not good on the United States part because we look worse than we should about our immigration laws. By putting them in these detention centers it is cruel and a waste of their time and our countries money. So in the end I think that this is ethically wrong to keep illegal immigrants in those detention centers, and we should deport them as soon as possible so they can get out of our country sooner and we don't waste their time, waste any more money or even punish them cruelly just because they are here illegally.

  15. I don't think that it is ethically moral to hold illegal immigrants in detention centers. Though they have violated American law they should not be withheld from their rights, and be forced to go through these severe punishments. These types of institutions are made for those that have committed terrible crimes against society, and illegal immigrants do not fall under that category. Immigrants should be dealt with a more humane manner, and instead of putting them in detention centers, they should just be immediately deported back into their country.

  16. I do not think that it should be legal to keep these immigrants in detention centers. To me, it is an act of discrimination. It is also a very cruel act towards the illegal immigrants. They may not come here legally, but they come here in search for a better life. If they get locked up in detention centers, than they are not living a better life. I would just send them back to the country they came from. I'm sure most of the immigrants would rather have that than stay in a detention center.

  17. i do think that is ethically right because we have laws in place that say that it is illegal to enter the united states without proper permission. i mean it is not like we are not giving them food or not sheltering them. they are given constitutional rights to a quick investigation to determine their situation. it obviously takes time but we need to make sure that they are treated right in accordance to law.

  18. I think the answer to this question depends on your morals and ethics. I personally think that this is not ethically right; because these detention centers are kept in awful condition. But I do think that the thought behind it works. I think since these people came here illegally they should be “kicked out” but I don’t think even people illegally here should be treated so horribly. I think if the centers weren’t bad then maybe but if they continue to be so cruel then I think this is wrong. It also depends on whether you think they deserve their constitutional rights if they are not American citizens. I think that even though they are illegal they deserve to be treated as a human just as the rest of us. And I don’t understand what Tim said, “they are given constitutional rights to a quick investigation to determine their situation” because I thought the detention centers didn’t give them a quick investigation to “determine their situation” Maybe I just missed something, I don’t know.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I agree with Paige, it is fine to hold illegal immigrants in detention centers as long as the conditions are good and they are not being abused. They need to be kept there because they have broken a law. We also do not know who they are and what their background is. We need to do this in order to keep american families safe. This in no way is an act of discrimination, it is an act of safety.
