Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Foundations Project Wrap-up - Due 9/19

We have spent the last two days analyzing the six democratic principles established through our founding documents and how they can be applied to a present day issue. In order to reflect on and use what you have learned, please consider other current issues or challenges that our country is facing and discuss how one of the six democratic principles (limited government, popular sovereignty, checks and balances, separation of powers, equal protection, federalism) is being applied to that issue.

In responding to this post, you must:

1. Explain a present day issue in our country.
2. Reference a specific current event article that you have used to better understand the issue you have chosen (provide a link to your article so others can read it if they want to learn more).
3. Explain how one or more of the democratic principles is demonstrated in the example you have chosen (please pick a principle that is different from the one you focused on in class).

This blog response will be worth a ten point homework grade for history. Those points will be earned by demonstratinig significant effort and depth of analysis.


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  2. i would have to say that an example of equal protection NOT happening would be the immigration law passed in Arizonia in 2010. It gives autorities the right in arizonia to racially profile people and if they suspect someone is an illeagal immigrant then they can pull them over for no apparent reason and check for papers. Which is completly going against equal rights in the US, all people should be equals, poeple should not be racially profiled in this country, or anywhere. It's basically like the holocaust all over again. And in the Holocaust did people have equal rights? NO. Therefore, the Arizonia law on illegal immigration does NOT show any equal rights towards citizens.

  3. Although, our founding documents were written centuries ago the six democratic principles can still be applied to present day issues. For instance, the democratic principle of limited government is involved in the case in which Governor Rick Perry required girls in Texas to receive the vaccine against HPV (human papillomavirus) which in fact is the most common sexually transmitted infection. In addition, HPV can cause cervical cancer which Gov. Rick Perry claimed to try to prevent. Many people became angry because this forced upon vaccine seemed to give the government more control because the citizens of Texas no longer had the opportunity to choose whether or not they wanted their juvenile daughter to receive the injection. Young, twelve year old girls, were required to receive this injection which many believed imposed on personal liberties. This article also can also relate to the principle of equal protections because due to the Declaration of Independence stating that “all men are created equal” this requirement should then also apply to boys because the Gardasil vaccine also prevents males against anal cancer as well as genital warts. Later, the legislature passed a bill stopping Perry’s order because it was known that parent’s in Texas disagreed with the thought of their child having to receive a sexually transmitted disease vaccine based on an order from the government.

  4. One of the present-day issues in North America is the financial crisis. North America is trillions of dollars in debt for a variety of reasons. One of these reasons for this debt is the Army. When we are stationed in countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan it costs money. It costs money to supply the troops with food, weapons, and shelter. One of the democratic principles associated with this issue is Checks and Balances. There isn't one supreme branch who decides where our troops go, and how much money we spend. Together all of the three branches: Judicial, Executive, and Legislative decide what the course of action would be.

    Link related to troops being located:

  5. I think the dow dropping has made a huge impact on the people. This is a big issue and many people have lost a lot of money and debt has been the outcome. This isn't just affecting the United States, but it is affecting other countries around us. The dow has had the worst drops in history and this is really scaring people. In just one day, the dow will drop 513 points; 4.3%. The stock market is going crazy and soon many people are going to lose their houses, jobs, cars, etc. The stock market is a gamble and therefore you can't predict what is going to happen. In that fact, it is very dangerous and luck is needed. I think this is an example of checks and balances because the stock market is being monitored, but there is nothing the government can do about it.

  6. Many of the current issues that our country has, all lead back to the democratic principles.Music has made a huge impact on almost every person in the United States and other places around the world, both negatively and positively. From Michael Jackson to Britney Spears and all of the other music artists out there, every single one of them has sung a song that reached out to someone and made an impact of their live. These artists can sing about love or politics but the great thing about that, is that they have the freedom to do so. The limitation that the government has on certain things such as the freedom of speech, gives artists the ability to sing in the ways that they wan't to express themselves. In Seattle, the all famous rock band group Nirvana are celebrating their 1994 performance of "Teen Spirit" performed by Kurt Cobain. Nirvana came in practice with the democratic principle, limited government way back in the day, when Cobain sang "I feel stupid and contagious/Here we are now, entertain us" which was part of the lyrics from "Smells Like Teen Spirit". As it states in the First Amendment of the Constitution, the government is limited to telling citizens the way they can speak or voice their opinions.

