Friday, September 30, 2011

Current Event-Race Based Mascots

My current event is how schools have race-based mascots and logos. In 2002, many teams were encouraged to drop race- based names. Many schools still have Native American names, such as Nashoba, Algonquin, and many other high schools. Even colleges and professional teams still have some, but the University of North Dakota does not. UND were known as the “Fighting Sioux.” There are 9 different Sioux tribes in the state of South Dakota. In 1875 the Sioux and the Cheyenne Indians were tired of the white people stepping on the sacred land in the black hills. They all gathered in Montana with the great warrior Sitting Bull, and fought for the land in the summer of 1867. They prevailed in it was the best victory of the Sioux people. People from that area know all about the battle of little big horn, and that is why North Dakota University decided to call themselves the “Fighting Sioux.” On May 14, 2009, North Dakota State Board of higher education passed a resolution declaring UND to retire its logo. This logo has been with UND for 80 years. For the retirement, they will honor the Sioux tribes history and traditions.

Another example is in Kewaunee, Wisconsin. A new state law is meant to eliminate race-based logos, names, and mascots. This law allows district residents to lodge complaints. A complaint led to Kewaunee High School dropping the name “Indians.” They have been the Indians since 1936. the school decided to change their name to the “River Bandits.”

In 2005 the NCAA prohibited Teams from using Native American names, logos, and mascots in post-season competition. The Law in Wisconsin was the first document of this kind. Some Schools were allowed to keep the Native American Names because of the reason why they had them. Mishicot has gotten permission form Hannahville Potawatomi because their town is named for a chief from that tribe. Barbara Munson, the chair of a Wisconsin Indian Education Association says that the 30 schools in the district gave up the Native American names with no hassle.

Question to classmates- Why do you think athletic teams use Native American logos, names, and mascots, and do you think that they should be able to do so?


  1. I think they use Native American logos, names and mascots because Native Americans are known to be strong and independent which makes the school look strong and independent. They use the logos because whenever you see a picture of a Native American he's always so muscular and has no emotion on their face. They use them to make other teams afraid of them or other schools afraid. I do not think they should be allowed unless the Native American tribe name is involved in their school, such as if the tribe settled right around where the school is. Unless there is relevance to the tribe then they should not be allowed to use Native American logos, names or mascots.

  2. I feel like schools and athletic teams use Native American logos, names and mascots to represent the tribes that used to thrive in the local areas. For example, the word Massachusetts is an Algonquain Indian name that means "by the range of hills". Algonquin High school isn't using its mascot and name in a negative way, but instead is promoting the language that Native American tribes in Massachusetts once used. While I do feel like using mascots and logos based around Native Americans can be seen as racist, I think that schools should be allowed to keep them if they are representing tribes that used to live on the land.

  3. I believe that schools such as the ones listed use mascots that are related to Native Americans because of the areas that these towns are located in. Many schools use them because their founders were Native American. So in showing respect, they named the school after them. Sure some just use them with no reason at all but some use them in respect. In my opinion i don't think any school just haves a name of A Native American for hatred or disrespect. They may have without knowing but not in a direct way. As for allowing them, i think they should because of my point i just made. I feel like no one is trying to make a Native American look bad, they just use them out of respect.

  4. I think that some schools who use Native American logos, mascots and names use them because of the sort of stereotypical idea that Native Americans are these crazy sort of warriors that everyone has believed in the past. I also believe that when a school uses a name, mascot, or logo like that it may be presented as disrespectful in some people's eyes, when they're really doing it out of complete respect to honor the Native Americans. The school might have a legitimate reason for doing it, for example a Native American may have originally been a founder of the city or town. In my opinion I believe that the schools should be allowed to use these names, logos, and mascots to a certain extent. As long as the school is not using it in a negative way and have a good reason as to why they are doing it, then it should be allowed. I'm sure none of the organizations are trying to make those people feel bad about their tribes, but it comes off that way in some people's eyes which leads them to believe it's out of disrespect.

