Thursday, November 24, 2011

Let the Women Die Act Passed

Last week a bill passed through the House of Representatives, HR 358 or the let the women die act. The act states that medical facilities can refuse to provide, pay for, and provide coverage for abortions. They can even let a women die in order to prevent an abortion. This new act ties hand and hand with the urban victim of violence act, which was passed in 2004. The law states that a fetus is a person and has rights separate from its mother. Both acts are very pro life and prevent women from having abortions.

Question: Do you think it was right for the house to pass this bill? Should women be left to die rather than given an abortion that could save their life?



  1. This topic is very sensitive to most people and I do not stand strongly on my opinion. I do agree with ending abortion and saving a baby, but to let the mother die is to harsh. Even though the law states that a fetus is a person, it just isn't the same as a woman who has actually been alive and has feelings. Overall I do not think letting the women die is right and I also do not think it will become a law.

  2. In my opinion I do not think it's right for the House of Representatives to pass the bill the HR358. I disagree with this bill because I feel as though the mother should choose whether or not to have her child. I believe that there are many reasons why women receive abortions for example if a women is raped. Also, I agree with Troy that to let the mother die is extremely harsh. I believe that if the mother was going to die if she gave birth then she should be allowed to receive an abortion to save her life. Although I am aware that abortions go against what people believe in, I believe that overall the mother should be able to choose whether or not she goes through with the birth.

  3. Like Cassandra, I agree that this is not right for the House of Representatives to pass this bill. I believe that the government should not have a say in whether a mother wants to keep her child or not. There are many circumstances where it is not right for the mother to keep the baby, for example if it will put the mother in great risk, or if she was raped and had no intention in having a child. Also, if the soon to be mother was a teenager, she also has a reason to not have the baby because she may be incapable of raising the baby to its full potential. Allowing medical facilities to not cover abortions is basically giving the workers there control over someone else's life. It's unethical in the sense of having someone else make a huge life decision for someone else. Like Troy, I have very mixed feelings about abortions but I hope this bill will not pass the Senate.

  4. I also feel that this bill should not be passed. A mother should be given the choice when it comes to her body, and her baby. Whether a woman wants a baby, or doesn't for any reason, that decision needs to be made by her. I think this because, like Erika said, there are many horrible things could happen to woman young and older. If a woman is not mentally, physically, or financially ready to have a child, then she should be able to choose the best solution for her, whether it be adoption or abortion.

  5. I would have agreed with what everyone else has said, but I did further research. I read the actual bill that was passed, and in Section 2C, subsection A and B, it states that the law does give an exception to women who were raped and women who's life depends on the abortion. The bill is not killing any mothers, because there is an exception for them allowing them to have the abortion if it is needed to save their lives. The bill just states that medical facilities don't have to fund abortions, which I completely agree with. When you get an abortion, what you are killing is a life. Whatever stage it's in it doesn't matter, it is meant to be a person with opportunities and success. Who knows; you could have been killing the next President. You are murdering that individual , and stopping a beating heart. When do a mother's rights end, and when do the baby's rights begin?

  6. When listening to this in class, I thought that this bill was unethical and unfair to women. Abortion should be something decided on the mother and if it means life or death for her, she should be allowed to continue on with an abortion. The fetus can’t provide for itself without the mother so I definitely disagree with a fetus being considered a separate person (until it’s of age to be on its own). Although I agree that abortion is looked at as immoral by a portion of the United States, if a mother doesn’t want a baby, she should be allowed to get an abortion. As Derek said, the mother could be in a mental, physical, or financial situation and not want a child at the time. Abortion is something that I disagree on, but I still feel that a mother should be allowed it if it’s a life or death situation for her.

