Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Zack Current Event

In a recent interview, former Governor of Massachusetts and Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney was asked about President Barack Obama’s Foreign Policy and did not hesitate to say that on a graded scale, Romney would give him quote on quote “An 'F', there's no question about that". When asked for his harsh reasoning Romney said "When I look at foreign policy, when I look across the board in foreign policy, I look at the fact that he was looking to have a force of American troops staying in Iraq securing what was so hard to have been won there with a status of forces agreement. He failed to achieve it.” In response to Romney’s comments, a member of Barack Obama’s re-election campaign, Tim Roemer responded by saying that the Governor was “misguided”.  "Since taking office, President Obama has responsibly ended the war in Iraq; decimated al-Qaeda's leadership, including Osama bin Laden; is winding down the war in Afghanistan; reduced the threat of nuclear weapons; strengthened our alliances; increased our exports overseas, creating jobs here at home; and led the world in putting crippling sanctions on Iran…Gov. Romney is out of the mainstream even of his own party on foreign policy, and many prominent Republican experts have recognized President Obama's accomplishments on these issues."

So the question that remains is whether or not President Obama should receive an “F” for his foreign policy plan? What grade would you give him?

1 comment:

  1. Tim Roemer responded by saying that the Governor was “misguided”. "Since taking office. event studies.