  5. I agree with everyone else that has posted. I think that Native American, mascots and names are used by colleges, high schools and universities because it makes the sport's teams look hardcore athletes. Native Americans are thought to be those tough warriors that no one can defeat. They are the toughest human beings that you could ever come across. When the school was made the mascot could have been determined by looking at the sports teams and there level of aggressiveness. Another reason that a school might use these types of mascots or logos is because the founder of their school was a Native American. I think that this would be a more reasonable explanation to have a Native American symbol as a representation to a school. If the schools are just using these mascot names to make fun of them, I don't think that it should be allowed. However, if they are using it for a legit reason like Zack said, it should defenitely be allowed. Native Americans are losing respect everyday in America and depending on the school, it could be making it worse or helping to make it better.

  6. I think many times Native American and Indian names and logos are used because they have this strong, warrior like feel and look to them. Back when settlers first came, they referred to Native Americans as savages, and even though it wasn't true, the term has followed them and depicts them as fierce, something sports teams also want to be seen as. They could also be named that because the area the school is in could have previously been a specific tribes area, so they see it fit to name the school mascot after them. I don't necessarily think it's too good of an idea to name mascots after Native Americans. Although I don't believe that the school is doing it out of malicious intent or disrespect, I can see where the Natives are coming from and how they see it as offensive. If a team was named the so-and-so Whites, or Blacks, or Asians, that would trigger those groups to feel offended as well. I think the teams can name themselves that if they want, but I would advise not doing it, because even if it's meant to be harmless, it can be insulting and disrespectful to those it's influenced by.

  7. i think there are many reasons that they use native american logos and maskots. one reason i think is the biggest is that Native Americans back in the day wore very interesting clothes and and looked very different. i mean i think they look cool and interesting and it something that sticks out. they were able to use it because people back then didnt really care what the indians thought of it becuase they were different then us and we didnt really care what they thought. which know i think that it is good that they are starting to get rid of some of these mascots because it is very racial and we didnt realize how bad it was until know.

  8. I feel that, like Tim, there are many reasons why schools and universities use Native American mascots and logos. One being that they bring on a very fierce and war like stance, like they are always ready to fight. Presenting this image can make other teams be aware of who they are playing against. I believe that schools use these logos because they could just be paying dues to the ones who used to live on that land. I can understand where the Natives are coming from by seeing it as insulting and racist; but the teams could just be using them as there mascot out of mere respect. Like Maddie, I would not advise using Native American mascots and logos, but if the school has a valid, descriptive reason of why they think their mascot is good, then they should be able to keep it.

  9. I personally think it has to do with the whole stereotype that all Native Americans are warriors. The whole idea of them being indestructible warriors and that other should fear them is the reason why they are the mascot for so many sports teams. I think that they shouldn't be allowed to have these mascots however. It is degrading to the Native Americans especially those who live near the school or in the general area. Like in the true diary when Arnold says that he is the only Indian in school besides the mascot. The actions taken to expel these mascot names is in my opinion for the greater good and should proceed.

  10. I think that teams use Native American team names / mascots because they were viewed as warriors in the eyes of late American settlers. Sports teams tend to establish mascots which strike fear into their opponents, and many schools believe using Native American related names will do so. I do believe that it is racist and it maintains the stereotype that Native Americans are purely fighters and savage people. This is terrible because in the places where children are learning, school, they are being subconsciously taught that Native Americans are uncivilized warriors. I do not think schools should be able to have Native American team names / mascots, but I do believe that it will be an almost impossible task to force schools who have been represented by these mascots for so long to forfeit their traditional mascot.

