Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Affordable Care Act

  • Governor Mitt Romney signed a health plan act in 2006 so legislation provides health insurance for every citizen.
    • Romney signed this act into a law.
    • It requires everyone to buy health insurance if their work does not provide it.
    • People who recieve under three times the federal poverty level ($29,000) a year, can buy a state-subsidized health plan with no deductables and rich benefits, including dental care.
  • Currently, Obama wants to change it to the Affordable Care Act.
    • This law aims to improve the current health care system by increasin access to health coverage for Americans.
    • This law also introduces new protections for people with health insurance.
    • Health insurance plans will now cover out-of-pocket costs for many services, such as a mammogram.
    • This law also will help small businesses pay for their employees health insurance.
    • Not all jobs offer health insurance, or people could have been denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition, such as cancer.
      • This law now offers plans for people with these pre-existing conditions, and insurance companies cannot deny coverage to these people.
    • This law aims to reduce premium costs for working families and small businesses by providing tax relief.
    • This law also pivots the constitutionality of its requirement that all Americans need health insurance.

**Should health insurance be a requirement in the United States or do you think it should be up to the citizen to choose?


  1. Governments should ensure that each citizen has health insurance just like they mandate that everyone should have auto insurance. If you do not carry health insurance, you are putting yourself in a world of financial jeopardy. Not only will health care cost more for all of us, it will ruin your credit and your financial future. Health care costs too much to not carry insurance therefore this is one of things that I do recommend the government step in and ensure that each citizen has coverage because it is a service to all the rest of us who will pay higher premiums because of uncovered patients.

  2. As Erika said, health insurance is vital to financial stability in today's American economy. The costs of health care are a heavy burden and are often too much for the uninsured American. I doubt that any citizen would choose not to carry health insurance, yet it should be made mandatory that all citizens acquire it. Without health insurance, you are setting yourself and your family up for financial instability in the case of major injury or death.

  3. I agree with Erika and Jeff that American citizens should have healthcare. It is crucial that all Americans have healthcare, even though some thing forcing citizens to buy something is against their constitution rights. If something were to happen, as in the 30 Days TV show we watched, paying 500 for an emergency room visit out of pocket isn't exactly possible for many Americans. When someone doesn't have healthcare and is treated at a hospital as they have to be the hospital takes the hit for it. Hospitals won't have to take the hit for things like this if everyone had healthcare and could cover hospital bills etc. I think its very important that all Americans have healthcare so if something happens tax payers also don't have to take a hit.

  4. I think that health insurance should be required by everyone in the United States under the condition that the government provides. There are many people who can't afford health insurance in today's economy and for those people I think that the government should help them. People can't afford to pay a $1500 ambulance fee or a $500 emergency room fee for something as simple as stitches. If everyone had healthcare it would be better for everyone because no one would have to worry about having a family member who doesn't have healthcare need it and less people would be dying because they can't afford healthcare. I think that the Affordable Care Act should be changed to accommodate all Americans as Obama plans to do.

  5. I believe that health insurance should not be required because some people just cannot afford to have it. It is also more government control over individual freedoms, so people are being forced into situations that they are not normally in for. You should not have to make people buy and make it mandatory because then you could cause further conflict and financial burden on the individual people.

  6. I believe that health care is a very important thing for everyone to have, but if the people have to pay for it and they can not afford it, it turns out being a very troubling thing. If health care is forced upon citizens who cannot afford it, I can imagine it could be a very troubling thing. When we were doing the simulations of living off of a minimum wage job in class the people I got could not afford health care but they lived in a state that required it. This put the finances in a tough situation, and the money that could have gone to food had to go to overpriced health care that the people couldn't afford. Health care should be necessary for everyone in this country, but if it's too much money and becoming a burden for people it can cause a lot of trouble. There is a fine line in this situation for what's okay and what's not.