  7. Legislators and Civil Rights Groups Call on Congress to End Racial Profiling. Racial Profiling became a big deal after the 9/11 terror attack. I understand it but I know people who are greatly affected because of Racial Profiling. A lot of times when they go to fly there always pulled aside for what they call a "random search" when its not random at all they just want to search him because of his ethnicity. It's not fair what so ever it would be reasonable if it happened once but he says every time he fly's he goes through that. There is a " End Racial Profiling Act of 2011" going on where there trying to get Congress and the Obama administration to pass that Act. Racial profiling completely goes against the everyone is equal law because if everyone actually was equal there wouldn't be people getting judged based on there race. I understand taking precautions after 9/11 but Americans do take it one step to far thinking everyone Muslim is a terrorist.

  8. An ongoing issue and debate that is still present in the United States is the death penalty. For years it was considered unconstitutional and went against the Eighth and Fifth Amendment (...nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law...) and "inherently violates the constitutional ban against cruel and unusual punishment and the guarantees of due process of law and of equal protection under the law." The Supreme Court later ruled that capital punishment is in fact constitutional and while it is not prohibited by international law, many states have voted to continue the use of the death penalty. Many citizens believe that it fosters a culture of violence and is the ultimate denial of human rights. It is also believed that the death penalty is not applied fairly. 55% of the people punished to death are mostly made up of Blacks and Latinos and a vast majority of them are poor. It goes against the human rights document, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and is considered our deepest human rights abuse. The death penalty goes against equal protection because it’s not throughout the entire country; less than half of the states don’t agree to it. Therefore the death penalty is uncivilized in the states that continue it and doesn’t provide citizens with equal protection throughout the United States.

  9. high unemplyment is a probalem and president obabma is trying to pass a law called the job acts of 2011. the plan is to encourage businesses to hire more employees and increase wages in exchange for certain tax credits. so what that means is that if businesses higher more people their taxes will go down. obama will give a certain amount of money towards different types of industries like construction or schools. both parties though are concerned about how it will be paid for. the best example of the six principles that tie into this would most likely be checks and balances. president obama is in the executive branch but it has too pass with legislative branch.

  10. Discrimination in the United States continues to be a problem in the United States. This is very prevalent in the Muslim community. There are many anti-Muslim groups throughout America. Even 10 years after the attacks on 9/11. They still get ridiculed based on their religion. Even just regular Muslim Americans who love our country and work hard for it are still being disrespected. Assistant US Attorney general for civil rights, Thomas Perez says, “There has been a 150 percent jump in workplace discrimination against Muslims." This is not a good sign. Much like what Pat said, there is way too much racial profiling occurring in the USA. Just because someone is of Muslim descent, it doesn't mean they are a terrorist or are connected to them. They are just regular people who are just trying to live their lives. This issue relates to the principle of equal protection because Muslims are not being treated the same way others are in this country. They have the same rights, but those rights aren't being upheld like they should be.

  11. As others have said, racial profiling is something that is happening and has been happening in the United States and is something that violates the Equal Protection clause. In the article I read, it talked about several cases of racial profiling, and how it has caused trouble for the targeted groups that is unnecessary. In 2001, Attorney General Ashcroft said racial profiling is “An unconstitutional deprivation of equal protection under our Constitution.” Looking at the Supreme Court case of Terry vs. Ohio, it was deemed appropriate for a police officer to search somebody if they had a warrant if they thought it highly possible that person could have a weapon or be posing a criminal threat. When looking at statistics showing the people who have been searched or been pulled aside by police who are thought to be having criminal behavior, it shows that there has been some racial profiling going on whether it is known to the police or not that they are tending to target brown-skinned people and people who have been racially classified to do more criminal acts. A more recent case of racial profiling, as others above have stated, is the racial profiling of the Muslim and middle-eastern descending people post 9/11 attacks. Not only have people personally been more racist towards these people, but there have been physical acts done against them because of what a small portion of them did. In 2001 in California following the attacks, a California Anti-Terrorism Information Center was opened to report suspicious behavior. Many middle-eastern people were reported because of their ethnicity, without any real evidence following the report. There have also been hate-crimes done against them because of the profiling. Recently, in New York City a Muslim Community center was planned to be built near ground zero. Many people are very opposed to this because this religion is associated with the attacks, whereas had 9/11 not happened, nobody would really think about the community center being built.

  12. Reviewing the blog that I previously posted, I believe that the government didn’t receive too much control. Since we discussed limited government in class it made me realize that the government does have the right to take action if they believe that topic to be very important and relevant to issues. Due to the fact that cancer is such a danger to ones life, I believe that Governor Rick Perry was just taking precautionary to avoid deaths within the state of Texas and that it didn’t violate the democratic principle of limited government.