  11. I think that sports teams use Native American logos and mascots because Native Americans are perceived as being in unity with one another. It is very important for a sports team to put their differences aside and play in unity with one another to succeed and win. Additionally, Native Americans are viewed stereotypically as being great warriors and hardworking which are two characteristics sports teams thrive to obtain. Native Americans did colonize in America first and they were important throughout our history which is why sports teams may have Native American logos and mascots. I also agree with what Maddie said about how previously specific tribes might have lived in the schools area which is why they base their mascots or logos off of the name of their tribe. I don’t think that teams should use Native American names as well as mascots and logos because it is offensive. I know this first hand because I play for a sports team that had to change their logo due to it being offensive to Native Americans. I play ice hockey for the girls ice hockey team at Hudson High, but since we don’t have enough girl players we co-op with Algonquin girl players. Algonquin’s logo use to be of a Native American holding a tomahawk which is a violent way of displaying Native American’s nature. The logo then got changed to just two tomahawks creating the shape of an “A” for Algonquin.

  12. I think that schools and other sports teams use Native Americans as mascots for most of the reasons that have already been stated. It has to do with the belief that they were such great warriors. Even if it is a stereotype, some people still believe it is true. I also agree with Maddie on the fact that it is possible that some tribes might have inhabited the area on which the school was built. That would give them a good reason to name their school after that. It is more of a way of honoring them, in that case. I can understand where the Native Americans are coming from, saying it is offensive to them and in some cases that is true. One example is the NFL football team, the Washington Red Skins. That can definitely be viewed as offensive. Also the logo for the Cleveland Indians is offensive. depicting a stereotypical Native American face. I think it all depends on the reason of naming the team that. If it is out of honor for them, than it is acceptable, if not, than it is just wrong.

  13. I believe that Native American logos, names, and mascots are used in today's sports because of stereotype a lot of people in the U.S. have for them. As I grew up I can admit that I thought of Native Americans as a wild group in the past. People who lived in the woods with painted faces, and tried killing off the other countries trying to live in America. This is how the Native Americans are portrayed to me personally. So naming a team the Indians or having a mascot seemed appropriate because typically people like there sports teams names to be intimidating. Team names aren't usually the Squirrels, Turtles, or another animal or object that people aren't afraid of. Instead the Bears, Chargers, and Indians are used. They get classified into the same group because of their "wild" and intimidating image. After learning a bit about what the life of Sherman Alexie's childhood was like it helps you realize how this could be rude and disrespectful to certain people. Team names are never the "Asians" or "African Americans" because of how disrespectful it sounds. Last the mascots for the teams can be exaggerated and look nothing like an actual Native American. I do not think that they should be allowed to name teams, mascots, or have logos like this, because of how disrespectful this is to people.

  14. I think that Native American logos, names and mascots are used in the a lot of sport teams because when you think of Native Americans you think strong and ready for anything. A lot of sports teams have Native American names as there logs so people would think that they are strong and would be intimidated by them. Also many teams have this as there names, logos and mascots because it represents there heritage and what the town or city was before Americans took over. I think that it is alright in some cases to have this be the sports names only if it has to do with the town or city past and if there was once a tribe there. If there was not and they just had the name for the image then it could be disrespectful to Native American people.

  15. I believe that most athletic teams that use Indian based logos,mascots and names for many different reasons. On being that at one point a old Indian tribe used to live on the land were the school is located. This I believe is out of respect for the Indians that used to once live there. Also I think some school use them because of the stereotype that it represents. That all Indians were these fearsome warriors who were strong and powerful. Some teams want to know as being strong and powerful. Sometimes the names are offensive even when being used for the reasons previously mentioned. For example the Washington Red Skins are using the stereotype that all Indians have red skin. I think that unless they are deliberately trying to cause a dispute between white and Indian people they should be aloud to keep the names and mascots. After all they are only words and do not mean much.

