Thursday, October 20, 2011

My current event focuses on the conflict between the Navajo National Government and a popular clothing store known as Urban Outfitters. The Navajo tribe is recognized as the largest Native American tribe that resides in North America. This tribe consists of over 140,000 residents. Urban Outfitters has received allegations from the tribe, which states, the store has disrespected and violated the Navajo Nation by making Navajo branded clothing and accessories. Native American prints have been showing up on runways for years but the Navajo government says that the issue with Urban Outfitters is that they use “Navajos” as the brand name for the clothing line. The tribes Department of Justice sent the store a detailed letter back in June demanding the store remove their tribe name from the clothing line, the tribe has yet to hear a response. The Navajo tribe believes that this store using their tribes name as a brand for their new clothing line is sending off a signal to customers that the Navajo tribe is the real designers of this product, but yet the Navajo tribe is receiving no profit. Other tribe members believe the store is disrespecting their culture, most of the cloths go against the tribes spiritual beliefs of modesty that has been in their culture for centuries, like the “Navajo Print Fabric Wrapped Flask”,Dwayne Clauschee, a designer from the Navajo town of Chinle in Arizona says “A “Navajo” flask is“extremely offensive” considering the history of alcohol abuse among native tribes, many of which ban the sale and consumption of alcohol on their reservations.” Alcoholism is a stereotype that is put on many Native Americans; Alcohol was introduced to the Native Americans during the early contact between them and European Settlers. And it is said that European traders gained the upper hand in the deal by introducing alcohol because of the effects it had on Native thoughts and reasoning. Thus, sending the Native American in a downward spiral and Native Americans were from then on out considered alcoholics. Some Native Americans are alcoholics, but it is estimated that 17.6 million people are alcoholics in the U.S, there are only 2 million Native Americans in this country. And alcohol has been banned from some reservations, like the Navajo tribe, which is the largest reservation in the U.S, so not all Native Americans are alcoholics. So the fact the Urban Outfitters is offending the Native Americans past by using a liquor flask on some of the clothes under the name of“Navajos’ is extremely offensive. However, Urban Outfitters is not alone by using the “Navajo” name to represent one of their products, Fermin Navar and his business partner, Phil Brader, signed a 75-year licensing agreement with the Navajo Nation in 2007 that allows them to sell skin care products and clothing under the Navajo name in exchange for a share of the profits. But the difference here is that Urban Outfitters’ asked for no approval from the Navajo government and they are not receiving any profits from the store. The tribe appeals to most clothing stores because they are one of the most well known tribes in North America, and with their assistance in WW11, in WW11 the Navajo’s help to develop a secret code that baffled the Japanese and help lead the U.S to victory; also with their cultural beliefs of beauty and harmony. "The design doesn't matter; it's the use of the name Navajo," said Navar of Austin, Texas. "They can say it looks like this, but if it has the name Navajo — it's being branded and sold as Navajo — it's a violation." If the tribe does not hear any news from Urban Outfitters and sees no signs of Urban Outfitters removing the “Navajos” name from the clothing line then the Navajo National Government will consider taking legal action.

Question: Do you think Urban Outfitters should remove the Navajo name from their clothing line? Why/why not?


  1. I believe that Urban Outfitters should not remove the Navajo name from their clothing line only if they sent some of their profits to the Navajo tribe itself. I personally love Urban Outfitters, and their clothes are very original. Their clothes usually consist of really random pictures or patterns, but they are very fun to look at. I think that their angle for adding a Navajo line, was to add a different effect for the tribal and bohemian clothing trend. Inside of the normal crazy patterns everyone sees as tribal, this clothing company probably wanted to bring the pattern to a new meaning with using their random graphic approach. I can understand how many see this line as offensive, especially the flask shirt, as it relates to some serious issues that the Navajo Indians could get upset about. So for me, it could go either way. But I believe they should be able to keep the name, but only if they sent profits to the Navajo tribe.