  7. I agree with Rachel and would have to say though I don’t always agree with abortion but I find that it is definitely necessary under certain circumstances. I found Katrina’s extra research interesting, especially the fact that rape victims are allowed to have abortions but I am not sure this bill is still completely ethical. I believe that if the mother is having financial problems or is not fit to be a mother (ie a drug addict, alcoholic etc) she should be able to have the option to abort her fetus. Also, according to chapter 17 of the AP bio book from last year, there are seven characteristics of all life and this baby cannot feed for itself. The fetus relies on another organism (the mother) for food and care and in my opinion should not be considered a living organism until it is able to breathe on its own, viruses are considered to not be alive for this reason. However, I understand that my views are controversial and overall, I believe this bill sort of restricts women’s rights since they should have the opportunity to decide what to do with their own fetus because different people classify what life is in different ways.

  8. The 2004 Urban Victim of Violence Act was right, however, HR 358 goes too far. While everyone has a right to life and abortions should not be elective procedures for mothers who simply don't want their babies, there are definitely circumstances in which abortions are merited or even necessary. If a woman needs an abortion because bringing the baby to term would be fatal, then obviously she should have one. If a woman is raped, it should be her choice to have one or not. Therefore this bill goes to far in giving medical professionals the moral and legal discretion to choose whether a woman will die or have an abortion

  9. I don't think the house has the right to pass this bill. I definitly think that it is wrong to kill a baby, even if it hasn't entered the world. But like Troy said letting the mother die is extremely harsh. If it is life threatening to go through with the birth of the child, I think you should allow an abortion to happen. Although, if the woman is totally able to have the child, then they should have it. If they don't want it, they should put it up for adoption rather than killing it before it is even born. I definitly don't agree with the act of abortion, but if it is a life or death situation, it should be okay.

  10. My opinion on the matter is that the house should not have passed this bill. This is a very unethical bill that they got a huge vote on in the house and I think that the matter that they passed is immoral. Women should have the right to chose whether or not they want to go through with having a baby and whether or not they are in a life or death situation, they should be able to chose whether or not they want to go through with it. Women should not be left to die if it means that the baby survives; in that situation, either way a person will die, and so the women should survive so then the family doesn't get torn if that's the case, and the baby just wouldn't make it, but that would still stand better than a passing mother. It's a tough call, but the house passed an immoral bill; no person should be left to die if it can be helped.

  11. This bill is not right at all, it should be the women's choice if she wants to have her child born or not. This bill also puts lots of women in danger. I think it is more important to keep the people who have already been living alive rather than somebody who has not been born into the world yet. It should also be the women's judgment to whether she should keep the baby or not. Some women get abortions because if they have the child they will not have the proper living conditions. They sometimes do not do it to harm the baby but they obviously would not want their child to have a bad life. Freak things happen and some women to do expect to get pregnant. The women make the choice they think is best at the time it is not fair to take that away from them.

  12. This bill is not good at all because the women should always have a choice on whether or not she wants a child. If she is forced into having a baby that she does not want then she might mistreat it or worse. Also it is not right that they are going to let people die just so a baby can be born. Even if that baby's considered a person the mom is a person too. Hospitals should always try to save a persons life no matter what.

  13. I think that the house should not have passed this bill at all.It should be the woman's decision whether or not she wants to have the child. The government should not make that decision for her, especially if it could result in death. If they save the child but kill the mom, than what are they saving. They are not saving lives because the mom is dead. The mom's life should not end because the government will not allow her to have an abortion. I think the government should have thought this law out a little better.

  14. The bill should absolutely not be passe. I agree with Nicole and how she says that women should have the choice to have the baby or not because it is there body. it should not be decided by the congress with the government, it should be up to the women. I mean yes killing the baby is harsh but if the women is in a life or death situation they should have the right to abort the baby its there choice no one elses.

  15. I think this law should not be passed and is a horrible idea to just consider it. Having a child is a privilege and a choice a women has in life and yes while aborting a child is in my opinion a bad thing because its taking a life and saying to people they can have sex over and over again without no contraceptives and not have kids, its still a choice that the women have. Also by killing the mother, which is what this law is stating, isn't solving nothing and making it a bad thing because the child would be effected greatly and killing a life of a mother is the same as killing the life of a baby. A life is a life in my opinion. Again the mother has the choice and with the government now wanting this law to be passed stating that they'll make the decision for them is completely wrong. The women should have the choice not the government.