  16. i think that sports teams like to use Native American logos/ mascots because when sports team mascots were first invented, that people simply wanted to give their team a warrior look and unique name so that they would be able to stand out, and i don't think it came across anyones minds that they could use animals as a mascot like the hawks lions,or whales. So people just named their school/team mascot after certain groups of people, for example like the patriots because they went up against the king to earn their independence, and other teams took names like the cowboys, and then people started using Native Americans and once all the stereotypical groups were chosen as someone elses school mascot someone finally realized the smart idea of using types of animals as their mascot like hawks, lions,or whales. So i don't think anyone meant to cause any disrespect towards Native Americans by chosing certain mascots for their school. however, i believe that these race-based masocots are offensive and are wrong. I deffinatly back up the NCAA's choice to prohibit sports teams to use Native Americans names and logos, but i do agree with jeff that it will be an almost impossible task to get sports teams to forfiet their traditional mascot.

  17. I think that the main reason why schools and athletic teams use Native American symbols as their logo is due to the various stereotypes associated with Native Americans. Native Americans are stereotypically perceived to be fierce and strong warriors and bring fear to other people. These stereotypes are also similar to what athletes want to be seen as by their opponents, and thus they use Native American logos to represent their teams. I believe that Native American logos can only be used for athletic symbolism when they have full consent of the Native American community. It is wrong to fasely miss judge Native American culture to the public through athletic teams even though they mean no harm to the tribe itself. It corrupts the true meaning of Native American life and their community, and destroys their value in the American community.

  18. I think that athletic teams use Native American names, logos, and mascots because it is an easy image to uphold. Its sad to say, that the sterotype for Native Americans usually includes skin skirts, feathers, long braids, etc. I believe that since it is easy to display a Native American, school and teams use this at their mascot. On the positive side as to why I believe Native American's are used as mascots and such is because of the fact that they are strong and community oriented. They weren't known for doing things indiviudally, like Americans today, they worked together to complete a task, as a team does. Also like Shelby said, Native Americans are strong. Native Americans surivived the Trial of Tears, if they were weak they all would have died and that would result in Native Americans not being present today. As Erika and Tim said, they were strong warriors ready to battle anybody. Like the rest of people who posted before me, Native American names and mascots may be used to honor the tribes that originated in their hometown. There are negative and postive ideas to go along with the question of why athletic teams use Native American logos, names, and mascots. I think that schools and athletic teams should only be allowed to do this if they are in some way honoring them. As Erika and Maddie said, if they have no reason as to why they chose the Native American theme, they shouldn't be allowed because it could be disrespectful.

  19. I think Native American names, logos and mascots are used for a few reasons. First, I think it is the stereotype that the Native Americans are tough warriors and that is what school sports teams want to depict. Also, I think that schools want to respresent tribes which use to live in the area. However, I don't think that they should use these names/logos/mascots because they can be offensive to Native Americans since it is all based on stereotype.

  20. Along with everyone else who has responded to this question so far I think that Native Americans are used as school mascots because of the various stereotypes we hold against them. We have a caricature of Native Americans in our heads, of strong warriors, with braids and feathers in their hair, who would never back down from battle. These are all qualities that sports teams like to portray, which is why that Native Americans are easy choices for mascots. Schools sometimes use Native Americans as their mascots because the school is in a town which use to be Indian land. And in that case as long as they are respecting the true image of Native's then it should be okay for them to use the mascot. But when schools have no reason for picking that mascot it shouldn't be allowed. Why are Native people the only race of people that are permitted to be used as mascots? Change the name of any race with the Indians and it immediately becomes clear that we can not have teams called The Negroes, The Asians or The Jews. There is a point most sports teams have crossed to where it has become racism.

  21. I think athletic teams use Native American names as their logos and mascots because Native Americans are known go be strong and warrior like. As long as the teams are using the mascots to compliment the Native Americans and not made to affend them in any way. However, if it is affending a Native American I feel as if the team needs to change their mascot or logo. Sometimes, though, these mascots are used to honor tribes. Like, for example if a tribe is full of courage and is strong, a team would want to use their tribe name so the athletic team seems more valuable and more of a threat to other teams.