    I actually looked this up just to see if the line was up, but in an article I read, it said that the line was removed in the United States and that campaigners are trying to remove the line in Europe now. I found this current event really interesting!

  2. I think that Urban Outfitters should be banned from branding Navajo symbols in their clothing lines. Urban Outfitters has failed to fulfill a consent by the Navajo tribe to approve using Navajo symbolism in their clothing. The clothing line is said to also falsely portray Navajo culture by the Navajo people, some misrepresenting Navajo modesty and spiritual beliefs. The Navajo tribe are also not being compensated for their cultural brandings in the Urban Outfitters clothes, which could be considered as an offense of culture plagiarism by Urban Outfitters. Since they were not authorized by the Navajo tribe to use Navajo culture in their clothes, the Navajo tribe does have the full right to put down their clothing line if they decide that their clothes is disrespectful towards their culture.

  3. I think that although using Navajo as a name for a clothing brand is wrong, the tribe did accept to receiving money from the brand. Therefore it can be used but can't go against their license agreement to pay them money for the 75 years. Urban Outfitters must pay and agreeable amount that the tribe can negotiate with, and if this does not work out they can have the right to end the brand name because, of the alcohol images can be very racist and stereotypical to the tribe.

  4. I think that under the conditions the stituation is in, Urban Outfitters should remove the name from the line. The store didn't get permission from the tribe, and there are no funds going towards the tribe. When looking at it in perspective, it's reasonable for the tribe to not like having their name used for the clothing line. I looked online at the collection, and I saw the flask that was mentioned. Even though the store might not have put much background thought into what the flask with the Navajo print on it could mean, it is insulting to the Navajo people. They should only be allowed to keep the name if the Navojo gave their consent, and if profits went to the Navajo people. If the Navajo people are insulted by it, then it would only be the right thing to do to take the name down.

  5. I think that Urban Outfitters should remove the Navajo name from their clothing line. I think that because the store did not get permission from the tribe to use their name and there are no profits going to the tribe for their tribe name being used in this clothing line. Also, if you look at some of the clothing they have, you will see that some of it can come across as very insulting towards the tribe because of its false accusations towards them. So I believe that either Urban Outfitters gets permission from the Navajo tribe, includes them in profits and takes out any insulting clothing brands against the tribe, or they get rid of the clothing line all together.

  6. I think that they should remove the Navajo name from their clothing line. I think that using the Navajo name was offensive to the Navajo community, and should be removed unless granted permission to use the name .I think that the Navajo people should receive money for every item of the Navajo clothing line sold. I think that if the Navajo nation was compensated for the previous sales of the clothing line, and make a partial profit of the line. I think the Navajo name should be thought of as a name with a patent. Like Kellogg’s, of Verizon; so that whenever their name is formally used in a brand etc. they should be compensated.

  7. I think that Urban Outfitters should remove the Navajo name from their clothing line. I believe that although the company of Urban Outfitters didn’t mean for the clothing line to cause controversy, they should have been aware of the repercussions the name of the line could cause. I think that the members of the Navajo tribe have all the right to be upset about the name of the clothing line because after all they aren’t receiving any of the profits the company is making for using their name of their tribe. Additionally, I find the company using a “Navajo Flask” is completely uncalled for because alcoholism is a very serious issue within Native Americans. This is also extremely stereotypical because not all Native Americans drink and as stated within the current event, alcohol is banned from the reservation of the Navajo tribe. I think that the name of the clothing line should be removed from Urban Outfitters with no questions asked.

  8. I think that Urban Outfitters should remove the Navajo name from their clothing line. I think this because using the name offends people. I do not believe that the company did this on purpose but now the Navajo Indians have pointed it out they should reconsider the name for their brand. The Indian pointed out that some of the products can be extremely insulting for them. The product of a flask is very relate-able to alcoholism. As everyone knows it is a very serious issue. I think that they should work together with the Navajo to make a appropriate name and remove the name Navajo from it.