  16. In my opinion, I do not think it is right for this bill to be passed. I disagree with this bill because it should be the women’s choice to have the child or not. I did find Katrina’s extra research to be interesting because the bill does allow rape victims and women whose life’s in danger to have abortions. But overall the women should have the choice to have an abortion. I also agree with Randa because this bill restricts women’s rights. Overall, many people have different views on abortion but in the end it should be the women’s choice.

  17. I disagree with this bill because I think it should be up to the mother if she wants to keep her baby or not. There are a lot of circumstances where it's not right for the mother to keep the baby; for example, if the mother was raped or if having a child would put the mother in tough medical risks. I agree with Troy and Cassandra on the fact that letting the mother die is very harsh. The mother life should not end because the government wouldn't allow her to have an abortion.

  18. I disagree with the bill and think that it should not have been passed by the house. I believe that it should be 100% the mother's choice of whether or not she wants to have the baby or not. I don't believe that in any circumstance that a fetus is more important that a mother's life until the baby is born. Not having an abortion and letting the mother die because of it in order to save the unborn baby seems completely ridiculous. As I said the choice should be the mother's completely and the government should not have the power to decide for her.

  19. I do not think it is up to the House to pass this bill. Personally I am against abortion and don't think it should really be an option, but I think it's a bit harsh to not provide it as an option to let the mom die. I think it's a tough situation because I am not for abortion, but to just let the mom die and give her no options seems to be a bit much. I don't really know how I feel because I think it's kind of an awful thing to tell a woman they might die if this baby is born and they aren't allowed to do anything, but I don't think abortion is right either. I know I am against abortion, but I don't think it is up to the government to decide and control it. I know others don't agree with me, and I don't think it would get anti-abortion ideas spread by forcing them on people and making them angry. Overall although I in a way agree with the bill to an extent, I don't think it should be forced onto other people if they don't agree.

  20. I believe that the medical facilities should have this right, but under certain circumstances. I believe that the mother's life should be the most important. Also, I believe that in order to have an abortion, a social worker must give you the right to. If the fetus being aborted would have been born into a situation in which it would not be properly cared for, the abortion should be allowed. However, if the mother and father of that baby are financially and mentally stable enough to handle him/her, the abortion should not be allowed.

  21. I also strongly disagree with this bill. It is not right for a mother to be denied an abortion when she will die if she does not. I think in some cases, there is also the possibility that if the mother gives birth, both her and the baby would be in danger, in which case, nobody would be saved. I think it needs to be the mother's choice if she wants to have an abortion or not. If she is willing to risk her life to have the baby, that is fine, however, if she knows she is going to die she should have the option to live.

  22. I do not think this bill should have been passed. I think this because it should be the mothers choice on whether or not the child should be killed or not. What if the mother had some disease she didn't know about until after she got pregnant and the disease got passed on to the kid, and would eventually take his or her life as well. I think the bill is unfair and is taking away some rights of women. In other words I think the choice of abortion should not be up to the government and should be taken into consideration and the hands of the woman responsible because it's her life.

  23. I do not think it is right to pass this bill. I think that women should be able to decide what they want to do if they want to get an abortion then it should be there decision and not the government's decision to let them die if having the baby would be bad for there heath. The baby is not born yet and the mother is already living so I think it would be more important for the mother to stay alive then the baby which is not even alive yet. So I think that it should be the mothers choice if she wants to get an abortion and the government should not have any say in it.

  24. No I do not think it is right for the house to pass this bill. I think it would be better to let the mother live, rather than the unborn baby. A person should be given the choice to sacrifice their life for their baby, instead of having that decision forced upon them.