  13. In the United States today, it is vey evident to understand that Americans and the country itself are facing a great deal of economic issues. The United States has dug itself into huge debt that is obviously difficult to climb out of. I read an article titled, "Senate Panel Votes to Trim Legislative Branch Spending." The article described how “The Senate Appropriations Committee agreed to a draft legislative branch appropriations bill today (Newshauser)” that could potentially lead to additional layoffs around Capitol Hill. This would also result in a budget cut of the Capitol Police who has yet to be given a pay deduction in the 112th Congress. If this bill is passed it would lower the Senate budget to $237 million, which can also be translated to 5.2%. This leaves the Capitol Police to a 2.6% cut which is about $28.8 million in all. The Department asked for a “25-officer and 10-cililian increase (Newshauser)” but this bill proposes that the workforce will be “freezing at 1,775 officers and 370 civilians (Newshauser).” The article further describes how much of a deduction the Library of Congress, The Architect of the Capitol, The Senate, The Government Printing Office, The Government Accountability Office and the Congressional Budget Office will receive in order to maintain there proposal.

    This article demonstrates the democratic principal of checks and balances. This is an example of checks and balances because it shows that just because this bill is proposed doesn’t mean it immediately goes into play. Congress proposed the bill, the president (executive branch) has the power to veto this bill, but if he chooses to accept it, the judicial branch has to interpret the bill and make sure it is constitutional. This shows how each branch plays its part in making a bill, and making sure one branch doesn’t have more power than the other. This could further exemplify the democratic principal of Separations of Power because it is describing how there are three branches of government that are responsible for different tasks.

  14. The current day issue i would like to talk about today is an issue with the minimum wage in America. This relates to checks and balances. The issue is that people have been arguing the a family that relies on a minimum wage income does not make enough to support itself. in other words, people who get paid minimum wage are not getting paid enough. The argument against this is that many of the people who are getting paid minimum wage are not the "primary bread winners". in other words, the majority of people who get paid minimum wage are not the only ones within the household or family who is being paid. For example, a teenager with a job would be getting minimum wage but his/her parents are most likely being paid above minimum wage. As of right now, there is a bill in illinois that may or may not be passed that would raise minimum wage to $10.65 by 2014. This all relates back to checks and balances because the different branches of gov. need to vote on this bill and pass it for it to become a law. The bill must go through each branch and get passed on throughout the cycle until the president eventually passes it or veto's it.

    How a bill becomes law-

    illinois minimum wage bill-

  15. An example of equal protection right was not shown in Poverty grows in Rick Perry's Texas, they tried but they could not come yup with a way that they could all be protected equally. People in taxes are becoming really poor and the government are trying to get people jobs and trying but it does not work all the time they are paying them less than minimum wage. And Rick Perry is not talking about anything that is going on with the poor men and woman in Texas he is just talking about the people that have money. They all dont have equal protection because they all cant do what they want and be protected the way they want to because of being poor. people do not have equal rights in Texas.

  16. One issue that currently faces our country is taxes. Lower income Americans currently pay higher percentages than higher income Americans. Democrats oppose this policy and not just the low income ones. Warren Buffett, one of the wealthiest men in America, sent a letter to the President, suggesting that he "continue the current... reduction in the employee... payroll tax. This cut helps the poor and the middle class, who need every break they can get"(2). Warren Buffett suggested that the tax on the wealthy be raised to the same percentage as the tax on the middle class. President Obama is expected to suggest a proposal to Congress to raise taxes on the wealthy. This is an example of equal protection, as the responsibility of the wealthy is going to be the same (percentage wise) as the responsbility of the middle class. However, it is also an example of checks and balances, because constitutionally, the President is kept in check by Congress and the Judiciary, and this is an example of that because Congress is granted the power to make this a bill and pass it, which sends it to the President to sign into law, keeping both branches in check. This issue does not involve the Judiciary unless its constitutionality is questioned, in which case, it is reviewed by the Federal Court System.



  17. "I have a dream that one day our nation will. . .live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal."- Martin Luther King

    In the United States today, people view this country as the land of the free and the opportunity. However discrimination and inequality remain and are serious issues needing to be solved. The Equal Rights Amendment states that people in the United States by law are treated equally in all circumstances even though there race, religion, gender, e.c.t are different. But again discrepancy and inequality are still held. For instance in the article, The Fight For Equal Rights Continues, by John Shabe, people are not happy with the big gap still remaining between blacks and whites. In the article, Shabe writes this and talks about how African Americans are still outsiders and different from whites even though laws have been made to show that they are equal. He continues by stating that laws such as allowing blacks to vote, work, and attend schools with whites have made an huge positive impact but racial discrepancy still remains. Blacks still are outnumbered and racial violence occurs because of this. The equal protection is NOT in effect and blacks are still being treated differently.