  9. I think that Urban Outfitters should remove the Navajo name from their line of clothing because it does offend the tribe. With the Native American stereotypical means portrayed in the line it affronts the Navajo Indians and that's not right. The tribe shouldn't have to take the offense everyday because of the line. So the line should be removed from Urban Outfitters or they need to remove the stereotypes and work out some sort of negotiation with the tribe to give them some sort of reasonable compensation. If this doesn't occur, then the tribe should have the right to put legal allocations on the store. So then the store doesn't get into a legal matter they should then remove the line or work out something between them and the Navajo.

  10. I think that the Urban Outfitters should remove the Navajo name from their line of clothing because they did not ask the tribe if they could use the name and it does offend the tribe. The native American tribe names are being taken away from school mascots they should also be taken away from clothing lines if the tribes do not approve of the. The clothing line also portrays stereotypical of the Native Americans that is not always true and they do not want people to think of them that way. I think they should get ride of that name if it is offending the tribe.

  11. The issue of the Navajo and the urban outfitter needs to stop. The urban outfitter should not be allowed to use the name Navajo. They should need to get permission from the tribe before they use their tribe name. The tribe names are in the effort of being taken away from school mascot and it is only a matter of time till the urban outfitters are forced to stop using the tribe name. The way they used the flask to insult the native people was also out of line. In my opinion it is a waste of time for the urban outfitter to use the name Navajo, they should just drop it. The way the clothing portrays the Native Americans is in a stereotypical way also, insinuating that all Native Americans drink, even though that is not true. The cloths send off the wrong signals.

  12. I think that Urban Outfitters should have to remove the Navajo name from their clothing line. I find it disrespectful, especially in the the example of the shirt that has an alcohol bottle on it. This is stereotyping the Navajo tribe as not only alcoholics, but also as the type of clothing and prints that they all wear. However, i do agree with that if they do keep the name, a certain percentage of the profits should be giving to the Navajo tribe.

  13. I do think that Urban Outfitters should remove the Navajo name from their merchandise because they have no real affiliation with the Navajo tribe and it is racist to name a clothing line after an Indian tribe because the designs on the clothing seem to be of Native American descent. The only way I believe Urban Outfitters should be able to use "Navajo" as a clothing line name is if the Navajo tribe was to give its consent. Also, it is extremely racist to depict Native Americans holding alcoholic beverages on a visual ad for the clothing. That is a stereotype of Native Americans and is offensive to use in an advertisement.

  14. I definitely think that Urban Outfitters should remove the Navajo name from their products. I think it's very offensive. They have no right to use the Navajo name without their consent. Also the flask with the Navajo print on it is very offensive. Even if they didn't mean to insinuate, that Native Americans are alcoholics, it still could be viewed that way. The clothing also protrays a stereotypical Indian man and could be viewed as very offensive to the tribe. I think the logical decision for Urban Outfitters is to drop the Navajo name from their line because they had no permission to use the name by the Navajo government and it is very offensive.

  15. I think that Urban Outfitters should be allowed to continue their Navajo clothing line. The store should be allowed to use the name as long they do not use it affiliation with racist themes. The store should still seek permission from the tribe to use the name, out of respect for them. The tribe also holds about 10 trademarks on their name, so it would also be legally advised that they seek permission. Providing the tribe with some source of the profit would also be advisable because it could make them more willing to allow the Navajo name to be used. However Urban Outfitters is simply using the name to show consumers that their clothing line uses patterns and such that identify with Native American style clothing. Since they do not mean it in a racist way it would be understandable that they and the tribe could come to some compromise.

  16. With some of my other classmates I think that Urban Outfitters should remove the Navajo name from their clothing products because it is similar to the previous current event regarding Native American and Indian Mascots; it could be seen as offensive and disrespectful to tribes. Since the Navajo tribe didn't give Urban Outfitters the approval to use their symbols, they should be removed in respect for the tribe. If the tribe was receiving profits from the Urban Outfitters, they wouldn't have as much as a reason to get upset, like Cassandra said. I disagree with Erika, even though you think that it was just in desire to get a new "tribal" trend, it can be seen at offensive to the helpless Native Americans. Like Jeff pointed out, the racist idea of placing alcoholic beverages on their clothing is extremely offensive to the tribes. This is a stereotype that is very harmful. I think unless the tribe gives Urban Outfitters their consent, this should be removed.

