Tuesday, December 13, 2011

current event

Monday, the senate of Iran announced that two bills were unanimously passed regarding women called the Anti-Women Practices Bill and the Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill. Senator Nilofar Bakhtiar led the charge for such rights and finally had the two bills passed. He stated that the reason for these bills was that “several practices and customs in vogue in the country which were not only against human dignity but also volatile to human rights”.

In these new bills, one main issue that the bill regarded was that women are now not forced into marriage or have to marry the Quran. The women also if forced to marry, than the perpetrator will would be punished with imprisonment of up to seven years but not less than three years. The perpetrator would also, on top of jail time, be fined for their actions.

Another main reason that was mentioned in these bills was that women now were also in Iran allowed to receive their rightful share in inheritance and giving. Section 498A of the bill states that “woman inheriting any movable or immovable property at the time of opening of succession” and whoever by deceitful or illegal needs deprives such, will also be punished and put in jail that may reach up to 10 years and no less than 5. The perpetrator in this case would also be fined twice as much as the last offense would be.

Nilofar Bakhtiar believes in these two laws and states that currently, Such customary norms, which are contrary to Islamic injunctions, should be done away forthwith and the persons continuing such practices be dealt with severely by providing penal and financial liabilities and furthermore believes that these two bills that were recently passed can fix that.

Essential Question: Do you agree with what Nilofar Bakhtiar is saying and with the new laws that were passed? Why or why not?

Sources: http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=10937&Cat=13



  1. I do agree with what Nilofar Bakhitar is saying. If these laws were not put into affect, then their human rights would be violated. You shouldn't force someone to marry someone else if they did not like them. It is not a true marriage unless both agree with it. The law is good, because if they violate it, then they will be imprisoned for a good amount of time and they will be fined. The only question I have is, If they get married by force and the man gets imprisoned, are they still married? I immagined that they would no longer be married due to this law. I strongly agree with the laws that were put into place.

  2. If I am understanding this correctly, I think that these laws should be forced into effect because like Vinny said, it violates women’s rights. If they are being forced to marry and when they become married they lose inheritance, it is although they are being forced into a life chosen for them, which almost guarantees an unhappy lifestyle. These laws need to be enforced to protect the rights of women to live as happy individuals with a chance to succeed on their own will. I also wonder the same question as Vinny, that how would the marriage last if the husband could be in jail for up to seven years. I think that the men that force the women into these commitments definitely need to be penalized because clearly the women aren’t supported enough to have stopped this earlier. I think that change is definitely needed and passing these laws is an excellent beginning.

  3. i absolutely agree with Nilofar Bakhita because as vinny said women should not be forced to marry. also it is defiantly right that if the man should be imprisoned for what he is doing because that is not right for them to force a women to marry you. i mean are they marrying them for the money or are they just marrying them because they think they should? but yes i agree with the laws put into place and it is wrong that they where forcing them to marry them.

  4. I completely agree with what Nilofar Bakhtiar is saying.I do not think that it's right to allow women to be forced to marry. I believe that forcing someone into marriage is totally in just and it should not be allowed to happen under any circumstance. I feel as though it is fair that men that attempt to force a woman into marriage should receive both a fine and imprisonment because men should not be viewed as having complete control over women. I also believe that this new law will be great for their society because women should receive their rightful share of inheritance and giving. I think that men and women should be treated equally and therefore they should receive the same benefits.

  5. I agree with Nilofar Bekhitiar, it is not right to force women to marry someone. I think that it should be the women's choice if they want to marry the guy or not. I also feel that it is not fair that men are trying to force women to marry them and they should get imprisoned for that. As Cassandra said I think this law will be great for them because women should be able to pick who they want to marry and when they want to spend their life with. I think it would be a good idea for the law to be passed.

  6. I definitely agree with Nilofar Bekhtiar in passing these laws. As people before me have said, the idea of being forced to marry is against their rights. The addition of these laws will hopefully stop the forced marriages on women and control the men that are taking charge of these women. They no longer can take advantage of a woman without having the penalty of a fine or jail time. The Criminal Law I feel will be most beneficial to women because this will stop the increase in acid throwing incidents by corrosive substances. This will hopefully be a step in the right direction for these women to be protected under other laws in the future.

  7. I agree with what Nilofar Bekhtiar in passing these laws. Forcing someone to marry someone else without both them agreeing to it, is taking away someone's basic rights. As many others' have said, forcing someone into marriage should result with consequences of the law. I would definatly go more towards inprisinment for indiviuals that force marriage upon others because that indiviual is taking away all rights of freedom. This law should be enforced because women's rights need to be protected. All men and women should be treated equally.

  8. I do agree with what Nilofar Bakhtiar said. It is wrong to force a woman to marry an object especially against their will. Making a law is important because now there will be consequences for committing this crime. Jail time and money should keep people from doing this in Iran, it is now important that the government sticks with it and actually come down on the criminals.

  9. I definitely agree with Nilofar Bekhtiar in passing this law. If these laws weren't passed, then their rights would be completely violated. You shouldn't be allowed to force someone to marry someone they don't want to. It should be the women's choice if she wants to marry the guy or not. Hopefully, the addition of these new laws will stop forced marriages on the women and control the men that take advantage of these women.

  10. Yes I do agree with what he is saying. These bills represent a huge step forward for Iran because they are coming from a country where women were treated unbelievably unfair. Woman in Iran were unable to have life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness because of all the rules and regulations put on them. Woman being denied the inalienable rights were part of Iran's culture and religion, but this is no excuse for them to have them. It's a very good thing that they are starting to tear apart their religion so the woman can live good lives.