    Paul Delany is an example of this unequal protection. He says that things have improved a lot from his past time where blacks couldn't go to the same restaurants, bubblers, and bathrooms as whites, but he still feels his race matters. He says even though he might not get beat up like he used to, his race gives him a different treatment than of those who are white. Delany continues and says that new laws are not the answer to this problem and that the only way to change this issue is if there is an attitude change in the United States.

  18. I just realized I forgot to post the link to my article, and I couldn't figure out how to edit my post to add it in. So here's the link to the article I wrote about:

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Global warming is a huge issue going on in the United States. Our fossil fuel consisting of coils, oil and natural gases are polluting our environment faster than anything else. when fossil fuels, they create a large amount of carbon, and a small amount of hydrogen and carbon. 85% of the United States energy comes from fossil fuels. The National Academy of Sciences let out some reports in 2010 to the United States telling them that they needed to stop burning heat-trapping gases. The Union of Concerned Scientists said that the US will nearly phase out coal by the year 2030. President Barack Obama says, since global warming began, the amount of hurricanes and other natural disaster has doubled in the last 30 years. Scientist believe that some of the poorer countries will worsen famine and drought, then will eventually go across the whole world. Obama's speech to Governors Global Climate Summit, November 2008, tells us that sea-levels are rising and will dramatically effect populated coastal areas. The US needs to straighten out this issue, because the natural disasters are starting to take a turn for the worst.

  21. Allowing children of illegal immigrants U.S citizenship is a big concern right now. In the two articles I read they talked about the Dream Act, which states that, "the idea behind the bill is to give people who were under 16 when they entered the United States the opportunity to become legal residents. Those who have a GED or high school degree, have lived in the United States for at least five years, and are younger than 35 would be eligible for conditional legal status for six years. During that time, they would have to graduate from two years of college or honorably serve two or more years in the military. Then they would qualify for U.S. citizenship." (Goodwin) This article is saying that even though young kids had came into the United States with their parents as illegal immigrants, it is not fair to not let them apply for college or go into the military because of a decision they had no control over. President Obama had said in December of 2010 that he wanted to work on and change the politics of the immigration debate on children of illegal immigrants in 2011. This would fall under Equal Protection because the government needs o decided whether or not they want to allow children that are illegal immigrants to attend college or serve in the military for some sort of honorable service to qualify for citizenship. They believe that these illegal children should be treated equally because they had no choice in this decision to come into the country as illegal immigrants and should not be held accountable for that decision and deported.

    This serves as a huge topic in the United States today because immigration is a big concern across the country and the American people and the government still do not know where this law or how illegal immigrants should stand as of now. A lot of people are against this idea of letting them stay here as illegal immigrants and then just allow them to attend college or even fight for our country in the military. They believe that they are here illegally and should be deported. While others feel differently and believe that these children should have a chance to prove themselves. These two articles showed me a good understanding on Equal Protection and how it applies to many people here int he U.S.

  22. A present day issue in our country is the high unemployment rates rising and rising. President Obama is trying to pass a law that’s called The Jobs Act of 2011. This law wants to cut taxes to help small businesses grow and help them hire more people. Other things covered in the American Jobs Act is: Putting workers back on the job while rebuilding and modernizing America, Making pathways back to work for Americans that are seeking jobs, Have a tax relief for every American worker and family, and also Fully paid for as part of the president’s long-term deficit reduction plan. So, if this law does get passed, then people who are unemployed will have their taxes go down to help the smaller businesses. The best example of the six principles we learned about in class for this situation would be the checks and balances group. This ties into my current even because checks and balances is to make sure that the power is balances between the three branches of the government. The law can’t be passed until the legislative branch approves of it because that is the branch of government that passes or denies a new law.

  23. A problem in the United States right now is Obamacare. People have been wondering, is Obamacare unconstitutional. Well, let's see. Obamacare is Obama's plan on requiring every United States citizen to buy Medicare or health insurance from the government. If you don't buy it citizens will have to pay a fee. According to the article, the government is not allowed to force upon the citizens health insurance with a fee if refused. There is one major problem behind all of this though. Obama is trying to make jobs for those who don't have them but is making hundreds of people lose jobs when Obamacare is put into play. Obamacare is going to shutdown health insurance companies such as Red Cross and Blue Cross Blue Shield causing people to go without jobs which is the opposite of what he wants but the cause of what he does.