  7. I think the only way that the government can require everybody to have health care is if they are the ones providing it, like Katie said. Private insurers are typically very pricing, especially if you aren't getting it through your job. I think it should be a law that insurers can't deny you health care due to pre-existing conditions, because this seems ridiculous to me. I can't see how it is allowed for insurance companies to deny you service when you may need it the most. If health care was required I think that it would keep people more healthy because if someone doesn't have health insurance they avoid the doctors due to the cost they'd have to pay, and this would allow them to get medicine faster before they could potentially get sicker. As to what Tim said, this is something that the government needs to be involved in. People who usually don't have health insurance can't afford it so if the government makes it mandatory there will make it more affordable so everybody can have access to it.

  8. I feel that health insurance should be a requirement to all citizens in the United States, despite it being put into effect even if the citizen doesn’t want it. Not only will it provide citizens with lower costs to medical bills, but the expansion of insurance coverage to more Americans should reduce the amount on medical inflation. By having health insurance, the amount of people covered would increase, but the price to cover everyone would stay around the numbers today. However, some businesses might not want to provide the extra money for health insurance for their workers. This could reduce the amount of businesses looking to hire more people, thus leaving more unemployed. I still feel that with everyone available to have health insurance, it would reduce medical costs significantly and could overall increase the quality of health insurance companies from the amount of people having it.

  9. I believe that health insurance should not be a requirement in the United States. I do believe that President Obama should make health insurance more accessible, but people do not need to if it. If a person does not want it because they don't want it, or just cant get it for some reason, then it should be their choice. By making health insurance more accessible, then maybe more people will want it. This is a difficult question to answer because health insurance is very important for an American citizen to have, but I think the choice should be up to them.

  10. I believe that health insurance should be a requirement in the United States. I believe this because I think that it is similar to the automobile insurance, accidents are so frequent that everyone should have it. Furthermore, debt is implemented on the medical company when you continually can't afford medical bills. Furthermore, everyone needs health insurance because medical expenses can be very costly and everyone needs medical care throughout their life because without it, the people could have something contagious that could affect others as well. Overall, it should be mandatory for families and singles simply because it is a lower expense than the possibility of a hospital bill from an expensive surgery or checkup.

  11. I believe that health insurance is very important and everybody should have it. However, I do not think it should be a requirement, not everybody can afford health insurance. If health insurance becomes a requirement then people might have to cut other requirements out of their budget, for example by less food or by less healthy food and by the cheaper processed food or other common things a family or a single person would need. Thus, if health insurance becomes a requirement for the United States I think it will just bring more people below the poverty line and less people will be in the middle class or thriving to be in the upper class. Even if I do believe that health insurance is important and I think it would be great if everybody could have it but it people cannot afford it, then the government should have no right to force it upon them.

  12. I think that health insurance should be required by everyone in the United States, under the condition that the government provides it, like Katie said. There are many people in the United States who can't afford health insurance and for these people, I believe that the government should help them with the cost. Some people can't afford to pay a $500 hospital bill for something as small as a urinary tract infection or a wrist injury like we saw in the tv show, 30 days.

  13. I agree with everyone else that health insurance is very important and benefits every body but I do not believe that it should be a requirement in the Untied States. It should be the individual's decision whether or not they want to have health insurance. After all, health insurance is extremely expensive and like other classmates have said not every body can afford it without giving up something else out of their tight budget. If the person does not have health insurance and an emergency comes up being a major health crisis, the individual will end up having to pay hundreds upon hundreds of dollars to cover the large bill. Like Vinny had said, I believe that President Obama should make health insurance more accessible to our citizens in our country.

  14. I believe that healthcare is a great thing that every citizen of the United States should have, however, it is not something that should be required of the citizens to pay for. It has been debated about how the healthcare bill and forced healthcare could be unconstitutional, where the government isn't supposed to force any goods to be purchased by any one citizen of the US. So to answer the question, should every citizen be forced to own health insurance or have the right to chose, it could be put another way. Would every citizen want to pay in full their entire medical bills and for all prescribed medication, obviously the answer is no. So yes, every citizen should be required to have health insurance, yet there are still those families that can't afford it. Could the government supply free insurance to them or lowered-cost insurance, or come up with some plan for those families specifically. Like, the government could come up with package deals. Package 1, standard price which covers this and that, or package 2, dropped price, covers this and that but only this much percent of that, etc.

    So, every citizen should be required to have health insurance, but there should be some options for those families that can't afford it.
