Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ariana's Current Event 11/3/11

            In the whole country, it is believed there are over 11 million illegal immigrants. In just Alabama, there are about 120 illegal immigrants. Because of this outrageous number, the state decided to create their own policy about immigration. This anti-immigration law became effective in September, as the strictest immigration law of any state. Alabama’s goal for the state was to make jobs and taxpayer-funded resources go strictly to just legal residents. The newly composed policy will aim to protect those rights and contribute to solving these issues of overpopulation of illegal immigrants. This law made it necessary for the need of paperwork to prove United States citizenship when enrolling in school, signing a lease, or interacting with the government.
This law is said to be the largest experiment yet for “attrition through enforcement,” which means they are driving away the illegal immigrants. To do this, they need to make life much harder for the illegal immigrants by enforcing panic and fear, and therefore producing suffering. In doing so, the unauthorized immigrants will want to leave on their own. Since most illegal immigrants in Alabama are Hispanic, unintended harassment has affected the legal Hispanic immigrants as well. The Hispanic children in Alabama are being bullied and discriminated against because they are said to be “different.” Some examples of these students being bullied would be when they win a sports game against American boys and the Americans respond with discriminating comments, such as “You shouldn’t be winning. You should go back to Mexico” This quote is from The Blaze website, said by parents trying to protect their children. Bullying to these students has always been a problem, but ever since this law came into effect, the bullying is much worse.
            The law has only been valid for a month and already there is the gaining of unpleasant fears for the people of Alabama. Most Hispanic houses are emptying, businesses are shutting down, and employers are questioning where their workers have gone. Parents are also keeping their children out of school because their parents are so frightened of what could happen. However, Alabama residents are concerned because they need immigration labor for farming. Native-born citizens of the United States lack what is needed to work on the fields. Even if they are unemployed, Americans are not willing to do this work. Americans do not have the stamina or the skill, so the need for Hispanic immigrants is high.
            One of the main reasons why Alabama wants to put this law into effect is because the population of the United States is said to double within the next 75 years with just legal immigrants. However, when adding in the illegal immigrant population, the population will double in about 40 years.

Do you think this policy is going to be effective or will it harm to state? Also, is it okay or is it an invasion of privacy for residents to be required to carry proof of being a legal immigrant? Lastly, what should they do about the bullying in schools? It’s not the child’s fault their parent is an illegal immigrant. Therefore, what do you do when an illegal immigrant has a child born in the United States, do you deport them both back to their country or just the parent?



  1. I do not think children being made fun of is okay in schools because they do not have control of their parents decisions and they should not be treated different because they are illegal immigrants every child is not allowed to make fun of other children without getting in-trouble. Also i think the law is not fair but we our in debt as a nation and adding more people is only hurting our country. Since we cannot kick people out that are legal here our only other choice is illegal immigrants and they need to remember it is not because we hate them but i think it is best for our country. When people come to the United States expecting a better country they are only hurting us putting us in more debt.

  2. Do you think this policy is going to be effective or will it harm the state? - I am not sure what to think. I would see this policy as helpful by allowing more opportunities for legal citizens, but if what you said is true, that the legal citizens don't want the jobs then I could see it as harming. I don't see why they wouldn't want the jobs though, a job is a job and if you don't have money than you should take what you can get.

    Is it okay or is it an invasion of privacy for residents to be required to carry proof of being a legal immigrant. - I don't think it is an invasion of privacy unless the reason you are being asked for proof is because of what you look like. As long as everyone is going to be asked if they are legal then I would consider it fine.

    What should they do about the bullying in schools?- They should treat it as any other bullying case.

    What do you do when an illegal immigrant has a child born in the United States, do you deport them both back to their country or just the parent. - I don't know if they should consider a child born in the United States from illegal parents, legal. I think they should go with their parents.

  3. This is a very strict law and although I understand why the state would want to put it in place, I feel like it could potentially cause harm to the state. As you’ve already stated, many businesses are shutting down and fewer workers are showing up to work. The shift in businesses could not only cause economic issues for the state, but also affect the country later on. As for the invasion of privacy, I feel like it should be required to have proof of citizenship. If the police were to pull someone over and they didn’t have their papers to prove that they were a citizen of the U.S, then this could cause them to get in huge trouble that they shouldn’t even be in. As for the bullying in schools, the schools should pay closer attention to what the kids are saying. There should be consequences if discrimination does occur and the teachers should be able to decide what happens with the kid who started it. Children born in the United States should be allowed to stay, but if their parents aren’t legal, I’d assume that the children aren’t considered legal either. Therefore, I think they should both be deported.

  4. I think that the state of Alabama needs a strict law such as this one. The state of Alabama has 120 illegal immigrants of the 11 million that we have in our country. The government has the right to be concerned and so don't the people. However, if the people are not concerned with the illegal immigrant population that they have in their state then this law should not be put into place but if the people are concerned (who are legal) then it should. I think that it really should depend on the people who live in Alabama and whether they think that it is really necessary to carry around information that proves that they are legal. The illegal immigrants know that they are in our country illegally, and they know they should not be here. Just because these people are here illegally, it doesn't mean that everyone else in Alabama should be treated this way.

    The bullying of the children of illegal immigrants in their schools should not be allowed. These children were born here and deserve to live here just like any other American citizen does. If their parents are being deported then it should be the child's decision (if they are legal) whether or not they want to go with their parents.

  5. I think it is a good idea that Alabama has this law in place. The government has the right to be concerned because of the 11 million immigrants that we have today in our country. Overall i think it will help the state of Alabama because having less immigrants in the sate provides more opportunities that were taken by these illegals. Also, this law would be a good thing to do because it could show other states that Alabama is not taking in immigrants and are treating them harshly providing the spark other states need to do the same. Furthermore, in order for this to work, i think it is okay to ask for legal papers among citizens. Because i said earlier that this law is a good thing, it also means that in order to be in effect, officers can ask people for their papers. However, i do know this would raise the issue of racial profiling. But, even with that being brought up, i think it is for a good cause. Also to answer the bullying question, i think that if you are deport a person that has a son or daughter, then you must deport them both or keep them both. A child needs a parent and not having one would be very hard to live a life.

  6. I believe this policy will not be effective and will harm the state. Discriminating against these illegal immigrants seems to contribute to racial oppression. I think this policy furthers and promotes discrimination and may become a serious issue in the coming years. Also, I believe that racial profiling is racist and should be illegal. Police should not stop someone for looking like an illegal alien. I believe that there should be better ways of tracking immigrants rather than stopping someone who looks illegal. Furthermore, the government should create a greater incentive for immigrants citizenship and promote it more. The bullying in schools should cease if teachers and other adults would educate the children on the topic of bullying and why it is wrong. It is not the immigrant children’s fault that their parents are illegal. Also, this law sort of makes kids think that it is okay to judge children on their ethnic background, since the law is very discriminating as well. If an illegal immigrant has a child born into the United States, they should not be deported immediately. They should be given the opportunity to become a citizen as well, rather than immediate deportation. In addition, though this is controversial, the part of this law I do agree with is having the children show an ID proving their citizenship. This gives immigrants an incentive to become legal. They know their children need an education and this would give them a better incentive to become legal. Also, I though the article was interesting when it stated that a lot of our agriculture and industries relies on the hard work of Hispanic immigrants and that this law would force a lot of them to leave, drastically hurting out economy.