  22. I agree with a lot of the previous posts. I do believe that high schools, colleges, and universities use Native American logos and names for their teams because they show a warrior-like characteristic to portray a sense of power in the team to make the other team afraid. I think that it isn't the schools' intent to wrongly portray and inflict on the cultures. They just use the names and stereotypes of Native Americans to be put on the school. I do agree also that schools should get consent to use the names because it may put shame toward a Native American tribe because of false stereotypes and such. I also think that we can even avoid that and just not use Native American tribes' names and logos. If you want to make a team be empowering then they could have a name such as warriors, or the cougars, or something else based off of a ferocious animal like most of the other schools. As Vinny said, schools are changing their mascots, and it shall continue for the rest of the schools with the Native American tribe mascot.

  23. T think that athletic teams use Native American logos, names and mascots are used because Native Americans are known to be strong individuals and tribes which also resembles the team effort. They use these logos to intimidate the other teams because in the logos they look scary and intimidate the opposing team.I dont think that Native American logos, names and mascots should be used unless there is a certain relevance in the city or town that has something to do with the Native American tribes.

  24. I feel,along with most of the other thoughts of the other students in the class, that there are a many reasons and answers that i cam think of to this question. I feel that sports team use Native American names, logos, and mascots mainly because of the fierce or "Native Worrier" look and feel. All throughout life, many people feel that Native Americans were dangerous way back during Westward Expansion. I know i personally used to think that Native Americans would fight whoever walked into their territory. For this reason alone, if a team used A name, logo, or mascot, such as the "The Fighting Sioux," it will represent their power and strength at the sport that they are participating in. I personally have never thought about the disrespect that these names and logos show to the Native People of this country. However, since the class discussion about this subject, i know think that it should not be allowed. If the Native Americans do not like us using these names, logos, and mascots, then we should show them the respect, and respect their wishes.

  25. I think schools sometimes don't even have a reason for using a Native American mascot, but if they did, I don't think it is out of disrespect. They could have had it to represent the original people of our land and to give respect to them. They also could have used the mascot to show strength of their team because the Native Americans were viewed as hunters and savage warriors. I think they should still be able to keep their mascot as long as they are not disrespecting the Native Americans and their culture. If the students at the school with Native American heritage feel like they are getting targeted then the school should talk to the students about it or change the mascot if it really becomes a problem.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I think that schools and athletic teams such as the names listed above use Native American logos, names, and mascots because out of respect for them. Most of the teams or schools that have these names have towns and cities in the state named after Native American tribes or have some sort of historical importance to different tribes and their leaders and by naming there team with a certain logo or name or having a mascot that has to do with Native Americans, honors them. I do not believe that they are choosing these names just to disrespect them. So if a school has an actual reason for naming its team or using a mascot of a Native American tribe out of honor then I do not see why they can't be allowed to keep it. But if there is no historical reason for having a Native American sports team logo, name or mascot then I think that they should get rid of it because it would come across as disrespectful.

  28. I think that athletic teams use Native Americans as mascots because of racism and stigma. White people have long thought of Native Americans as fearsome, but also as subhuman, or savages. One of the only other things used as mascots are animals. I think using Indians as mascots is like comparing them to animals. They have also been unique and somewhat scary to white people and I think that what others have said is true about them being used for their "fear factor," as a means of intimidation. I think this can be considered offensive as well. If you think of it in terms of racism, it's easy to see where these people are coming from. As someone with Irish heritage, I think it is fine to use leprechauns and other Irish symbols as representatives of sports team in predominantly Irish areas, but to do that in somewhere like Baton Rouge or New Orleans seems weird to me. If I was more Irish and we were still discriminated against in the way that Indians still are, I would see the racism and offensiveness. This is what teams are doing. The population is largely white. This must seem to Native Americans as if white people are stealing and misrepresenting their identity. All in all, I see this as unacceptable and I do not think that Native American mascots should be used by sports teams.