  17. I pretty much agree with what everyone else has said about the Navajo clothing line being stopped. While I don't feel the name should only be claimed by the tribe, Urban Outfitters went too far with taking their designs for clothing. They should have asked permission from the Navajo tribe to avoid any misunderstandings. I feel that if Urban Outfitters wishes to continue the use of their Navajo clothing line, then they should change the designs on their products to avoid any other trouble from the Navajo tribe and give some of their profit towards the tribe.

  18. I think that under these conditions the Urban Outfitters should remove the name from the line. I think this because the store did not get permission and no money is going to the tribe. The store might not have known what the flask was about, and therefore put it on their line, but it could have been insulting to the Navajo people and therefore they do have a right to be upset with the Urban Outfitters' decisions. I feel as if the Urban Outfitters should only be allowed to keep the Novajo name if they have their consent and split the funds with the Novajo people.

  19. I think Urban Outfitters should remove the Navajo name from their line of clothing because it offends the tribe. Also, they did not ask the tribe for permission to use it on their clothing line. Native American mascots are being removed from certain schools so I think that Urban Outfitters should remove the clothing line name. I believe that they should remove the name Navajo because it is offending to the tribe.

  20. I think that the Navajo government should take legal action to have the name removed from the line and further legal action to protect the tribe's name from further injustices like this. Tribal culture should be legally preserved and protected. Native American images in popular culture, sports, and commerce should be protected, and if a tribe is offended by a portrayal, it should be removed without argument.

  21. I think Urban Outfitters should remove the Navajo name from their clothing line because they did not get permission from the tribe. If they were to ask permission from the Navajo tribe and give them a cut in the profit it would be different. I think they should also have to approve the line of clothing as it could be misrepresenting the tribe and therefore offend many people.

  22. I believe that Urban Outfitters should completely remove the name Navajo from their entire clothing line. Mostly because the tribe does not like the fact that their name is being used so offensively, the tribe is not making any profits, and they gave no permission. I think that if Urban Outfitters isn't going to cooperate, then the Navajo tribe should take legal action to straighten things out and hopefully get what they deserve. In my opinion it would be okay for the company to keep producing products under the Navajo name if the tribe begins to make some profits or benefits from it in some way through some sort of deal.

  23. I believe that the Urban Outfiters clothing line should immediately and fully remove the Navajo name for their clothing line. Without permission for the tribe itself and the tribe no being benefited by this clothing line, the tribe is being used without any consent. IN my opinion the tribe doles have the right to ban these lines and take back their name because of the reasons just given. If the line was to cooperate wit the tribe and come to a agreement than it would be okay but that's not the case so it shouldn't be allowed. Once last thing is the tribe feels discriminated and feels that the clothing line is being disrespectful as well. So all in all they should have the clothing line.

    Talked to Mrs. Vivirito and said it was okay for the tardy
    No internet access during the weekend.

  24. i believe that Urban Outfitters should remove their name from the clothing line. If they want to continue with that name, than they should get permission from the Navajo tribes. That, or the Navajo tribes should be able to take action and have them take the name down. Like Dylan said, tribe feel like they are being discriminated against and it is just wrong. So i think they should remove it.

    Like Dylan, i did not have internet access over the weekend

  25. I do believe that they should be able to get rid of the urban outfitters because i think that is disrespectful toward the Indian tribe and culture. I mean yes they Indians do drink and do spiritual things but all Indians are not drinkers and should not be stereotyped for there "drinking". Urban outfitters are also using the name of the Navajo tribe and they are really getting no profit from them when they are using there cultural name for something that they are selling to people around the world. So I believe that they should get rid of the Navajo name in there clothing line