    This relates to one of the six things we covered in class; limited government. Limited government is where the people give power to the government and that the constitution gives power to the government. And also allows people to make a stand and speak out against government. Obamacare is going against limited government because it will be forced amongst the citizens with fees if refused. This is bringing back our history with the Boston Tea Party and Britain forcing colonists to buy only their tea with high excessive taxes on everything. Well, now the government has caused the US to go into recession and has caused is (keyword) forcing upon us Obamacare with fees if refused. The government is going against what the colonists were committing treason to get rid of. The colonists were saying no to the excessive taxes and forced and limited goods, and now the government will soon be forcing Obamacare with fees.

    This again relates to limited government because the government seems to be gaining too much power. The public keeps on speaking out about this but the government doesn't seem to be backing down on this. The public can give and take power from the government but the gov't isn't going with it.

    In the article it states that the government can't pass something like this but the state can. It talks about how the commerce clause in the constitution states that the government can regulate flow of of goods. The author of the article, on the other hand, stated that the government doesn't have right to do this but the state can.

    If you'd like to read more about this article go here:

    If you'd like to learn more on what Obamacare is go here:

    If you want to learn what the commerce clause is go here:

  24. After the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico president obama started a moratorium which is a ban on deep water oil drilling. This caused thousands of people to lose there jobs. After this happened states sued and said that obama dose not have the right to do this. This is called separation of powers in which the president does not have the power to do this. On June 22 Judge Feldman said “Such dismissive conduct, viewed in tandem with the re-imposition of a second blanket and substantively identical moratorium, and in light of the national importance of this case, provide this court with clear and convincing evidence of the government’s contempt,” which means he said it was not legally allowed. What obama did was took off his initial moratorium and started his own informal moratorium which is that he told all the people in the obama administration to not hand out permits for deep water drilling. So far even though the moratorium was taken off thousands of people still cannot work. This is clear abuse of separation of powers.

  25. One of the largest issues in American society today is the creation of jobs. Since his inauguration into the presidential office, President Obama has been trying to find a solution to creating more jobs in an American economy which is not fit for an increase in job creation. Obama's new plan seems to be one that would work well when given the benefits, but once the disadvantages are clear, it is apparent that there are some radical parts to this plan. Obama plans to pay for this plan "with limits on tax deductions and closing corporate tax loopholes." Even with these limits Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi believes that "simply approving tax cuts without including spending on public works and local and state government assistance would not do enough to spur the economy." I believe this new jobs bill is not a matter of liberal or conservative opinion, it just isn't the solution to our country's economy.

    This issue relates to equal protection because if every citizen of America is granted equal protection, then they should all be granted jobs and a source of earned pay. To me, being unemployed, homeless, or bankrupt does not seem fitting to the definition of protected. Jobs surely do need to be created, and hopefully they will be soon before our economy undergoes yet another recession.

  26. Questionably the biggest and most talked about current day issue in the U.S. is unemployment. Back in 1948 the unemployment rate was 5.70% of American citizens, and in 2010 it reached a high number of 10.80%. That is a little over 1 in 10 people in the U.S. not having a job to help support themselves and their family. A part of this reason is that because the population of the U.S. is always rising from births and immigrants at such a fast pace the amount of jobs can’t keep up with it. Also with better technology it can take someone less time and effort to do a task than compared to twenty years ago. The taxes for the public have gone up and the Democrats believe to raise it up more so that it can help the U.S. get out of the big debt they have, in order to create jobs. But with limited government the people of the country won’t pass the law to allow it on the ballots letting no change to happen.

  27. People in America are going day to day without a job. President Obama plans to change that. He plans on creating over 2 million new jobs by the 447 million dollar bill proposal. The new jobs would include new roads and building and would hire long term unemployed men and woman. This event in American relates to our study of Limited Government. There are several side that people take talking about this subject. However, the most common is whether the government should intervene and help people in life. The Tea Party (who believes in reduced government spending) believes that government should not spend money creating jobs for the unemployed. Limited Government has been a conflict among citizens for years, and the issue will most likely never be solved. If we had a limited government, there would be no help for people in need. Taxes wouldnt be spent on the poor as much as they would be spent on the rich, and people would wake up jobless for the rest of their life
